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  1. W

    Right on and Joe B

    I just bought a Hereford steer out of Right On and an American steer out of Joe B.  Does anyone have a picture or information on these bulls?
  2. W

    ABC steer classed out at San Antonio

    We have a great, smoky ABC steer that didn't class at San Antonio.  I believe he should have.  All things considered, are there any tricks to make a sheath longer other than surgery?  We'll take him to Houston, in 2 weeks. Thanks steer6
  3. W

    Texas steer show judges & dates for Ft. worth steer show 2011

    I was wanting to know the judges for the major steer shows in Texas in 2011 - Ft. Worth, San Antonio, San Angelo, Houston, and Austin.  Also, I need the dates for Ft. Worth Steer show in 2011.  Thanks to anyone with this information!