one of my employees fiance works for cnn radio and they are always drumming up people for short reviews, here's mine from a couple weeks ago
brandon less soul than phil collins
chris diversity sucks (inside joke, sorry) needsto get slighted
gina can thee thing with that thing in her mouth or where's grace slick
sanjaya poorgaya....'nuff said another one suicida
haleys comet of tears (a later review i said, "with all that mascara, it would have been better if she cried") another one was "i didn't hear anything"
phil more diaphram please, or more cigarettes please
kiki still in 2nd place
blake vanilla ic'd stay away from the high notes
steph making it up on the fly or still bbbbbbbyonce
chris r. even k.fed can sing more than one note
jordan do anything that isn't cute
all in all not a strong season which is why i think they feature the guest help more