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  1. P

    Black is fading

    I was visiting with an friend , who is a cattle buyer in the  South Texas, he has been a close friend for the last 40 plus years and  bought and sold  commercial cattle for me ---He like most others in Texas , have been skeptical of  my shorthorn  herd.  I made the observation that in the last...
  2. P

    How to salvage older quality bulls

    After using a bull for 3 or 4 years , many breeders pack the bulls in order to  replace them with  different bloodlines or  younger bulls---I have often thought that it would  work to my benefit  to purchase some of these older bulls to use in my herd ----I have bought many young bulls and  many...
  3. P

    2013 Durhams for Denver

    Where can I locate a lot by lot result for Jungels yard bulls any ideas---never before had such trouble getting the results, was it a good sale or not?