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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
Sorry this topic is a few days late.  As you can probably see we have no moderators right now.  I actually just deleted the whole category after the resignations of 2 moderators.  I think it will be better to start fresh and try to dissolve the sides that have formed.

I know everyone is not going to get along, that is fine, but we do have younger people on the board.  It seems there is a stiff line drawn when it comes to a few subjects on this board with a few people.  Which is great, but people need to keep it civil. 

I apologize for not being able to spend more time.  I will appoint 2 impartial moderators and I will spend a greater time helping monitor things.

This board has so much great information and great members that I want to see it continue to flourish.  We are actually on track for October to be the biggest month in steerplanet history.  I will continue to work harder.

If you have any questions or comments, you can pm or email me directly at [email protected].


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas

The roles of moderators can vary from forum to forum, just as the purposes of the forums themselves can vary. However, on boards intended to be public, moderators are generally accorded additional powers. This allows them to enforce forum rules and conduct administrative tasks that the forum owner does not trust ordinary users to perform.

Among a moderator's enforcement duties is often the duty to stop flaming and keep the board a friendly place, free of personal insults (but different boards have different standards, and what is acceptable on one will invariably be prohibited on another). Most boards also ban illegal material (such as warez) and outright pornography, and many also restrict the use of profanity and any violent or sexual images, however in other boards this is considered perfectly acceptable, or even the norm. Some sites will disallow pornographic subjects on the main forum but will set up a sub-forum solely for that.

On some boards, moderators are expected to stay out of all contentious debates, or at least to use alternate accounts to engage in them unbeknownst to common members. On most boards, however, moderators may participate just as any normal member, provided they remain civil and generally obey the site rules. Some boards require moderators not to moderate any discussion or topic they're involved in, and many moderators on other boards take this upon themselves to avoid conflict of interest and bias.

As always, there are many exceptions. On smaller boards or forums that are operated at the whim of the site operator and perhaps some of his or her friends, a moderator might be able to do whatever he feels like (provided they avoid crossing their colleagues and superiors). On any professional forum it is important to have clear rules posted, and that the moderators are consistently following these. Lack of order and respect for the rules will cause the board to lose maybe valuable and contributing softspoken members in favor of those who don't mind breaking rules to win arguments or silence members with opposing views. This risks turning any board into a one-man show of the loudest.

Depending on the forums ambition, it is important for a moderator to be available at all times to stem any crises or stop the forum's rules to be broken. Basically it is the moderators job to keep the forums clean and used properly.

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
I imagine that since you are the owner of the board you will be catching a lot of flack over the situation. Some justified other maybe not.

I know there may have been some things happen behind the scenes that would help fill in the blanks for some of us but from what I can tell it was handled poorly. Red and Cowz resigning was their choice but to arbitrarily dismissing DL wasn't right. If I have missed someting I apologize.

When posts are pulled without explanation all that can happen is rumors and accusations. It should be standard operating procedure to post an explanation.

No matter who you have as moderators there will be sides and cliques. There is just going to have to be some give and take on everyones part.

From what I can tell you too need to act more responsibly to your moderators and members. DL is owed an apology and maybe a few others as well.

I sure hope DL is included (an I hope she will accept) in the next set of moderators.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
Jason said:

Among a moderator's enforcement duties is often the duty to stop flaming and keep the board a friendly place, free of personal insults (but different boards have different standards, and what is acceptable on one will invariably be prohibited on another).
On some boards, moderators are expected to stay out of all contentious debates, or at least to use alternate accounts to engage in them unbeknownst to common members. On most boards, however, moderators may participate just as any normal member, provided they remain civil and generally obey the site rules. Some boards require moderators not to moderate any discussion or topic they're involved in, and many moderators on other boards take this upon themselves to avoid conflict of interest and bias.

I know this has been heavily talked about, and I respect each of the moderators so I haven't really put in my 2 cents but since you put it in black and white here is what I see, the quotes I have replied with above are where I have issues with them.  I know that each of these people have strong op ionions on certain issue almost to a passionate degree and those stands have led to some responses that are neither friendly or free of insults.  It doesn't mean each of you can't have different op ionions, but you don't dig at each other on a public forum that you are supposed to be keeping free of that type of thing.  The problem from where I sit is that when you dig at each other you have 100 (number out of the air) people out there that would love to give an opinion, but wouldn't dare take the criticism the moderators are going to throw at them so they just don't post and that is what I think is the shame of it.  I thoroughly enjoy this board, I think is the best board out there by far and I wish you nothing but continue success.  
P.S. thank you for explaining what the job of the moderator was, I really didn't know other than I knew Red re sized all of our picture and we do need someone to do that.


