Best put down a Judge has used

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Mar 11, 2011
Mercer, Pennsylvania
This isn't really a slam but it does show some real judging humor.  My little cousin her first year had a terrible calf, absolutely terrible.  He was super quiet and fed well he was just one of those calves that grew up, up, up and never out.  Well she asked what to say for questions in the showmanship ring.  I told her to tell him she would change everything except his perfectly located chrome on the black calf.  Well in the type show the judge placed him last and said he was going to quote a person who knew the steer better than any.  He then said he would change everything except the coloring on the calf and the personality.  Everyone wondered why my cousin and I were laughing at what they deemed a "terrible insult."

Another time a judge at our county show, in judging a calf that was practically starved all year, said he would really liked to have seen the calf "before they decided to show him" because he had good lines and no mass. We found out the steer was hand fed and watered by the little girl only, no help from parent, and she couldn't carry much and constantly forgot.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
My nephew had a pretty good shorthorn steer in the Wisconsin state fair open show, when they still had one.  He sloped a little, and we put a fake tailhead on him, which the steer didn't like.  He walked with his tail raised way up in the air.  The judge talked about him in class, and said the one thing he would change was to "Take that damned shark fin off of him."  Between class and division we deadened his tail, and he walked normal.  The judge looked at him, made him reserve middle weight, and said that if we taken that off to begin with he may have used him for reserve overall.  He never did notice we never took it off.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
My son had a really nice Fiction calf, he was big topped ,huge butted, and clean fronted. We sold one steer at the county fair and he took this one to a smaller county fair a month later. Now this steer was one of my favorites and I think that he should have one the whole show but... He had some problems like Jekyll and Hyde

here is the judge's quote" That steer tied to the rail there, I would really like to use him higher but I think you all will understand if I put just him in the third spot."

Now this steer had been to 10 shows already and we were aware that he would some times get a little worked up, I had specifically told the boy to give him about 30 melatonin's the night before the show and 40 the morning of. I get to the fair and ask him hows your steer"Oh fine, looks real good" then I ask if he had given him his pills, "Oh no, he was acting great yesterday when we walked them, I do not think he needs them".  Right out side the ring just before he went in he got spooked andstarted a spin, the boy was on the end of the lead and on his third time around had to let go before he ran strait into the barn pillar, we got him caught and off they go to the ring. Well 4 or 5 blow ups and  2 or 3 laps around the ring with no halter on, and that was the end of it.
May 2, 2007
Heard this second hand, but it was too good not to post.

A prominent judge most of us know, back in his younger days, was judging a county fair market lamb show.  Feed must have been cheap because the lambs were hog fat, all of them.  Before he picked his champion, our judge said "If I was a kid in this county, next year I'd go out and find just an average lamb, one that wouldn't cost too much.  Then I'd talk to some folks that know, and learn how to feed one right.  Then I'd come back here and win the show."


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
Judges comment in the Champion Showmanship Heat at a Jr Nat'l Show: " This young lady and her heifer have done everything perfect all day, but she just makes it look too easy!  I need to at least see some sweat.

vet tech

Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Had a kid buy a steer off me tell me this. After a show the judge went out of his way to walk up to the kid and say " you were that close to winning". The kid asked really? And the judge laughed and said no


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2011
Soehnlen Cattle Co. said:
Had a kid buy a steer off me tell me this. After a show the judge went out of his way to walk up to the kid and say " you were that close to winning". The kid asked really? And the judge laughed and said no
    :eek: rude


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2009
Soehnlen Cattle Co. said:
Had a kid buy a steer off me tell me this. After a show the judge went out of his way to walk up to the kid and say " you were that close to winning". The kid asked really? And the judge laughed and said no

That is cruel.  I would hope the judge was kidding on the 2nd line.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Speaking of mean spirited.....there is a judge out of Minnesota, initials are Dar Geiss, who went up to a heifer to slap  her champion, stopped, made the pistol guesture with his hand, chuckled and said "gotcha" and went on to slap another heifer champion.  Just destroyed the day of the poor kid showing a nice heifer.

Another time, different show, the only terminology this same guy knows is "free and easy" to describe virtually everything.  Said the champion heifer moved so free and easy as the whole crowd could hear her joints POP with every step.  Entertaining!


