Bonds hits 756

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
Not much of a baseball fan and not sure exactly how I view the whole situation, but Bonds just broke the record.  I was suprised to see Hank Aaron give a video message on the scoreboard.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I heard on a sports show yesterday that there is more than just the question of possible steroid use involved in the controversay. Apparently the baseball used in the Pros is different in its make-up from the baseball used by Hank Aaron to set the old record of 755. Some studies were done by some univeristy ( forget which one they said) that showed that the baseball used today travels 10 % further than the old baseball . In the first year this new ball was introduced, there was an increase in home runs in the Majors of over 60%. Seems to me, that this fact alone, is reason enough to put an asterisk on Bonds record, let alone the juice.
To me, Hank Aaron will always be the Home Run King.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
What a sad, sad day. Records are made to be broke for sure, but when it is done with cheating, and illegal substances, I have no respect for the person or the new record. I can only hope the record will be broke again soon.
Of course, I lost all respect for baseball after the strike....since when did PLAYING A GAME deserve MILLIONS of dollars per hour????? And they COMPLAINED???  Give me a break. 
Hank will always be the hero he deserves to be!!!
Kinda like the steer that wins by cheating....don't respect the exhibitor, or bloodlines (if the bloodlines were THAT good, I assume they should not have had to cheat!!)


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Baseball itself is much to blame.  Technically, steroids weren't against the rules for a long time.  I could stomach it more if he'd admit he did it on purpose and just say it wasn't illegal at the time.

Bonds is an all-around jerk and a lot of things about him bother me much more than the steroids.

As much as we don't like him in Texas, everyone should be cheering for Arod now.  He will be the guy with the best chance to break the record in the future.  Who knows if he's clean or not, but he doesn't he hasn't gone throught he absurd body and production change that Bonds, Sosa, et al did.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
when willie mays was around when i was a kid, my dad was in the navy with a salary of 10k, mays made 100k.  today, that ratio is a little more skewed, granted with tv revenue, thesituation is changed.    I too have not attended a game since the strike, dont' watch on tv, or radio.  it was impressive when somebody hit a home run at san diego's old stadium, or sf before they changed the park and moved the fences compared with fulton county stadium where aaron was, of course ruth had an advantage as well, but there were lot's of home runs in other parks, including bonds, with the glaring statistic that he has hit more balls in the water than everyone else combined.  sports in general is frustrating with it's economic sphere, including college, where it has eliminated the possibility of a well rounded education.  i can't complain, only choose to not participate.  the pitchers also used steroids.  what is really frustrating is that the game was changed by organizers to  maximize home runs, rather than the beauty and diversity of the game.  no more maury wills, lou brock, gap players like mays staying on first so they wouldn't walk mccovey. they lowered the mound cause gibson was too good 1.12 era! and denny mcclain.  with all the hurt arms, they should raise it again and call strikes accurately, then i will be satisfied with comparisons.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Ah pro baseball, like pro basketball and pro football - great individuals to model our lives after - paragons of virtue, honorable and decent humans - unfortunately the bad behavior of some outshadows the decency of many others.

I did hear that 2 hockey brothers were arrested for loud partying at the ones bachelor party - I think that pales in comparison to murder, wife beating, girlfriend beating, DWI, weapons charges, illegal drugs of all sorts, gambling on your sport etc

(oh what a jaded individual am I - go Sabres 

shorthorns r us

Well-known member
Apr 9, 2007
justintime said:
I heard on a sports show yesterday that there is more than just the question of possible steroid use involved in the controversay. Apparently the baseball used in the Pros is different in its make-up from the baseball used by Hank Aaron to set the old record of 755. Some studies were done by some univeristy ( forget which one they said) that showed that the baseball used today travels 10 % further than the old baseball . In the first year this new ball was introduced, there was an increase in home runs in the Majors of over 60%. Seems to me, that this fact alone, is reason enough to put an asterisk on Bonds record, let alone the juice.
To me, Hank Aaron will always be the Home Run King.

i have game balls from as early as 1980 and as recenty as ast month.  there is a pronounced difference.  newer balls are smaller, hard as a rock, slicker than snot, and have absoluteley no seams. combine the hitters ball with the incredible shrinking strike zone and pitchers don't have  a chance.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
SRU said:
justintime said:
I heard on a sports show yesterday that there is more than just the question of possible steroid use involved in the controversay. Apparently the baseball used in the Pros is different in its make-up from the baseball used by Hank Aaron to set the old record of 755. Some studies were done by some univeristy ( forget which one they said) that showed that the baseball used today travels 10 % further than the old baseball . In the first year this new ball was introduced, there was an increase in home runs in the Majors of over 60%. Seems to me, that this fact alone, is reason enough to put an asterisk on Bonds record, let alone the juice.
To me, Hank Aaron will always be the Home Run King.

i have game balls from as early as 1980 and as recenty as ast month.  there is a pronounced difference.  newer balls are smaller, hard as a rock, slicker than snot, and have absoluteley no seams. combine the hitters ball with the incredible shrinking strike zone and pitchers don't have  a chance.

