Best wishes to all our American friends

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Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
This Tuesday may be one of the most important days in many decades in the US. I live in Canada so I do not get to vote in your election, yet I feel the results will affect me, as it will to those who live in America. The results will certainly affect most in the world.

I think the candidates on both sides are very strong and good candidates. There are very differing views between them on many issues. On some issues, they seem to be very close in opinion. Like in most elections, how the winner will be remembered in history, will largely depend on the people they surround themselves with.These senior people, in the inner circle, have a large role to play.  To me, the McCain/Palin team offer the best combination of policy that I feel will be best for agriculture, international trade and the current financial mess facing the world today. I also feel that Palin is a stronger Vice President candidate than Biden is. I think that Sarah Palin, has been unfairly treated by the media. She has much more intelligence than they suggest she has, and I think she is quite capable of being an excellent " second in command". I think she is a very strong person.

The main issues have changed since the start of this campaign. Right now, to me, the main issue is the financial mess the markets and economy is in. This is serious stuff. Right now I am still fuming from some of what I  have heard and read in recent days. I spent several hours in my truck hauling cattle yesterday. I heard a leading business leader give a commentary in which he said that we were heading into the most serious depression since the dirty 30s ( his words not mine). I hate this type of negativity!!  To me, this type of negativity only makes the situation worse. I am sure that if you are told enough times that you are certainly going to lose everything you have, it will affect your buying habits, and this will only cause more turmoil in the markets and the economy. I am not saying we need to put our heads in the sand and hope this will pass us by, but I do not think that we need to be hearing over and over that everything we have worked for, could disappear. That certainly seems to be the message some are spreading right now. I do not see this as being "part of the answer'. Negativity only breeds more negativity.... and that certainlyly never leads to any type of good.

I am also fuming over something I read a few days ago. This article stated that the financial heads of many of the lenders ( that caused a big portion of this mess) had received approximately $6 billion in bonuses and annual wage increases since the US government bailed out of $70 Billion. If this is true, then I am really MAD. If this is true, we have a very serious problem. I like to think that there should be consequences for your actions and this should apply to most everything you do. This should apply to a child who disrespects their parents, to an adult who breaks a law, to a corporate executive who makes bad decisions. To me, this just indicates that the only people who are getting hurt in this, are the people who have lost their homes, and those who have seen their investments and their pensions vanish. This is just plain WRONG. If this is indeed true, I am really concerned as we have the same idiotic bozos in charge of leading the free world out of this mess, as got us into it.That is not a very comforting thought. This is another reason that I feel the McCain/ Palin team are the best suited to lead your country. I think McCain has more experience and that he believes in a common sense approach to solving problems like this. To me, part of the answer lies in a development of more international trade, not trying to isolate the US economy within itself, as if it were an island.

I do not think the sky will fall, if either candidate wins the election. I just happen to think the road to recovery may be a little smoother if the McCain team wins. I think this election will be closer than the polls are indicating... and Tuesday may be a very long day. I wish my American friends good luck and I hope you will all do your part and vote.... and go even further and help others to get out to vote. There has probably not been an election in recent times where it was more important for the people to speak.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
JIT- they are allowing early voting. In some places like Columbus the wait was 3 hours.
Ohio is shaping up to be a big battle ground state again. both Palin & Obama will be here today.
Of course now SNL will have to find new material!


MYT Farms

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2008
Peyton CO
red said:
JIT- they are allowing early voting. In some places like Columbus the wait was 3 hours.
Ohio is shaping up to be a big battle ground state again. both Palin & Obama will be here today.
Of course now SNL will have to find new material!

SNL???? Could you clarify?


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
MYT Farms said:
red said:
JIT- they are allowing early voting. In some places like Columbus the wait was 3 hours.
Ohio is shaping up to be a big battle ground state again. both Palin & Obama will be here today.
Of course now SNL will have to find new material!

SNL???? Could you clarify?

sorry, Saturday Night Live. They've had the candidates on several times & also have had election specials. Tina Fey is a dead ringer for Sarah Palin. John & McCain & his wife were on last night w/ Fey. They said that they couldn't afford a big info commercial like Obama so were supposedly QVC to hawk Christmas gifts. It was very funny!



Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
Well said Justintime

regarding the economy... anyone remember who said 'We have nothing to fear but fear itself."? So I do think all the negativity hurts everyone. But some of it does make you want to stick your head in the sand.