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2010
My brother had a steer one year that we raised.  He was in the drive to pick Champion Crossbred, the judge really loved him talked on him for awhile when it came down to the picking he said that he couldn't pick my brothers steer cause he had no hair. lol Lets just say if my mother had a broom she would have flown on it and beat the judge with it.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2011
Sumner, MI
Well this wasnt a beef show it was a dairy show at my fair. It was me and my holstein heifer and a girl the same age as me with a jersey heifer this was in Intermediate Age class (the age of the calf) The judge was a real nice lady until she said (i got put in 2nd but anyway) I am going to have to place this young lady (me) in 2nd because her heifer tracts he back leg just a little bit. This lady here (the one with the jersey) is placed in first because she has a real nice heifer. I am also a jersey judge so I would pick the jersey over the holstein..

This lady has been picking Jerseys over holsteins all day!! Even in showmanship! The only time she didnt was when she had to judge the holstein breed class!!!!
it surely ticked me off


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
cowz said:
Speaking of mean spirited.....there is a judge out of Minnesota, initials are Dar Geiss, who went up to a heifer to slap  her champion, stopped, made the pistol guesture with his hand, chuckled and said "gotcha" and went on to slap another heifer champion.  Just destroyed the day of the poor kid showing a nice heifer.

Another time, different show, the only terminology this same guy knows is "free and easy" to describe virtually everything.  Said the champion heifer moved so free and easy as the whole crowd could hear her joints POP with every step.  Entertaining!
Soehnlen Cattle Co. said:
Had a kid buy a steer off me tell me this. After a show the judge went out of his way to walk up to the kid and say " you were that close to winning". The kid asked really? And the judge laughed and said no
i bet these judges were a crowd favourite...


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
AAOK said:
Judges comment in the Champion Showmanship Heat at a Jr Nat'l Show: " This young lady and her heifer have done everything perfect all day, but she just makes it look too easy!  I need to at least see some sweat.

Heard a guy tell a kid in his showmanship class that he was perfect, just a little too good, a little too fast and that's why he was gonna be third today.


Active member
Sep 9, 2011
AAOK said:
Judges comment in the Champion Showmanship Heat at a Jr Nat'l Show: " This young lady and her heifer have done everything perfect all day, but she just makes it look too easy!  I need to at least see some sweat.

Heard a guy tell a kid in his showmanship class that he was perfect, just a little too good, a little too fast and that's why he was gonna be third today.

My last year in 4-H both myself and another senior in our group got dropped in Showmanship because we didn't have to take time to set our calves feet. We had weekly show practices with our calves starting 2 months prior to our fair and both were dedicated to working a lot at home between those practices, so our steers pretty much set themselves up. She didn't like that much I guess. Needless to say, our leader was livid when she dropped his 2 best showmen in the classes because of that.  Usually we hire judges for a 2 year deal but she didn't get invited back the second year!


Well-known member
May 2, 2011
Nacogdoches, TX
SheilAnneDavis said:
AAOK said:
Judges comment in the Champion Showmanship Heat at a Jr Nat'l Show: " This young lady and her heifer have done everything perfect all day, but she just makes it look too easy!  I need to at least see some sweat.

Heard a guy tell a kid in his showmanship class that he was perfect, just a little too good, a little too fast and that's why he was gonna be third today.

I wouldnt ever tell somebody they were to good and made it look to easy. And I completely give credit to those kids who you can tell have worked tirelessly at home.  But I also believe that just because a kid has to actually place their calves feet or a calf is being a little stubborn, doesnt always mean they didnt put in the same work at home, calf just may have been having a bad day.  I also give credit to kids whose calves make them work a little harder for it,but still do as good of a job as the kids whose calves pretty much do it for them.

My last year in 4-H both myself and another senior in our group got dropped in Showmanship because we didn't have to take time to set our calves feet. We had weekly show practices with our calves starting 2 months prior to our fair and both were dedicated to working a lot at home between those practices, so our steers pretty much set themselves up. She didn't like that much I guess. Needless to say, our leader was livid when she dropped his 2 best showmen in the classes because of that.  Usually we hire judges for a 2 year deal but she didn't get invited back the second year!


