dori36 said:
pigguy said:
can i get some better pictuers
I sent you a reply privately. I'll try to get some more pics tomorrow.
I hope that Dori doesn't mind me doing this little sales pitch...
I'm putting my reputation & credibilty on the line by doing something like this, so I am only going to call a spade a spade.
FWIW, I think that you will be impressed when you see some different pics of this little guy. I like him enough that I've been seriously kicking around the idea of buying him myself! Still am. I am considering him as a bull to breed to my F1 heifers, but Dori's right, he should do really well in the light weight classes as a steer. Also, he's ideal for showmanship classes & 1st time show people because of his excellent disposition. He's a really stout rascal & will end up looking like a tank when all is said & done, IMHO. His dam is a extremely soggy female that is a Champ who has produced Champs. And his granddam is a really nice looking BIG Angus cow. BTW, make sure that Dori sends you a pic of his full sister...

For that matter, be sure to check out a pic of his dam too...

She's got a nice udder & I wish I had a whole herd like her!!
IMHO, he'll make a really nice heifer bull that should really stouten up his calves & make great replacements that you could breed Clubby to produce some cracker jacks or he'll make a good show steer for a 1st time exhibitor who wants to compete in both the light weight classes & showmanship... Also, these 3/4 bloods are a decent amount bigger than the fullbloods & his granddam was a BIG Angus cow, so he is going to put on more weight than many might think.