Angus Semen

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Dec 6, 2009
Angus Semen

I have the following for Semen and Tank for sale.

Sitz Alliance 6595 2 straws at 40 a straw
Bando 9074 22 straws at 12 a straw
Boyds New Day 8005 27 straws at 50 a straw
TC Foreman 5 straws at 18 a straw
TC Bennett Total 3 straws at 12 a straw
GAR Retail Product 20 straws at 15 a straw
GAR Predestined 34 straws at 20 a straw
GAR Yield Grade 4 straws at 12 a straw
Rito 6I6 100 straws at 20 a straw

MVE XC 20 Tank 250

[email protected]

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