bad language vs bad advice

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Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Cowboy - just as long as the newbies in this industry know the difference between the black, white and grey areas. Many of them don't. They see people using ace, cosmetic surgery, etc, and they have no one telling them it is not "technically legal."
And yes, I remember 407. You might also recall she was to be flushed 4-5 times (just think of all the extra money!!). But after you had to tranq her, we flushed her twice (and only the last time due to the fact I couldn't pick her up sooner.) She in now (and has been since a year ago) in one pound packages or on someone pizza. She is dead. Not in my pasture, not in a show ring. My other cow, is happily munching silage and hay. Her reward for being a nice cow.
And Cowboy, you might also remember I NEVER induce cows. NEVER, even though you have suggested it a time or two!!!

I am not against "off label, under the direction of a vet" use of MEDICINE to solve, heal a medical problem. For God's sake, I raise sheep, I HAVE to use medical drugs off label for them.

And as far as the ear thing goes....that was out of the mouth of the vet that did it. I had ripped out an ear off of a heifer of an (now) ex-boyfriend while tagging it. The vet said "No big deal. When she gets older, we'll find some ears we like and replace it. I did it all the time in Texas and down south in show country. It works about 75% of the time." This was roughly 13 years ago and when he moved up north. I'm not sure where he is now, as the owner/vet of the clinic that hired him caught him "taking headache medicine" from the cabinet and he was fired. But he was older. I can get a name, maybe someone down there knows him?????

Off my pony now.....I'm too short for a horse.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
Amazingly enough I tried to stay out of this post but.......... I have said many times that the advise and oppinions that I spout here are worth exactly what they cost - nothing! Just like everyone else's. I don't take advise from any source that is not qualified with out first researching it. I am just as guilty of having a refridgerator full of bottles as any one. I have no doubt used some drugs off lable - sometimes knowingly, sometimes not. My point being - read what you want to, research the information and disreguard the rest. Personaly I have a deep respect for many of the posters here, reguardless of whether they agree with one another (or me) or not. I think we can all get a little tunnel vision once in a while ( structure issues for me) and sometimes I have to take a step back and look at the whole picture. When I first came to this board I had hardly even heard of TH or PHA, it has been a very good education for me on these subjects as well as many others posted here.

As far as the bad language - this is a public board that influences many young people as well as those of us who aren't so young any more - I don't see a place for it. ( Oh by the way - when I smash a finger I can make a sailor blush)


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
Hey RW, have you ever worked for Stierwalt? He told a story about someone cutting his leg clear open, clipping with a sheepheads. Was it you? I wondered.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
CAB - That was one injury that didn't involve me for once!!!! Never worked for Kirk or it could have been me.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2007
Cowboy said:
Hello every one -- hope all are well and warm!

I am about to do something here I have told myself never to do -- and some will say it is taking sides, I don't think it is but it may be in some way.

I don't ever try to get involved in personal issues -- especially on the boards as this is where ALL people come to chat -- hopefully learn and be friends. I have watched several topics go from inocent disccusions to wham-bang slander em all posts! I don't like that -- I really do not.

I started a post a while ago asking questions and opinions on a bull named Gigolo Joe -- I felt he was and "IS" a good bull and wanted to see what others thought. Little did I know at the time I was sticking my foot in a door that was already on fire! hehehe -- I recieved SEVERAL PM's trashing the bull, the people that own the bull and was even told by one -- "I would think there would be a better bull out there to use than one from people like that" -- WHAT????? A good bull is a good bull --and I plan on useing this bull -- if you are smart alot of you WILL use this bull as well. I didn't say too much about the messages I recieved, other than I was surprised by getting them --- aparently I stepped on some toes that were already sore from other heated discussions! Oh well !

On the drug issues I am seeing here -- sure -- every one needs to know the law and why it is in place, but I am not stupid, it has been published to the point of sheer IRE -- I am sick of seeing it -- I for one GET THE POINT. If all the drugs used today were used exactly as implied on the labels -- then how in HELL do cows in every state get INDUCED to calve when the owner wants them too -- ????? Tell me folks -- Dexamethazone is NOT listed to induce labor as a convenience --DL and Show Hfr --you both use that scenario alot and rightly so most times, but this IS one case where you need to NOT DO IT if you are indeed as legal as we are reading. Come on folks -- some of you on here are my customers, and my friends, I don't like to have to take sides -- but I have watched a couple of you dig a HUGE hole for yourselves over and over again, now there are many people standing over that hole ready to cover it back up with you in it!