Have a good day all,


Steer Boy 101

Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
The only thing i see is that people are so afraid of our guns. NOTHING is gonnaa happen to our guns nothiong at all. Another thing i see is that replubicans have dont not one thing for our contry here at home. If they have will someone pleae remind me. and by goin international our jobs are goin wichi screw the econony. WE have dont nothign but waste money over seas when we should be home defending our contry not over there doin nothing. dont tell me its defendingg our freedom cuz i bet someother contry could drop a bomb on us any day and we wont konw cuz there over there screwing around. That all i see.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
Steer Boy 101 said:
The only thing i see is that people are so afraid of our guns. NOTHING is gonnaa happen to our guns nothiong at all. Another thing i see is that replubicans have dont not one thing for our contry here at home. If they have will someone pleae remind me. and by goin international our jobs are goin wichi screw the econony. WE have dont nothign but waste money over seas when we should be home defending our contry not over there doin nothing. dont tell me its defendingg our freedom cuz i bet someother contry could drop a bomb on us any day and we wont konw cuz there over there screwing around. That all i see.

1, Obama wants to ban the sale of firearms within 5 miles of any church or school.  Doesn't sound that bad, but that takes away 99.9% of gun shops.
2. you think that going over seas in Iraq and Afghanistan haven't helped defend our country?  How many attacks have we had since 9-11?  how many in Europe??  Just something to think about
3. What have the Republicans done?? well lets look at the other side of the economy.  Interest rate below 4% inflation below 4% and until just recently the unemployment rate was below 5%.  Now just remember the last time that we had both a democrat as a president and they controlled the house and Senate.  Jimmy Carters economic collapse.  I bet some people will remember the 21% interest, and unemployment over 12%.  So before you go about believing everything that you hear on CNN, ABC, and NBC please read up on your history and get a balanced amount of info.  Not just watching FOX, but a bit of everything.  If you hear enough people tell the truth, you will find the real truth somewhere in the middle.  OK off my soap box.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2008
Davis Shorthorns said:
Steer Boy 101 said:
The only thing i see is that people are so afraid of our guns. NOTHING is gonnaa happen to our guns nothiong at all. Another thing i see is that replubicans have dont not one thing for our contry here at home. If they have will someone pleae remind me. and by goin international our jobs are goin wichi screw the econony. WE have dont nothign but waste money over seas when we should be home defending our contry not over there doin nothing. dont tell me its defendingg our freedom cuz i bet someother contry could drop a bomb on us any day and we wont konw cuz there over there screwing around. That all i see.

1, Obama wants to ban the sale of firearms within 5 miles of any church or school.  Doesn't sound that bad, but that takes away 99.9% of gun shops.
2. you think that going over seas in Iraq and Afghanistan haven't helped defend our country?  How many attacks have we had since 9-11?  how many in Europe??  Just something to think about
3. What have the Republicans done?? well lets look at the other side of the economy.  Interest rate below 4% inflation below 4% and until just recently the unemployment rate was below 5%.  Now just remember the last time that we had both a democrat as a president and they controlled the house and Senate.  Jimmy Carters economic collapse.  I bet some people will remember the 21% interest, and unemployment over 12%.  So before you go about believing everything that you hear on CNN, ABC, and NBC please read up on your history and get a balanced amount of info.  Not just watching FOX, but a bit of everything.  If you hear enough people tell the truth, you will find the real truth somewhere in the middle.  OK off my soap box.

Very well said Davis Shorthorns
I remember what the economy was like when Pres. Bush took office, I for one was struggling.  Then 9/11 came along and it was like the US came to a halt.  Does anyone remember that?  The economy suffered even more because people just quit doing so many of those extra things... taking vacations, buying new houses ect.  I'm no expert on the economy, I can only judge it by how easy it is to put food on the table and get the bills paid.  I don't know all the things that the president and his government did to help stimulate the US back to life, but I do know that life has been good for me.  I do know they've dropped the interest rates to a level that even I can afford to buy some things on credit.  I bought my first house!  I bought one I could afford the payments on and I make them faithfully on time every month.  My kids have all bought houses.  I sure wish I could have afforded a house when I was in my early 20's!  We all have good jobs.  Not so long ago, if you hated your job, you didn't dare quit because you couldn't be sure you could find another.  As a matter of fact, until people started thinking about ELECTIONS, life was pretty darn sweet! 
The question I keep asking myself is, how much of the crap that has been going on is because of people manipulating things trying to sway how people vote, or maybe just because many people are afraid of what change is going to bring. I know I am...
Last night, I was listening to the news. The reporter approached some people waiting in line to vote.  They were asked if it was worth the wait and when I heard the response I about fell out of my chair.  This is not a word for word quote, but this is basically what they said.... Hell yes it is.. it's time for the good ole boys to go home and take care of their cows and slop their hogs.  I was shocked that the news actually aired a response like that and shocked that since when are the farmers the "good ole boys"?  To me, if we want to be angry at someone right now, lets be angry at the loan companies that are getting bailed out at the tax payers expense. 
I could go on for hours it gets me so upset.  I for one will be so glad when this election is OVER!