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
Re this:  <<P.S. thank you for explaining what the job of the moderator was, I really didn't know other than I knew Red re sized all of our picture and we do need someone to do that.>>

Thanks to Jason's post, I have a somewhat better idea of what is expected of moderators on this board.  I don't understand, however, why it's the moderators' job to resize the pics?  If we as senders of photos knew what size they need to be to conform to a useable format, we could resize them ourselves - right?  So, what size do the pics need to be?


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Dori, Red resized them to be nice...that is just how she is.  Many didn't know how to resize them so she just did it.

Jill....good post.  I for one am one that will think twice voicing my opinions on some "hot" topics due to the back lash of some


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar

I am completely clueless as to what has transpired on Steerplanet, which apparently has rubbed some the wrong way.  Too many people are offended way too easily.  I believe everyone has a right to voice their opinion, but never should it include vulgarity or malice.  A majority of the topics have no interest to me, therefore I haven't scrolled through many of the threads.  My limited involvement has been both informative, and I think, rather well received.

I congratulate and applaud Cowz, Red, and DL for their work and assistance.  Please continue to share your knowledge and experience. 

Epictitus, the ancient Greek philosopher, once remarked: "What concerns me, is not the way things are, but rather the way people THINK they are."  We should all learn to be slower to 'name' and more open to experience.

In His grip,



Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I missed it all too as a result of a prolonged hunting trip.  I'm guessing there is some carryover here from what happened on other message boards earlier this year. 

From what I interpret, I can see both sides a little bit (as usual).  I'd be hacked from being removed as a moderator without being told, but I also understand why you would want a moderator (who is perceived as being an official voice of the website) as being somewhat down the middle opinion wise.

This site (and a couple of others) are supposed to be about showing cattle.  In reality, many of the posts wind up focusing on griping about everything that is wrong with showing cattle, the animals themselves, and the people that show them.  There really isn't any way to avoid it and most of the points are true to various extents, but people get tired of griping all the time.  To hear all the griping, you'd think we all hate showing when nothing could be further from the truth. 

I imagine that is what the web site owners would like to correct a little bit.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
transfer of control, jurisdiction, tenure, etc is probably the most overlooked aspect of any organization.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2007
I am fairly new here to Steerplanet, and I have enjoyed this forum.  I am just wanting a little history and information.

I was just a little shocked that DL at least, did not know you, or how to find you.

Who are you /and your partner & what do you do?

Do you know Red and/or Cows? 

What is the purpose or reason you have this site? 

And last-  what are your future plans for this site?

With the recent shake up here, This may look like I may be trying to start trouble or something, Which I am not.  I Just realized nobody seams to know you, and maybe you should introduce yourself and some history and plans.

DL, Red, and Cows have done a great job as ambassadors for you, and I want to thank them for all they have done.

Thanks and Have a good one


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
Let me try to clear a few things up.

1.  Red and Cowz resigned as Moderators last Thursday.  I think Red may have tried to clear up why in a thread.

2.  I felt things were getting a little out of hand with a few issues and deleted the whole moderator category, not the individual moderators, but the actual designation    "moderator".  Basically I wanted to think things through on what to do, but really had made no decision on the future.

3.  I thought about everything over the weekend and ultimately decided to make a change.

4.  It was not meant to hurt or offend anyone, and I apologize for not being more prompt in my decision.  I have apologized to DL about not informing her earlier that I was in the process of examining the situation and temporarily had deleted moderator status for everyone, but it was not meant in malice.

5.  Ultimately it came down to the defining what a moderator should be and as the name applies you almost have to be bystander looking in on heated topics.  Because I think there should be topics that encourage people to post their opinions, but in a reasonable manner (without vulgar language, name calling, threatning, etc).  We could just post a sticky thread and say "no topics about genetic disorders", but that is not real life - they exist and everyone will have a opinion.  The job of the moderator will be in the role to keep peace while letting people express their opinions about topics that invoke emotion.

6.  The site would not have grown from the beginning without people like Cowz, Red, DL, many of the early members and from everyone now on.

7.  And lastly, I got a nice surprise on Monday - an oil cooler line cracked on my diesel truck, spewed oil down the road, didn't get it shut off in time, and burned out all the bearings in the lower end.  ::)


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
SteerPlanet History

I started this forum after I was looking for a place to advertise my brothers club calf site.  I stumbled upon a few sites and was almost knocked over by what they wanted to put a link on for a year.  I thought I could do something better and let everyone have a link for free.

In the beginning, it was just me and another moderator, Austin, my nephew.  Cowz was one of the very first members and probably the first member that posted quite a bit, I believe she brought Red over here.  We made Cowz a moderator first and after we started to grow Red soon became a moderator.  DL was added shortly after and provided lots of knowledge. 

