The moderation movement, if there ever really was one, took a hit yesterday at our county fair. Supreme Champion female was a 1700+ pound Simmental senior yearling. She brought back memories of the ton plus junior yearling Angus heifers in Denver in the 80's. First time in many, many years we couldn't show at the county fair. The grandkids had basketball weight lifting and practice 6:30-9:30 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, cross country 7:00-9:00 Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and baseball from 2 or 3:00 in the afternoon until 10:00 or later, depending on where they play, at least 4 days a week. Baseball practice on the rare days they don't have games. I wonder what would happen if the Math teacher decided the kids needed to work on math Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for three hours per day all summer long. I'll bet there would be a revolt. But, since all our student-athletes will be playing for pay withing 5 years, I guess it's worth it to have zero time off to be a kid.