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    SAV Angus Valley

    Does anybody have any experience with this bull?  Want to breed a bunch of Angus and Angus X Simmental heifers and don't want throw away calves.  Looking for heifer calves that will make cows and marketable steer calves.  Don't want or need over-the-top calving ease, just want to avoid wrecks.
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    James Hayes

    Received word today that James Hayes of Cookstown, Ontario died on Sunday on his way back from a show in Quebec at age 58.  James was widely known in eastern Canada through his involvement in the showring with Northern Fitting Service.
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    The heifer from h$ll

    A friend of mine has a PB Angus Jan. heifer calf at my place that we have been working on.  She was started in June by dragging a halter around the pen and tying her up for a couple of hours every day.  She ty broke well, but as soon as you go to untie her, she trys to nail you with her head...
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    Feeding show heifers

    My daughter, my neighbor's kid and 2 of my daughters friends have Apr. yearling Angus 4-H heifers that they want to show in about 75 days time.  These heifers are out on a small orchard grass pasture by themselves and are in good breeding shape.  They would weigh about 900 lbs.  I know that to...
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    Developing show heifers

    I am not a show cattle person.  I run commercial cows and a few PB Angus cows and run a small feedlot.  My daughter and a few of her friends have 4-H heifers at my place that are currently weighing 800 lbs in moderate condition.  These are PB Angus april yearlings that have been grown out on...