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Jan 24, 2013
I was visiting with an friend , who is a cattle buyer in the  South Texas, he has been a close friend for the last 40 plus years and  bought and sold  commercial cattle for me ---He like most others in Texas , have been skeptical of  my shorthorn  herd.  I made the observation that in the last couple of months  I had a good many calls  from  guys looking for shorthorn bulls.  He was not surprised, he stated that the black cattle no longer had a lock on the market---he went on to say he had orders  for red cattle of all classes . He is sending lots of red cows to  Arkansas, and is unable to find enough cows---- with the  Texas cow herd being so small due to drought--- The guys who have talked with me are looking to shorthorns to cross on both red and black  angus--for the carcass and maternal traits with increased milk production-----Has anyone else noticed  a growing interest in red cattle..