BLM, Antifa, supported by many.
freedom, not supported by same group.
I find this hypocritical and disgusting
the same group that gets caught in black face, won't wear masks even under their own mandates, need to go immediately.
but, people will vote them in again.
the phrase, "democracy is at risk" will be used over and over to support those who are against the truckers..
the founders of the US warned us of the hazards of democracy, and instead gave us a representative republic.
the "democrats" keep saying democracy is at risk to train people to support them on election days, because if they had to run on policy alone, the risk of losing increases.
no wonder the anti-truckers want to take away guns.
so obvious.
the truck haters won't even follow the science, instead, it's about power.
you would think that the public would want public servants, instead of lifetime rulers padding their wallets with insider trading, and their retirement with very little service, both of which are either illegal or unavailable to the general public.
it's sad that they keep getting voted into office.
the public will simply just not learn.
one or two issues and the threat of democracy is sufficient to keep getting them elected so i guess we get what we deserve. the erosion of freedom and more laws every election cycle. it's to the point it's almost impossible to even live without breaking some law every day. and still, we keep voting them in office. no idea why.