PLEASE -- stop the escapade of "I am better" and lets all get back to being friends. If this causes me to lose current and potential customers, I am sorry -- but I am sick of hiding -- it isn't me. I follow the rules in my business as best I can, but I will deffinately tell you all -- there ARE and HAVE BEEN cows here that CAN NOT be flushed unless they are tranguilized -- not heavily --but slowed down. It is a safety issue for both the COW and the operator --that be ME!! I like having all my body parts in tact. SH -- one of those cows was yours -- remember 407?? I do use Acepromazine with discretion -- and if you even think that no one else does for the same reason out here in cow country -- I'll will take you to 3 other practices, all VETS and lisenced, who shoot EVERY cow -- recips and donors -- just because!!!

Now that I have dug my own hole -- please no one throw in so much dirt I can't dig back out!

Drugs are a reality -- "Discretion" is what we ALL need to further grow -- if it were not for drugs in this business, we might as well kill all the cattle right now and forget it -- cuz we are TOAST without alot of them. NUF SAID!!

Every one settle down, crawl back down off that tall horse of rightousness, and lets every one get back to being friends! If any one wants to PM me, make it nice please, I didn't write this to start a darn war!

Please do have good day!


    /    \

(that's a standing ovation)
just in case it doesn't turn out right  lol

common sense

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
knabe said:
deeeeeeeep    breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeathing,

it's working common sense,  wow, who knew.

Can't remember what movie its from but try repeating "coosfrahbah" slowly.  I think if you sing it backwards it might be profane? Who knows.  Other wise try the old "in through the nose, out through the mouth" technique!    (lol)


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Cowboy - I didn't realize there were sides - I thought there were opinions and education and knowledge. If you are tired of reading about ELDU then just don't do it - I know that ELDU is not followed - I know that most of the synch protocols involve ELDU and they are being promoted by by reputable groups and veterinarians, I also know that most everyone uses drugs extra label BUT there are people out there who do not know the law and maybe they would like to know it.

I am sure you are aware of the Ohio youth with the Champion steer who was disqualified and had to return the money (lots of it) as well as the prizes - why - because of illegal use of drugs. Apparently the fitter suggested that they give the steer dexamethasone (a drug approved for cattle) - however it was used in an extra label manner and ELDU was not followed and no veterinarian was involved.  Imagine how unhappy your child would be if you did that because you were ignorant of the law.

Knowledge is power - if you think you have enough then more power to you. How you or anyone else decides to use or not use the knowledge is completely up to you.

In regards to bulls - as I have said I make my decisions on multiple criteria, including the name and the way the bull was marketed. In regards to Juli's bull - in the picture he appears to be really quite nice, but I don't like his name and I don't like the way he was marketed with condoms at Denver. Juli has said she stands behind the bull, has had some nice calves out of him, and is apparently not unhappy with the marketing plan - good for her - and more power to her. He is not the first bull I have not used because I don't like his name or the way he was marketed and he won't be the last I am sure.  You can pick whatever bull you want for whatever reason - allow me the courtesy of doing the same.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Please all. there is no sides. What is funny but the "sides" see things very similar. I believe in many of the same things as "the other side".
I started this thread from a request. Knew it would get heated but don't want sides taken. I enjoy all the people here. I don't have to live w/ you so I really don't care how you think or what about.
We are all here because of one thing in common- We "get" cattle. We have different breeds, different geographic locations, different types of operations but we all enjoy cattle.
I understand where Cowboy is coming & appreciate his stance but I also understand what DL does. Both are passionate about what they do & love.
I appreciate all the help & all the thumbs up but let's just go back to what we like to talk about- cattle! I certainly don't want anyone to loose customers over this board. Gain them maybe but not loose them!  ;)
Thanks Jill, you said it best w/ less words.

your sinking moderator
