CA creative budget crisis solution

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
    Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger plans to sign an executive order next week that will temporarily reduce pay for more than 200,000 state workers to the federal minimum wage of $6.55 per hour to preserve cash in the midst of a month-long budget standoff, according to a draft copy of the order obtained by The Bee.

    But a spokeswoman for Democratic state Controller John Chiang, who pays the state’s bills, said he would ignore the governor’s order, likely forcing a court battle.

    “He will pay state workers the salaries that they have earned, and that’s full salary,” said Deputy Controller Hallye Jordan.

this could be solved if he targeted the poeple with the problem, THE LEGISLATURE THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  GET RID OF THEIR PERKS, CUT THEIR STAFF ETC.

by the way, if the left wants to enforce a progressive tax, why don't they just cut to the chase and just legislate how much you can make in the first place and save infrastructure costs on redistribution after the fact?

such cowards.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
at least they will have there insurance...give them a temporary worker card...... sounds like another job amerciains just wont do anymore ( when there are some many  that will)....  ...maybe out source there jobs to private they did the state employees that used to mow the right of ways/ maintaine/ and  install the guard rail  on state roads....paint the lines on the roads.....all these used to be state jobs in every state......manual labor....but a good honest decent the same logic that created that mess is  now  moving up the labor  ladder... .it seems to be nippin at the heals of the white collar workers now.....we'll see how the next economic  level of citizens up the labor chain deal with the labor practices now in place......... the blue collar folks had to eat the " we have to do all this to  be competive in a  world market"  sandwich 15/20 yrs ago....i wsh them luck with ther new menu....theres sure to be more on it than the air traffic controllers " special of the day" choice...jbarl