acidosis/laminitis in show cattle

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
please help!!!! i am doing a vet science project for our county fair on acidosis/ laminitis. i have also been told by our local priority one dealer that my heifer may have a touch of acidosis.  has anybody had a problem with this or any info regarding this matter. any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!
Thank You


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
  What does your feed dealer base his diagnosis of possible acidosis off of?  A little more roughage along with some baking soda should help if needed and won't hurt anything if not needed.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2009
Every bovine that is fed any grain will daily have a "touch" of acidosis.  Some cases are just worse than others.  The key is to feed enough roughage, or feed in a manner in which grain is delivered more consistently to the rumen to maintain a more basic ph.  God didn't design cattle to eat grain originally so it's up to us to responsibly manage the intake of it.  Same as a kid with candy.  He'll eat as much as you let him until his stomach hurts.  Except with a calf, he physiologically can't eat anymore because the bugs responsible for digesting the feed have died off due to the drop in ph.  This stops the feed passage and slows the whole system down.  It takes up to 21 days in some cases to build those microbia (bugs) back up to the point of full production and digestion.  Of course other things happen when a bout of acidosis occurs (release of toxins into bloodstream causing the laminitis and so on) but you can google that.

Good Luck.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
Steer4Caddy said:
Every bovine that is fed any grain will daily have a "touch" of acidosis.  Some cases are just worse than others.  The key is to feed enough roughage, or feed in a manner in which grain is delivered more consistently to the rumen to maintain a more basic ph.  God didn't design cattle to eat grain originally so it's up to us to responsibly manage the intake of it.  Same as a kid with candy.  He'll eat as much as you let him until his stomach hurts.  Except with a calf, he physiologically can't eat anymore because the bugs responsible for digesting the feed have died off due to the drop in ph.  This stops the feed passage and slows the whole system down.  It takes up to 21 days in some cases to build those microbia (bugs) back up to the point of full production and digestion.  Of course other things happen when a bout of acidosis occurs (release of toxins into bloodstream causing the laminitis and so on) but you can google that.

Good Luck.

Great short summation of what happens when cattle go off feed Steer4caddy.