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Great thread!  Good comments, everyone ( except um,  Steerboy... seriously dude, do not drink the KoolAid ).

Thanks JIT. 

Harley, I guess we saw the same newscast - I guess that just goes to show how completely out of touch some folks are.  I hope that our media saw it ( and expected us to, too ) for the irony that is, not the slam it was meant to be.  But then again, I'm probably giving them too much credit...


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
People in Canada and Mexico are going to feel the hurt pretty quick if Barack Hussein Obama is elected. He wants to roll back The NAFTA deal, which will affect us by raising the price of goods and affect Canada and Mexico. Maybe Wrangerlers will cost $100 each. Steer Boy, use spell check, it makes you look more intelligent.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Thanks JIT for the comments.  I agree whole heartedly with you!!  Your comments show a lot of plain, old common sense which is basically the same regardless of what country you're from.  Unfortunately, it seems in such short supply during this election cycle in the U.S.

I heard an analogy yesterday that kind of drives home the point about Obama's experience.  Would you let someone pilot your plane just because he thought he could do it but had no experience?    Would you let someone perform brain surgery just because they thought they could?  Unfortunately, (IMHO) the majority of the American electorate(if we can believe the polls) must have experienced the aforementioned brain surgery to be so devoid of common sense and the ability to think for themselves without a left leaning network to give them guidance.    I hope we don't wake up in 2009 with a huge case of "buyer remorse", particularly after his comments over the weekend about "bankrupting the coal industry"!  Doesn' t he realize that over 50% of U.S. electricity comes from coal.  American households will pay the price for his policies--not just the coal industry!

A poll in today's Des Moines register shows that a huge majority of those polled last week have no concerns over Obama's ties to Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Resko, or any of the other extremists.  Where the hell did they take this poll---that's not the Iowa I've known!!  Again, common sense tells you that if you surround yourself with the wrong people, you will eventually make bad decisiions.  Any parent can tell you that who their kids hang around with is extremely important in their success or lack of it!!

The whole Obama personna seems so manufactured and devoid of real substance and experience that it just feels wrong.  We don't need a dashing young actor playing a part---we need a leader who's committed to doing what's best for us even if its not in his or his party's best interests.  To me, its kind of like going to a cattle auction and bidding on a bull with untested bloodlines from an unknown breeder---you might get the next best thing in the world but chances are much greater that you'll be sadly disappointed in the outcome!  I'll bet every one of us has bet on the next great bull at one time or another only to wish later that we had been less compulsive and used our head to select a more proven line.  I worry about the "American herd" if Obama is to be our best bet for the future!    He's similar to a new, flashy, clubby bull from a questionable line IMHO!!  Buyer Beware!!!


Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
oakbar said:
I worry about the "American herd" if Obama is to be our best bet for the future!    He's similar to a new, flashy, clubby bull from a questionable line IMHO!!   Buyer Beware!!!
Watch out that might be considered as racist the way that people are talking now days.  Remember a vote for mccain is racist also. ;)

MYT Farms

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2008
Peyton CO
Just as a comment, there are some very informed people on this board. My hat's off to all you who study and take time to look things over.  (clapping)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Steer Boy 101 said:
The only thing i see is that people are so afraid of our guns. NOTHING is gonnaa happen to our guns nothiong at all. Another thing i see is that replubicans have dont not one thing for our contry here at home. If they have will someone pleae remind me. and by goin international our jobs are goin wichi screw the econony. WE have dont nothign but waste money over seas when we should be home defending our contry not over there doin nothing. dont tell me its defendingg our freedom cuz i bet someother contry could drop a bomb on us any day and we wont konw cuz there over there screwing around. That all i see.

overregulate companies and they will leave. over tax them and they will leave.  pretty apparent both have happened. 

make a list of things that encourages companies to stay in the US.

i've sat through 8 years of impeach bush.  for the foreseeable future, it's gonna be impeach obama.  payback.


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
On the Glen Beck show this morning, they were taking guesses as to when everything that is wrong with this country will no longer be Bush's fault..    One guess was something like 2020 ..   

Oakbar - I hear those polls too and wonder who in the world did they poll.  They have NEVER called me nor anyone I know.  A poll is only as good as the sector of the population you poll.    So maybe they are only polling registered Democrats who are already on welfare?  That would be like conducting a poll on this forum - Do you like cattle? 