SRU - you can sell those balls and stockpile all the LP semen in the world ;D

shorthorns r us

Well-known member
Apr 9, 2007
most of them are worth no more than regular ol' baseball.  several of them got smoke damaged in our house fire on 9/11/2001.

i'd rather have solution semen.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2007
gallup New Mexico
It's not fair to do it cheating. Oh well A rod will break it in a couple of years. They youngest player to hit 500 and he is a lot younger then bond is.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
showcattlegal said:
It's not fair to do it cheating. Oh well A rod will break it in a couple of years. They youngest player to hit 500 and he is a lot younger then bond is.

Yea, but Jose Canseco possibly implicates Arod in his new book. 


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
oh yea, A rod is on fire,he will break it if something bad dosnt happen.

As for bonds, he is innocent till proven guilty but..

most career homeruns- barry bonds 756 *


Well-known member
May 6, 2007
dragon lady said:
Ah pro baseball, like pro basketball and pro football - great individuals to model our lives after - paragons of virtue, honorable and decent humans - unfortunately the bad behavior of some outshadows the decency of many others.

I did hear that 2 hockey brothers were arrested for loud partying at the ones bachelor party - I think that pales in comparison to murder, wife beating, girlfriend beating, DWI, weapons charges, illegal drugs of all sorts, gambling on your sport etc

(oh what a jaded individual am I - go Sabres 

DL don't act like hockey players are all sweet and innocent. Do you remember the Chiefs and all the drinking and womanizing that went on with that team. It would make anyone blush. If remember right they even made a documentary on how disfunctional they were. Would you let your children idolize the Hanson Bros.? I think not. Plus I don't think the goalie was exactly legal with his citizenship. ;D (I better get a karma point for the Slapshot reference.)


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
itk said:
dragon lady said:
Ah pro baseball, like pro basketball and pro football - great individuals to model our lives after - paragons of virtue, honorable and decent humans - unfortunately the bad behavior of some outshadows the decency of many others.

I did hear that 2 hockey brothers were arrested for loud partying at the ones bachelor party - I think that pales in comparison to murder, wife beating, girlfriend beating, DWI, weapons charges, illegal drugs of all sorts, gambling on your sport etc

(oh what a jaded individual am I - go Sabres 

DL don't act like hockey players are all sweet and innocent. Do you remember the Chiefs and all the drinking and womanizing that went on with that team. It would make anyone blush. If remember right they even made a documentary on how disfunctional they were. Would you let your children idolize the Hanson Bros.? I think not. Plus I don't think the goalie was exactly legal with his citizenship. ;D (I better get a karma point for the Slapshot reference.)

Karma point for you ITK! (my karma is slipping - I think it is on an automatic tail spin - do you think it will become negatiev???  There was also a player back in the days before helmets that after he was finished playing was accused of murder and served time in prison. And Tim Horton was speading on the QEW - but I think as a group they are either better behaved (or get caught less) ;D even down to the college level - MSU routinely has a basketball and or football player behaving badly....!ps I don't remember the Chiefs - maybe they were football players in the off season! ah tunnel vision is a wonderful thing


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
I'm a huge fan of Baseball, and I think it's the only sport where the Pros are more entertaining to watch than High School or College.  I'm not a Barry Bonds fan, and never have been.  However, I believe that right now, he is the greatest Home Run hitter of all time, regardless of the "aledged" streoid use.

Here is a link to a fantastic argument supporting Bond's spot as #1, without an *

Read it and then decide who you think deserves to be the HR King.  I'm staying with Bonds.

P.S.  Harry "The Cat" Brecheen should be labeled the Greatest Pitcher of all time in a World Series.  (1946)


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Bob Costas was on the radio this morning talking about it.  He makes a very good argument for Bonds not to be considered in that light.  He was on a committee in the late 90s when Bonds approached his mid 30s that was looking at greatest players at certain positions.  Bonds didn't even come up.  He was very good, but not in the same light as Mantle, Mays, Aaron, etc.  We don't realize how dramatically Bonds numbers jumped then - not just HRs but avg, slugging %, etc.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
It wasn't by hard work alone. 

In the 100+ years of baseball, not a single other players has had the statistical increases in production after the age of 35 that he did. 

I'm amazed the Feds haven't taken him down yet. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
35 a hundred years ago isn't 35 today. it was a lot older then.  i remember willie mays swinging in the bucket all the time and he fell down running the bases in the 74 series.  sad to see mantle, ruth gehrig when they were 35.  there was no way with all mantle's drinking and abuse he was going to improve.  my favorite story about him was i think he was with billy and whitey in a taxi in some city and they wanted to go some bar after the game.  they got in the taxi and the driver said it was just across the street or something like that.  they said they didn't care, just drive.  so he made a u turn across the street and they were there.  they laughed so hard they gave him a good tip.  i'm not sticking up for barry, i just think we, like you mentioned about having the luxury of being able to show steers, that we have too much luxury to devote too much resources to sports in general.