Cloned Beef

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2007
With the recent talk about allowing cloned meat and milk on the market there seems to be alot of people against it.  It seems like adding wood to the fire to me as we see more people moving away from eating red meat due to all the studies and write ups that tell people that it is bad for you due to the hormones in it, and then you through on top of that the hight grain prices and how bad the market is it just seems like something that we dont need to deal with right now.  I myself dont see the point of cloned animals for beef purposes b/c to me if you have to go back to old gentics then youre breed isnt moving forward and changing for the times.  I hope that this talk of allowing cloned meat doest hurt the cattle market even more.


Well-known member
May 18, 2007
Courtney Hughes- Bagley, Iowa
i sure won't be cutting back on my steaks  ;D.  i don't see the point of cloning for meat either. it's just a huge waste of money and resources for something that's going to be dead in 18 months. just because we have the technology doesn't mean that we have to run it into the ground for every single possibility.


Well-known member
May 6, 2007
MAHER: [overlapping] Licks57: “What does the panel think about the FDA approving the sale of food from cloned animals?”

ADKINS: Did cows stop %^&in’? [laughter] Is that what happened? [applause] [cheers] I mean, why are we having to do this? [voices overlap] My old man’s got a bull that’ll still mount everything in the pasture, you know what I’m talking about. [laughter] When did we have to start doing this?

MAHER: Right, well, you know, if you—

HUGHLEY: “Did cows stop $%^in’!” [he laughs]

ADKINS: Our cows are still &^%ing. [laughter]

MAHER: Well…

SAVAGE: But, only bulls, because cow-*&^^in’-cow is wrong. [laughter] [applause] [cheers]

MAHER: Well…

ADKINS: Then you don’t have to clone, see.

HUGHLEY: [overlapping] That – that and bulls *&^%in’ – we together. [laughter]

I saw this on the Bill Maher Show and thought it was a funny take on cloned beef. Most of the conversation is DL Hughley and Trace Adkins. I hoped to find a clip of it and couldn't so the transcript will have to do, maybe someone with more computer skills then me could find the video clip. I had to edit some of the words since it might not be appropriate for our younger members.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
Cloning isn't an issue with Me, it's "WHAT's being cloned" that I have a problem with. Clone a Cow that is 10 yrs old, looks like a 5year-old with a BCS 6 (on grass and realistic supplememntation during wintertime), has teeth of a 7-year-old, Breeds back like a 5-yr-old, etc.
Breed Her clones to Sons of said Cows. That's how cloning could benefit the Industry.



Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
I think the public, including the media, really doesn't understand why we'd clone in the cattle industry. Obviously from a pure meat production standpoint, it makes no sense, because it's not economically feasible, and probably never will be.
Bulls that sell huge amounts of semen for A.I. do make economic sense, but hopefully somewhere along the way the scientists that are doing it will learn something of far greater benefit genetically and/or medically than raising show cattle.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
garybob said:
Cloning isn't an issue with Me, it's "WHAT's being cloned" that I have a problem with. Clone a Cow that is 10 yrs old, looks like a 5year-old with a BCS 6 (on grass and realistic supplememntation during wintertime), has teeth of a 7-year-old, Breeds back like a 5-yr-old, etc.
Breed Her clones to Sons of said Cows. That's how cloning could benefit the Industry.


And that is exactly where the dairy industry is light years ahead of the beef industry.  The dairy folks keep meticulous records on every cow in the herd and the productions cows are what is being cloned.  Public perception is everything and if you can't curb the media frenzy this has created cloning will come to a standstill.


Active member
Jul 30, 2007
I see why they want to clone beef animals. Haven't you ever said or thought "man i sure would like to have one just like her". Well with cloning you can. I also think its a lot more consistant than breeding two animals. That's how i try to look at it, but I agree, if you have to go back to old genetics then no, your breed isn't moving forward.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2007
Alberta, Canada
Agriculture: The only industry where we produce a product and then try to create a market...instead of producing what the already existing market demands.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
shortyisqueen said:
Agriculture: The only industry where we produce a product and then try to create a market...instead of producing what the already existing market demands.

and the government provides price supports and gives it away free to countries they want to keep poor as local farmers can't compete with a free product.

government is so stupid.  they have to be involved in everything.  essentially government is a product without a market, reinforced by an education system to preserve it.  that's why we need uneducated people to keep it propped up.  think about it, we are going to flood our educational resources with people who have no eduction where they come from, can't read and write in their own language, and WE? are going to fix this?  this is insane.

this thread is a metaphor for how stupid the american public has become in the last 30 years (since the last dam and powerplant were built in california).  we, CA are tearing down dams which provide water and electricity, yet are mandating growth to finance an "unsustainable" population with sustainable, ie wealth redistribution and elimination of property rights, all in the name of progress.

ted turner is the best example of this BS.  he got a bail out for his stupid bison at taxpayer expense because there was no market for his stupid product.  why shouldn't he suffer, absorb the loss, perhaps even selling his land to cover costs to farmers who are motivated to make a profit?

this country is so upside down it's ridiculous.  yet we rant for more communism.