Calving cameras

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Aug 29, 2008
North Manchester Indiana
Before this years calving season I installed some cameras in the barn and it's been the best investment I've made in awhile. I've always hated waking up 3 times a night to walk out to the barn in the cold just to find the cow laying there chewing her cud, I also would worry while I was at work. I used a security system made by defender. They sell many models, I went with the 4 camera wireless system. I can view the cameras on the tv in my bed room or on my cell phone any where in the world, it's be really nice to just roll over, check the tv and go back to sleep if nothing is happening, also nice to be able to check on things from work, this summer I plan to move 2 of them into the cooler to check on the temperate when we aren't home. I'm sure they are better systems available but for the money I've been very happy so far, very easy set up and easy to view from a smart phone, I attached a link for a video of one or the cameras