Club calf / Maine Bull Docility

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Maines in PA

Well-known member
Jul 31, 2007
Port Royal, PA
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but has anyone else noticed the temperament of popular bulls' calves going downnlill? I started raising Maines because they were easy to get along with. In the last 5 years or so, some calves out of a few of the most popular Maine bulls has been suspect at best, just plain mean at worst. Same for a couple of the most popular club calf bulls. We're not talking Sugar Ray crazy here (for the most part), but it doesn't matter how good they are, if they're jumping gates, etc., they aren't much good to me. I'm rapidly approaching old man status and don't have time or energy to fight those things. If they aren't tying and enjoying the show stick after 2x on a rope, they get turned back out.

Point me toward solid, consistent club calf bulls whose calves are genetically calm? I think I can fix the Maine problem by going back a few generations.
