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  1. M

    Cloning a bull?

    I would suggest you call Trans Ova/Bovance to get current prices.  I stopped at their booth in Denver and was asking some questions about their services,I know they told me they have one cloning program that starts at $16,000 per calf and goes down from there with volume.
  2. M

    best fitters

    If you could pick an all star team of the best fitters ever to work on your heifers, steers and bulls, who would be on the list?
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    Creep Feed: Qs

    last year I noticed racoons in the creep feeder regularly.  Is this something to be concerned about beyond the feed they eat?  Can they spread disease to the calves through the creep? What could you do to get rid of them?
  4. M

    PETA N/C

    what is the difference between: PETA HSUS ASPCA Are any of them good organizations or do we need to be concerned about all of them?
  5. M

    what is the longest time you have waited on a cow to calve?

    when you are talking about inducing, what protocols and drugs are you using?
  6. M

    spring calving problems

    so if I anticipate larger calves, does it make sense to induce them so they don't get too far over due date and if so, what protocol and drugs should be used?
  7. M

    RICO - good for the mob, good for HSUS?

    thanks for the advice sam1988, can you tell me what brand I should switch to that only costs $6?  ;D
  8. M

    Help? ringworm, fulvision

    Is it true that once a calf gets ringworm, he or she will never get it again?
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    charolais x club calf

    If you were going to breed a purebred Charolais cow to a club calf to try to get smokies, what club calf would you use?
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    heard a rumor that Bismark died....I hope that is not true.  does anyone know?
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    natural stride

    I have heard good things about natural stride....what is in it?
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    Walks Alone's first calves!

    Ty Webster had a nice steer at the Expo that I believe I heard was a Walks Alone
  13. M

    No colostrum

    has anyone ever purchased frozen colostrum from a dairy to use if the calf does not nurse right away?  Any problems with that?
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    Help? ringworm, fulvision

    What about using Tinactin covered with new liquid bandage to keep it air tight?  Anyone ever try that?
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    Old Sayings

    For stingy people my grandpa used to say "he's tighter than an ants a--(butt) stretched across a five gallon drum".
  16. M

    hairy heel warts

    Does anyone have a sure fire cure for "hairy heel warts"?  Unfortunately have it showing up in some show calves I bought.
  17. M

    what is the longest time you have waited on a cow to calve?

    I have had embryo transfer calves that were born up to 30 days apart....some heifers early and some bulls late
  18. M

    AI Twins?

    I have heard that more twins will be born from embryo transfer matings.  does anyone have experience with this?
  19. M

    spring calving problems

    For those more experienced than I, I am wondering if the tough winter weather will lead to more incidences of dystocia in calving and sickness, like calf scours?  I have heard that tough winters will mean larger calves in the spring but I don't know if that is fact or fiction.
  20. M

    RICO - good for the mob, good for HSUS?

    are you telling me I should no longer drink Yellow Tail wine? :)