Canadian Cattle

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2009
What are the requirements for importing bulls and heifers into the US from Canada? TIA


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
As you probably know, the requirements are based on which state they are going too. Some states do not require any health testing, but just need a Canadian health paper with the animal identification number ( CCIA tag Number). For example, I sent some cattle to Iowa and Tennessee last week. The cattle going to Iowa, did not need any health tests , just an export health paper and "CAN" tattooed into their left ear.Cattle going to Iowa ( as well as a few other states, also require a Permit number, which has to on the health papers prior to arriving at the US border. The cattle going to Tennessee needed a brucellosis and TB test, along with the CAN tattoo in their left ear along with the Canadian export health paper. I sent some cattle to North Dakota in the fall, and they needed a Brucellosis and TB test along with a "CAN " brand on the left hip along with the export health paper. I am leaving on Sunday with some more cattle that are headed to Texas. I just found out a few days ago that they were going and I just had to put the CAN tattoo in their ear and get a Export health paper. I  had a buyer from Texas a couple years ago, who happened to be dragging his stock trailer. He purchased a heifer and we literally had her on her way to the US in 3 hours. Other states take quite a bit more work. I have a list of the USDA offices in each state and before I do anything, I contact them to find out what is required. What I find frustrating is calling a state vetrinarian's office and asking for their requirements for Canadian cattle being imported into their state, and finding out that they are not sure. I have had this happen several times, and in these cases, I always phone back a second time just to make sure they are right.

All in all, it is not super hard.