More bulls in working clothes. All are taken while out with the cows on native pasture.
A Pistol Pete son that was one of the first Maine herd bulls we used. Many of our cows are out of him. Kicked the bucket in 2001 at the age of 7.
Our first Meyer son. Bought him when another bull that was sent to us didn't test out. I reluctantly accepted this one as a replacement since I'd never heard of Meyer 734 back in 98. He tested out great this fall, but really started losing weight so we sold him a couple of months ago. Grandpa worked hard for us for nearly 10 years.
A direct son of Cunia out of Foreplay's dam. Born in 99 and still working hard, although we've cut back on the number of cows we use him on. Photo taken back in December.
Our "new" Meyer son, born in 2003. Photo taken back in December.
One of our "steer" bulls. Photo taken at 3 yrs old. This one was actually our spastic paresis culprit some of you might remember me posting about. We sold him at the age of six this fall after we had an affected calf two years in a row. We used him on about 40-50 cows each of the past few years. He raised our best calves two years running. No problems other than the one calf each year but we just couldn't put up with that. I've got a 360 lb steer born in January that my little boy is going to drag for a lightweight steer at Houston next year. He's awfully young, but he is the best muscled calf we've ever raised and looks to be as sound as can be. He's my expirament for the year to see if I can get him there. If he average's 2.5 lbs/day, he'll make it fine.