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  1. dare3324

    Finally - AI certified!

    My first AI calf is the weeks old! It is a great feeling . They instructors are right that the beef cows are easier .
  2. dare3324

    County Fair Facilities

    I would certainly want a contract with the city that they cannot sell the property that the new facility is built on if 4-h is paying for it.
  3. dare3324

    Semen Prices on New Bulls

    Leanbeef and justintime hit on this. In my mind if I owned a new promotional bull I would price it high in order to insure use on high quality females in order to produce a high quality calf crop right out of the gate. I do believe 1/2 of the genetics come from mama.
  4. dare3324


    I have always told my boys we will always be 100  percent honest  and open in everything we do. Because if and when you reach the top you cannot leave any ammunition for the doubters. Fortunately we have met about of people that are the same.
  5. dare3324

    Augusta Pride 3127 Son

    Thanks for all the help. I will check out Sunrise and Red lion. Just to let you know I am looking to use him on a solution daughter and granddaughter that is it of jazz.
  6. dare3324

    Augusta Pride 3127 Son

    I looked up the WHR Augusta Sunrise on the asa site and came up with nothing. Is it possible they changed the name? Also am I looking past the obvious and there is a full sib bull to her? Thanks for all the help so far.
  7. dare3324

    Augusta Pride 3127 Son

    If this has been covered I am sorry, but, I was unable to find it. I am looking for a son of GCC Augusta Pride 3127. Does anyone know of one and if so what is your opinion of him?
  8. dare3324


    We love ours. I especially like it when clipping. We have the remote so I can blow of an area without getting up.As far as power it is  every bit as good..
  9. dare3324

    Names for my Steer

    I have always tried to get the boys to name one Grand.
  10. dare3324

    Semen came today!

    I would only concern myself when you see the heifer riding and he doesn't. If he won't put her in with the cows. Steers ride from time to time from what I have seen.  Also, if you have a near term cow, that is almost as good as a spotter bull. Their hormones seem to be in overdrive.
  11. dare3324

    Something Positve!

    A good work ethic. Without it everything in life is harder.
  12. dare3324

    Strange Scenario...

    Our mentor in the cattle business is a long time shorthorn breeder. He always says it takes longer to make a bull. His rule is the longer it goes past due the odds go up it is a bull, after 10 days it is almost for sure. My sons first steer we bought from him and was 14 days overdue. I would not...
  13. dare3324

    careful pricing your low end show steers

    As someone who only purchases $7 corn. It is nice to see prices begin to offset. I know I sold a bred heifer last fall I wish I had back. But, the fuel price increasing is going to turn everything upside down.
  14. dare3324

    barn cameras

    I just got done installing this camera before coming in and seeing this thread. It seems great and I can watch from work or even on a mobile connection. It is a fixed camera and no audio. But it...
  15. dare3324

    Speckle Park inDenver

    This is our first heifer we bought and her third calf which is now a steer.  They are both SHorthorn plus but sure could qualify color wise for  a speckle park. I am always interested on learning about the different breeds.
  16. dare3324

    Cattle clipping????

    Depending on your county there is a clinic in May at the Jasper county fairgrounds. I know we were getting several counties to go together. I think it is like $30 a kid. If you would like I could get you more info. We are in Newton and are participating.
  17. dare3324

    options on heifer safe shorthorn bulls

    I hope ALM Chiller turns out to be. I used him on our JPJ daughter.
  18. dare3324

    Shorthorn Plus steer

    He hasn't been weighed since Nov. 5th when he was 540 lbs. His b-day is 4-23. He is broke to lead. We are in NW Indiana. $1200 and he is yours. If that sounds to cheap to be a good one I would accept more if it makes him look better.
  19. dare3324

    Welfare Aid Abuse!! A Good Read. N/C

    I truly believe that charity needs to be left to Family, friends, and the church. Anything else seperates the donator and the recipient which makes for a lack of gratitude and the donator also loses out on the good feeling of helping someone in need. Both are equally important I think to a good...
  20. dare3324

    Shorthorn Steer

    The steer is still available and we are just north of Kentland. I sent you a PM.