Cattle Rustling

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Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
Rustling cattle is a big deal in our neighborhood.

The Newspaper in Altus, OK reported that some registered Angus were stolen and sold in Hollis, OK.  A couple of young men were arrested.

Our neighbor is a sheriff deputy and he arrested a guy at the local sale barn a couple of weeks ago after some cattle were sold.

In Gould, OK some guys were arrested and they had been shipping semi-loads to Oklahoma City and selling them.  They were caught due to cutting the ear tags out and leaving them on the ground near their chute.  Some of the tags had people's names on them.  Some of the neighbors turned them in for having such a turn over in cattle each week.

They have caught three men from Quanah, TX in a ring that most-like stole my bull.  They have recovered some cows but no my bull as yet.

Only one of these items have made the papers.  We are wondering if they are looking into some connections between the groups or some larger fish.  The Altus paper said this was only small fish in a big sea.

Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
No.  I would love to find him but have given up.

I am looking for a new bull.  I have three fellows who are supposed to send me some pictures of bulls they have this week.


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
Joe Boy said:
Rustling cattle is a big deal in our neighborhood.

The Newspaper in Altus, OK reported that some registered Angus were stolen and sold in Hollis, OK.  A couple of young men were arrested.

Our neighbor is a sheriff deputy and he arrested a guy at the local sale barn a couple of weeks ago after some cattle were sold.

In Gould, OK some guys were arrested and they had been shipping semi-loads to Oklahoma City and selling them.  They were caught due to cutting the ear tags out and leaving them on the ground near their chute.  Some of the tags had people's names on them.  Some of the neighbors turned them in for having such a turn over in cattle each week.

So, help me out here:  How can so many stolen cattle be put through the sale?  I'm sure OK has brand laws.  Doesn't the sale facility read the brands before they go through?  Or are people just not branding?  When I lived in WY, cattle were brand inspected before they ever left the ranch and then again at the sale barn before they were penned for the sale groups.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Alot of people in OK don't brand - I'd guess less than half. As far as I know there is no sort of official brand inspection at the sale barns. I know I've sold cattle that I've bought carrying someone elses brands, and there's never a question asked.

Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
There is no official brand inspectors in OK.  The fellow over the investigation in Texas also has 68 counties and many of them are in western OK.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2007
This topic goes near and dear to my heart. About ten years ago I had some cows come up missing. I run a mixed herd of pb horns, some maines, some angus, etc. You know, the typical clubby junk dealer. We called the sheriff and I have never been more pleased or impressed at their detective work. I will never complain again about paying taxes. They found some cows at a barn and asked my father to come take a look as I was away on business. They had only taken black cows with no tags. When they were questioned they claimed they owned them and would happily provide canceled checks. Their story turned a different tune when my geriatric father proclaimed "thems my boys cows! and I will get the papers to match the tattoos n shove em up yur rustlin ass!!"

Like most of you, my cows would happily follow you to the gates of Hell if they thought there was a bucket of grain in it for them.I padlock gates now.



Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
I think I love your "geriatric" father!  Where are located - what state?  He sounds like a good Wyoming boy!  (clapping) (clapping)

<<Their story turned a different tune when my geriatric father proclaimed "thems my boys cows! and I will get the papers to match the tattoos n shove em up yur rustlin ass!!">>

Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
Tonight's paper listed the 3 men's names that were arrested in the theft of cattle over where my bull disappeared.  They have traced 67 head of cattle to them so far and are expecting more.  TSCRA Spcial Rangers Scott Williamson and Ben Eggleston made the arrest.  Williamson is the one I visited with.  The cattle involved were along the Pease and Red Rivers in Hardeman and Wilbarger counties.  Most of them were sold at Elk City, OK.  They caught them with a load in Oklahoma City with 13 other head.

Roger Miller grew up not far from Elk City.  Remember his song, "Dang me, Hang me."  I like the one line, "hang me from the highest tree, baby want you weap for me."

Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
Tonight, just before dark a neighbor stopped me and said my bull was at his place.  I went to look and he was there.  He is all scarred up with rope burns or wire cuts on 3 of his feet.  Hair is missing off both sides of his body and his front.  There is a wire cut or rope burn under his head and one back leg is swollen very large.  He weighs 1/3 of what he once weighed.  I do not think I can save him as a bull but will bring him home, start antibiotics, and fatten him up for market.

Is it possible that he was hurt leaving my place and has been under trees for 40 days?  How could he survive without water that long?  Our temperatures have been near a 100 and around 95 most of the time since he has been gone, until this week.  There are no mesquite beans this year due to a late freeze, so he did not have them to eat.  My neighbor told me he walked his pasture and I walked his tanks and checked all his cattle many times and never found my bull.  He did fix his fences last week and my bull was first spotted on Tuesday this week by another neighbor but he could not find him and did not call me until tonight and he and I were feeding at the same time when he spotted the bull.

I want to thank all of you for your kind thoughts in this regard.

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
What great news! (clapping)

Sad to hear about the injuries  but glad you found him. Maybe more of the details of what happened will become clearer in the coming days.

Now if only your bull could talk, then think of the movie rights.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
a pre innoculation call to the sheriffs department regarding the condition of your bull might be in order to protect yourself from PETA, SPCA etc and what a good deed you are doing.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Joe Boy : No, my guess is those injuries are man-made....probably from someone trying to steal him. I would diffinately would call the authorities.
But am happy you found him!!! (clapping)