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
twistedhshowstock said:
SheilAnneDavis said:
AAOK said:
Judges comment in the Champion Showmanship Heat at a Jr Nat'l Show: " This young lady and her heifer have done everything perfect all day, but she just makes it look too easy!  I need to at least see some sweat.

Heard a guy tell a kid in his showmanship class that he was perfect, just a little too good, a little too fast and that's why he was gonna be third today.

I wouldnt ever tell somebody they were to good and made it look to easy. And I completely give credit to those kids who you can tell have worked tirelessly at home.  But I also believe that just because a kid has to actually place their calves feet or a calf is being a little stubborn, doesnt always mean they didnt put in the same work at home, calf just may have been having a bad day.  I also give credit to kids whose calves make them work a little harder for it,but still do as good of a job as the kids whose calves pretty much do it for them.

My last year in 4-H both myself and another senior in our group got dropped in Showmanship because we didn't have to take time to set our calves feet. We had weekly show practices with our calves starting 2 months prior to our fair and both were dedicated to working a lot at home between those practices, so our steers pretty much set themselves up. She didn't like that much I guess. Needless to say, our leader was livid when she dropped his 2 best showmen in the classes because of that.  Usually we hire judges for a 2 year deal but she didn't get invited back the second year!

I think you should give up on the battle... as it's already been stated, these people who are trashing and bashing, and complaining about judges, have obviously no clue what all judging actually entitles....



Dec 12, 2010
Cut the BS said:
Larissa said:
At a local show my heifer was the only Hereford in a group of blacks. When commenting on my her the judge said "This hereford heifer is long, deep bodied, wide, travels well & has great udder development... But I placed her last because she just doesn't have the power to compete with these black heifers above her" Some judges just can't see past color!

what's wrong with that.. I bet he was right.. I've not seen very many Herf heifers that had the power to compete with a black one, let alone a good black one...

Nice, you're running down everyone for slammin judges. But you can tell this hereford  deserved to be last cause herefords can't compete with the angus. Maybe you should stick to the sheep buddy.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2010
Cut the BS said:
CarleyE said:
I was at the red wave classic show in fresno, ca. And I was watching the class of AOC prospect steers. The class was mostly mediocre commercial calves, and there was one clubby steer in the whole class, and the judge put the clubby steer dead last in the class and his reasoning was " I just don't have a calf in this class that could follow this calf, I don't know what to do with him"
bird_dog said:
Was at a County steer show in Texas a few years back and their was one calf that was by far better than anything else in the ring. Judge said that this calf was a sure enough show steer, he was the stoutest and soundest calf in the show but their was nothing else that compared to him so he placed him third. He said he needed his grand and reserve to be identical.

Let's just say things got pretty heated after that

Being a recent College judging team member- I can see where this could be true, and happening all the time..  In college, we were preached, either first, third, or DAL in instances like this... Don't try to hedge and break up the pair. 

This is also where I feel those who excell in collegiant judging are actually failing the industry.  Why shows are taking the great judgers, and picking them out to continue- I'll never know.. Instead of picking the real 'common sense', members of the team, who will do a far better job of evaluating, and talking the livestock- but they never won a national champion banner. 

This is by far some of the stupidest occurences i have heard of. As a former collegiate judger, i value myself as a well rounded evaluator of livestock. to look at a class and say well this one doesnt fit, so im gonna pt him 3rd or last because thats what i would do in a freaking contest, tells me the coach significantly failed that individual. We were taught how to judge for specific contests, but i pretty sure theres not a sole on my team who would take these stipulations and apply them in a show judging setting.

I have grown up in the showbarn, and even in college, my coaches preached that there is more than one type of good calf. You take your opinion, place the class and give credit where credit is due, that is what they are paying u for. If this person had done this at one of my shows, i wouldve followed him to the bathroom and made it a point to show him just how stupid he is.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2008
Soehnlen Cattle Co. said:
Had a kid buy a steer off me tell me this. After a show the judge went out of his way to walk up to the kid and say " you were that close to winning". The kid asked really? And the judge laughed and said no

Wow thats messed up!!!