Anyone else feel they're cracking up?

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
ARH!!!! My mind is failing me fast! I can't remember anything hardly anymore. I feel I spend 3 hours a day looking for things. I can't remember things that have been told to me last week. I can remember things from 40 years ago. Numbers, dates fail me all the time.
Yesterday I was unloading groceries into the fridge. I saw a jug of some liquid. Had no idea what it was. Smelled it & it smelt sweet. I decided I had no idea what it was & how old so pitched it. This morning packing the hubby's dinner I realized I had no peach tea for him. I threw out something I pack every day! ARG!

I know my dad & his mom have & had Alzheimer's. I feel that in 15 years I'll be a total loss. anyone else having brain dead moments? I know as we age they are more frequent. My meds can be causing it too.
Are you in my group?



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Blue Rapids, Kansas
Remember to pause a moment and ponder over what "Jesus would do"!



Well-known member
May 24, 2007
I think we all have days like that..  Stress, fatigue, & being overloaded with work does it for me.    Some people take supplements - Vit. E, fish Oil are a couple that I can think of off the top of my head.    I've also heard that keeping your mind active with crosswords, etc helps.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i recently saw how challenging your brain motor skill wise may have some benefit. 

examples would be brushing your teeth with your opposite hand

what i would do is keep a written log of these times and associate a type of pausing in your mental process for help rather than just sorting things into bins, ie keep it or throw it out.

our minds favor a binary choice mechanism from infancy, and then progress to looser based logic systems.  perhaps the revertance back to this logic pattern can be overcome by recoginizing it and asking for help, along with unfamiliar stimulation, ie using the oppostite extremeties or learning a new physical skill, ie an instrument.  it has long been thought incorrectly that you can't learn to play an instrument when you get older.  this just isn't true.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2007
I find myself having really...well SELECTIVE hearing!  I dont listen to what anyone is talking about anymore.  I dont know what I AM thinking about that is so important that I cannot listen to whoever is talking to me.  My sister and Mom call and go on about the previous day, and what they plan on doing in the next few days.  I am lucky if I can pick up 25% of it.  Perhaps it is because I am multitasking when I am on the phone so I dont get bored?  But I find myself not even listening to my boyfriend.  He tries to have deep conversations with me about how we are going to allocate money renovating our new home, and I am off in the clouds!! 
Help!!  I am turning into a man!    (lol) (lol) (clapping) (clapping).

To Red, yes your meds may be a culprit.  Some of the side effects can make people pretty whacko....or just not themselves.  This is how people become pill junkies and try to medicate every symptom they have.  I am sure that taking a supplement or multivitiman will really help.  It is usually something so tiny that makes a big difference.  Dont worry so much, God is taking care of all of us.  (angel)


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
alright, who took my blood pressure machine!!!!! Someone better fess up on it!!

SD- did you zap over here on your spaceship & carry it off? <alien>

Red  ???


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
here is a list of drugs that cause memory loss. I'm taking Paxil which is on the list

Memory loss comes as a surprise to meny people, especially when it is caused by a medication that you thought was going to help you. Putting together this list was difficult because drug companies do not seem to have a standard way of describing memory loss. It is refered to it as recall, anterograde amnesia, memory loss or simply forgetfullness.

All the drugs below cause some degree of memory loss. The drugs listed in bold print indicates an incidence of memory loss in 3% or more of users. Where possible we have noted the actual percentage of users who experience memory loss with each drug.

