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  1. P

    Building new working pens

    Ok so Ive recently started building new pens to work cows. I already have a set here at the house but have a place that is to far to load everything up and bring them to the house to. My question is for the  alley leading to the chute i was thinking instead of using sheet metal to go around the...
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    Clipping and fitting for pictures

    Family and i have decided to start selling cattle online this year. So have a question, for your those that have done this , do you normally do a complete fit job glue and all one your calves? Just trying to figure out what is best. TIA
  3. P

    Cool Room

    How cold does everyone like to have their cooler?
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    Texas majors

    In Texas when do all yall want your hogs to be born for like san Antonio and Houston
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    Power champ or opta-champ

    Got a few kids that have been wanting to feed either or of these products. I don't  know much about them I know what they are suppose to do but have never used them always used some stuff that sun glow use to make. Just need someone to shed some light on it for me and maybe what product works...
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    blade sharpening

    I am located close to Lubbock, Texas, and am need a lot of blades sharpened and really have had bad luck sending them off and getting them all back. Does anyone know of a place out close to Lubbock that does a good job.
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    my STEER is still bloated. NEED HELP!!!

    Best thing I have found to do is buy a bloat block and drop it down in their water trough. It makes the water a little brown but it sure works.
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    Cool Room Question

    It is a 12 x 24 room. But I think we are just going to build a shell over the barn. When I read this I thought why didn't I think of that before. Thank ya'll everyone really had some good ideas. The shell deal just makes more since and we still have a lot of material we need to use up before the...
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    Cool Room Question

    We Have two 18,000 BTU AC Units. It is a pole barn. It was a project for my ag kids to build and did a great job, they built the room them selves ran the eletical and everything, I had an eletrician come out and help with that, so that it was to code. We had a company out of lubbock come and...
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    Cool Room Question

    Our room is on the east side of our barn also, but is still gets hit pretty hard. It is insulated with four turbo fans and two window ac units in it also. I have built a room before and have not had this problem so this is new to have cool room that does not stay at a cooler temperature. I dont...
  11. P

    Cool Room Question

    Well with the weather getting hotter and hotter down here in Texas the cool room is becoming a new home for our calves. But i do have a question, We have had a company come in and spray foam insulation about 3 inches. However with that being said it is still a little warm in the room.I mean with...
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    Rodgers-Deadliest Catch has a video if I am not mistaken.
  13. P

    spring fling calf pics

    what type of cow is the salty dog calf out of?
  14. P

    Purple sweat ??

    Yes have done this with lots of herefords, works real well. Also went ahead and put two on them one the right way and one the other way. Stays on no problem.
  15. P

    American Steer Enough Character?

    The ears are the big one and really prolly needs some more sheath to him. But he could make it i've seen calves with less make it in
  16. P

    Walks Alone Heifer PRICE REDUCED

    Do you have any pics of the salty dog steer?
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    You know you are from a small town when .......

    When you have 9 students in your graduating class. There is tow cotton gins and on stop sign. Big one here The High School, Junior High and Elementary school are in the same building.
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    Selling embryos from "carrier" Angus donor cows

    Contracts that are a great way to cover your ass. I think you have covered it pretty well. Good thinking
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    Bull Calf

    Looks good whats he out of?
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    lighting up a chute

    I have seen people mount fluorescent lights with the ballast on the tops parts of the chute facing down. It really works well i have thought of doing it to all of my trim chutes that i take to shows they are up out of the way and light is really not a issue with them