Recent content by cutie22

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  1. cutie22

    Addvise on my web page

    keep up the good work ^^,
  2. cutie22

    Special prayer/thought request

    oohh... that was so sad.. RIP Mr. Bill Jacobs..
  3. cutie22

    Addvise on my web page

    nice website, it is more attractive if you add a background that is related to your cattle website and I agree that you can upgrade your site with your own hosting so that it will be easily search by people and easily remembered. and also there are no other ads at the top when you get a domain ^^,
  4. cutie22

    Making a logo

    if you have done drawing a logo, you can scan it on computer then edit it on photoshop CS4 for nice looking and what design you want.. try to learn photoshop it's complex but it became easy when you used it frequently.. you can find tutorial on youtube
  5. cutie22

    Making own website

    if your first time to create a website you can start with hosting sites such as, but it is better to get your own domain sites ^^, for easy to search.
  6. cutie22

    New Site

    Great site! keep up the good work ^^,