CAB, I guess I should've mentioned I believe this female is a Heat Wave, although I haven't had her DNA confirmed. Her mother had a nice udder, and the other Heat Wave that I kept also has a very nice udder. Who knows why hers went so terribly bad.
Goodnight, that's a very valid question, and thought it might be asked. The reason I am flushing her is because she is very sound in every other way and is very easy to get settled. She also has a very nice calf, even from the neighbors bull. Also, if I'm not mistaken, udder and teat shape is very heritable from the bull side of the pedigree. It's very easy to improve your udders, just by breeding to the right bull. EXCEPT when it's my cow apparently.
Anyway, it's worth a try to me. If her heifers have terrible udders, they will bring as much per lb as the good uddered ones and I'll know not to keep any heifers for replacements.