Special attention should be paid by users of Xanax. Of all the drugs on the market, this drug has the highest incidence of memory loss in users.
Abilify® - Otsuka America (aripiprazole) Tablets
Ambien® see note below - Sanofi-Synthelabo (zolpidem tartrate)
Abilify® - Bristol-Myers Squibb (aripiprazole) Tablets
Cogentin® Injection - Merck (Benztropine Mesylate)
Copaxone® - Teva Neuroscience (glatiramer acetate injection)
Copaxone® tablets - Roche Laboratories (ribavirin, USP)
Copegus® tablets - 6% - Roche Laboratories (ribavirin, USP)
Cozaar® tablets - Merck (losartan potassium tablets)
Eldepryl® capsules (Somerset) (SELEGILINE HYDROCHLORIDE)
Eskalith® - GlaxoSmithKline (lithium carbonate)
Eskalith® - GlaxoSmithKline (lithium carbonate)
Gleevec® - Novartis (imatinib mesylate)
Hyzaar® tablets - Merck (losartan potassium-hydrochlorothiazide tablets)
Imitrex® Nasal Spray - GlaxoSmithKline (sumatriptan)
Imitrex® tablets - GlaxoSmithKline (sumatriptan succinate)
Klonopin® tablets - 4% - Roche Laboratories (clonazepam)
Klonopin® wafers - 4% - Roche Laboratories (clonazepam orally disintegrating)
Lamictal® tablets - GlaxoSmithKline (lamotrigine)
Lamictal® chewable dispersible tablets - GlaxoSmithKline (lamotrigine)
Lupron Depot® 3.75 mg - 6% - TAP (leuprolide acetate for depot suspension)
Lupron Depot®-3 Month 11.25 mg - TAP (leuprolide acetate for depot suspension)
Lupron® injection - TAP (leuprolide acetate)
Maxalt® tablets - Merck (rizatriptan benzoate)
Maxalt-MLT® orally disintegrating tablets - Merck (rizatriptan benzoate)
Parcopa™ orally disintegrating tablets - Schwarz (carbidopa-levodopa)
Pegasys® - 5% - Roche Laboratories (peginterferon alfa-2a)
Prinivil® tablets - Merck (Lisinopril)
Prinzide® tablets - Merck (Lisinopril-Hydrochlorothiazide)
Rifamate® capsules - Aventis (rifampin and isoniazid)
Rifater® tablets - Aventis (rifampin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide)
Roferon®-A - Roche Laboratories (Interferon alfa-2a, recombinant)
Seromycin® capsules - Lilly (Cycloserine)
Stalevo® 50, 100 and 150 tablets - Novartis (carbidopa, levodopa and entacapone)
Timolide® tablets - Merck (Timolol Maleate-Hydrochlorothiazide)
Topamax® tablets - 3.2% - Ortho-McNeil (topiramate)
Topamax® sprinkle capsules - 3.2% - Ortho-McNeil (topiramate capsules)
Transderm Scop® - Novartis (scopolamine 1.5 mg Transdermal Therapeutic System)
Vesanoid® capsules - 3% - Roche Laboratories (tretinoin)
Wellbutrin® - GlaxoSmithKline (bupropion hydrochloride)
Wellbutrin SR® sustained-release tablets - GlaxoSmithKline (bupropion hydrochloride)
Wellbutrin XL™ extended-release tablets - GlaxoSmithKline (bupropion hydrochloride)
Xanax® - 33.1%- Pharmacia & Upjohn (alprazolam)
Xanax XR® - 15.4% extended-release tablets - Pharmacia & Upjohn (alprazolam)
Zonegran® capsules - 6% - Eisai (zonisamide)
Zyban® Sustained-Release tablets - GlaxoSmithKline (bupropion hydrochloride)
Note: Although not expressed as a percentage, Ambien has been documented to cause a "significant decrease in next-morning recall" of information presented to subjects.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Bawndoh said:
He tries to have deep conversations with me about how we are going to allocate money renovating our new home, and I am off in the clouds!! 
Help!!  I am turning into a man!    (lol) (lol) (clapping) (clapping).

this is pretty funny, one, a man can have a deep conversation
two, the dark side is warm, welcome.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
knabe said:
Bawndoh said:
He tries to have deep conversations with me about how we are going to allocate money renovating our new home, and I am off in the clouds!! 
Help!!  I am turning into a man!    (lol) (lol) (clapping) (clapping).

this is pretty funny, one, a man can have a deep conversation
two, the dark side is warm, welcome.

w/ my hearing loss & my memory, I'm a joy to live with!!!! ;)


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
Well Red i'm with you on this I don't think it is my medication just old age. I've lost my hair , can't remember where i put my tools and go to the bathroom alot at night. I have a severe case of dumlops disease and its not getting any better. roni


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
red said:
alright, who took my blood pressure machine!!!!! Someone better fess up on it!!

SD- did you zap over here on your spaceship & carry it off? <alien>

Red  ???

SD, I'm glad you brought it back!!! Finally found it because I thought it looked like something else!  :)))



Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
eastern ky
kanshow said:
I think we all have days like that..  Stress, fatigue, & being overloaded with work does it for me.    Some people take supplements - Vit. E, fish Oil are a couple that I can think of off the top of my head.    I've also heard that keeping your mind active with crosswords, etc helps.

both my grandparents constantly worked crosswords and word searches....and we played dominoes and cards with them all the time...the doctor always said that was what kept their minds so sharp........i believed it...


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
from my favorite cartoon cat on growing older:



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Hey Red,

You're not doing so bad.  I'm the one who forgot my own web address--twice-- and you helped straighten me out!!  I leave things all over, especially at home!!  As much as I travel, I rarely forget things in hotel rooms, planes, cars, etc. but at home I lose things all the time.  I think the difference is that I have so many things that I'm thinking about while I'm at home and I'm so confortable here that I don't concentrate as much as I should some times or I get more easily distracted here than when I'm on the road.  I , too, have become a pretty poor listener.  For someone, who used to do sales training for others( much of which is simple listening skills), I certainly don't listen as well as I used to.  Some of it is that my hearing isn't what it used to be--especially with background noise but a lot is just because I'm thinking about so many things that I don't pay attention like I used to.

Keep your chin up!!  My father used to say that growing older was a new mystery every day--all of them undesirable.  He also said that growing older was not for the weak of heart!!  The older I get, the smarter he seems to me!!  Oh yeah, he told me that would happen, too!!

Well, I've gotta go find my cell phone--between that and the TV remote I can keep myself busy almost every day. 

Something to think about--They say that 1 in 4 people are at least partially nuts!!    Usually when I look around the table at mealtime(at home or away) all the other people seem normal to me ---what does that mean???


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2007

Im definately a member of that club, (maybe its our age)- If I dont put it on a sticky note any more I dont remember things - Last week I found my self almost putting the
phone in the refrigerator, duh- Im turning into the sticky note queen.  Today my husband called me on my way home from work to remind me to turn on the dehumidifer and
then by the time he came home I forgot already, thats me alright.  Maybe we have too many eggs in our basket.


Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
Ok the blood pressure machine is great for cracking eggs in the morning. Also can be used in make fresh squeezed OJ.

As for not remembering things I find this happens to most people when it comes to things like homework, honey do projects and washing the cat.

Now where is my detonator for the  PU-235 planet smasher.