Feeding show heifers

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Active member
Mar 1, 2009
My daughter, my neighbor's kid and 2 of my daughters friends have Apr. yearling Angus 4-H heifers that they want to show in about 75 days time.  These heifers are out on a small orchard grass pasture by themselves and are in good breeding shape.  They would weigh about 900 lbs.  I know that to be reasonably competitive that we need to slog the feed to them, but I don't want to wreck them either.  Kids are feeding them a concoction of ground oats and barley (75/25) and a little bit of linseed oil meal.  I need to mix them up some new feed in the next few days.  Feedstuffs that we can use are:
linseed oil meal
 They have just been getting 5 lbs/head/day, but we will turn this up substantially.  What are everybodies thoughts on a suitable mix for these calves.  We are not going to be buying a prepared feed.  I have a problem with selling grain in 45 tonne loads and buying it back in a bag!


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
Don't know why the current ration their on wouldn't be fine. I'd gradually increase their intake over the 21 days until they are at full feed.  You could substitute corn in place of the barley but if you have access to barley I'd use that instead since you need some cover in a short period of time. A 50:25:25 mixture of oats (50), corn (25) and barley(25) would be a good choice also.  I would continue linseed oil meal, that'd put a good shine on them. 