Many of the very first members who post quite a bit included genes, shortdawg, aj, justme, showcattlegal, showheifer, aaok, rsc, joe boy, steers4u, telos, garybob, elbee, knabe, bluegrass, chambero, OH Breeder, frostback,  etc.

I attribute the growth to the moderators and the early posters.  Austin is around every once in a while, but is really busy right now. 


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
About me

Well I have summed up why I started the site, here is just a bit on info about me.  I grew up in  Kansas and actively involved in 4-H.  I showed cattle and sheep at the local level while growing up, but was never competitive past showing a couple sheep in the state fair.  I attended college at Emporia State University and recently graduated with a degree in Computer Information Systems.  I am a part owner in a family business and in my free time I remodel houses to either sell or rent out and work on websites.

I stayed involved with cattle as my brother is a vet in MO, and has around 200 head. My younger sister is currently attending vet school.  I hope to get a nice spread soon to put a house on and have some livestock.

I will see if I can't find a picture tomorrow so you can put a face to a name


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Thanks Jason! As I stated before, I'm behind you all the way. I look forward to still being a part of the community & if anyone needs any help, still look me up.
I hope all can move on from this point. I think sometimes we tend to take ourselves too seriously & loose sight of the big picture.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the new fords have 7 radiators, i'm thinking there are going to be a lot of hose/line failures of all three, especially the diesels.  feeding cows in the pasture has got to be a good test bed for this type of stuff.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
ELBEE said:
Fantastic recovery! Ford, Dodge, or Chevy oops?

Chevrolet 6.5 L, a year before the duramax came out.  It actually looks like it is cheaper to sell it for parts than try to fix it. :-\

Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
Jason  (and not intended for anyone else),  [I tried to email this to you but could not get it to go, as I am ignorant in modern tools.]
I enjoy Steer Planet and was glad to hear that you have apologized to DL.  You owed her a BIG one.  Personally, I think you acted like a young boy and not a man.  I have really enjoyed all the moderators.  I came to Steer Planet at their invitation, basically, because of their efforts to correct the PHA disorder.  They were really in favor of finding the gene, getting the information before the unsuspecting and whatever they could do to support Dr. B.  They had been slandered and had fingers pointed at them because of their stands.  This forum has been really civil compared to some I have seen.  I have come to the point that this has been the only board that I now take the time to read.  I do not expect everyone to agree with me, and I do not agree with everything that is said by those who post on this forum.  I do wish that Cowboy (Terry) and A-3 would post more but understand their time and also I think they get tired of PHA being brought up so often.  I have learned a great deal from them and many others on this board. 

I am really sorry that this has happened.  I personally did not see any slander in any statements but again I am not sensitive to those things having been a referee for 30 years in two sports.  If friendships were lost, was it what was said or was it the reaction to what was said, or both?  If we perceive someone to be out of line, should we not approach them first or just shoot 'em down?  Many times friendship is not lost but enriched by going to each other, understanding the tone of what was said, and shooting straight with each other.  What you did was far less than this.  To me your action requires that you be as public with your apology as was your actions.

I am sorry that you have had a break down in your equipment.  Machinery does that.  A breakdown of public trust is much more difficult to repair and it cost much more.

I thank you for the forum and hope that the damage done is minimum.  I hope all can be forgiven, forgotten and that we can all learn from what has happened.

Joe Dale Wilson


Well-known member
May 15, 2007
I don't have a dog in the this fight, but as a member of this board, I want to add my 2 cents worth.

OK, I'll admit that deleting the moderators wasn't handled in the best way, BUT only because DL wasn't notified 1st.  Obviously this is Jason's board & he can do whatever he wants to do with it.  If he feels that this board needs impartial mods, then that is his right as the board owner & I stand behind him 100% because that is HIS right.  So, from my view point the only thing that he did wrong was not contacting DL about his decision before deleting her as a mod.  However, he's already admitted that he was wrong for not doing that & IMHO, there is no reason for us to "beat him over the head" about something that is in the past & is now "water under the bridge".  Not to mention that he's already apologized to DL & publicly admitted that he should have contacted her first.  What more can he do?  He can't go back in time!  Obviously, Jason is not perfect, I know that I am not perfect.  So, when Jason says he apologized to DL, that is good enough for me.  I know it's human nature to keep piling on someone when they do something we don't like, but once they admit the wrong & apologize to the person that they wronged, IMHO, at that point it is time to move on.  With all that said, I hope that everyone will be able to put this situation behind them & hopefully, we can all move forward.

TJ Stenger
