county fair

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Well-known member
May 29, 2008
The moderation movement, if there ever really was one, took a hit yesterday at our county fair.  Supreme Champion female was a 1700+ pound Simmental senior yearling.  She brought back memories of the ton plus junior yearling Angus heifers in Denver in the 80's.  First time in many, many years we couldn't show at the county fair.  The grandkids had basketball weight lifting and practice 6:30-9:30 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, cross country 7:00-9:00 Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and baseball from 2 or 3:00 in the afternoon until 10:00 or later, depending on where they play, at least 4 days a week.  Baseball practice on the rare days they don't have games.  I wonder what would happen if the Math teacher decided the kids needed to work on math Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for three hours per day all summer long.  I'll bet there would be a revolt.  But, since all our student-athletes will be playing for pay withing 5 years, I guess it's worth it to have zero time off to be a kid.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
oakview said:
The moderation movement, if there ever really was one, took a hit yesterday at our county fair.  Supreme Champion female was a 1700+ pound Simmental senior yearling.  She brought back memories of the ton plus junior yearling Angus heifers in Denver in the 80's.  First time in many, many years we couldn't show at the county fair.  The grandkids had basketball weight lifting and practice 6:30-9:30 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, cross country 7:00-9:00 Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and baseball from 2 or 3:00 in the afternoon until 10:00 or later, depending on where they play, at least 4 days a week.  Baseball practice on the rare days they don't have games.  I wonder what would happen if the Math teacher decided the kids needed to work on math Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for three hours per day all summer long.  I'll bet there would be a revolt.  But, since all our student-athletes will be playing for pay withing 5 years, I guess it's worth it to have zero time off to be a kid.

They would probably be as good at math as they are at sports.

Somebody showed up for county fair.  How did they make it to fair in the face of all these sports schedules?


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
Some kids don't play sports, some area coaches don't "suggest" everybody go to year round practice, for some it's a true family project, and many in our area hire someone to prepare their projects.  The practice of putting in an appearance at the show after someone else has done your homework is nothing new, but seems to be increasing.  Maybe it's necessary since 12 hours per day of sports practice leaves little time for anything else.  My siblings and I played all the sports as did my kids, but our time was never so completely occupied by it as the grand kids.  I would think becoming more proficient in the three Rs would be more beneficial in the long run.  Some would suggest that the kids just quit sports.  In our small school, though, you have to participate in everything or you don't have it.   


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
Priorities get bent and twisted by peer pressure.  We always explained to coaches that the chances of obtaining a livestock judging or academic scholarship were much higher than any athletic scholarship and then did our thing.  They didn't like it and threatened we wouldn't be starters.  It was fine.  After the first 5 minutes we were in for the rest of the game anyway.  Be brave and do your own thing.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
GoWyo said:
They didn't like it and threatened we wouldn't be starters.  It was fine.  After the first 5 minutes we were in for the rest of the game anyway.  Be brave and do your own thing.

who told the "starters" to make sure and do something else so they won't be working at mcdonalds protesting for a higher minimum wage.

i see kids at work with a B.S., M.S. in STEM cleaning equipment, and just going through the motions. They are the ones drinking too often after work.

i guess things really haven't changed. with just a little effort, it will be easy for those with just a little effort to excel in the workplace.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
I guess my main point was the 1700+ pound heifer that won the show.  She also won the showback this weekend that included the champion females from I believe 8 neighboring county fairs.  I know many on this site promote much more moderate females.  We sure don't see them at the top of the shows, which goes back to the eternally discussed relationship between the show ring and the commercial sector.

Medium Rare

Well-known member
Aug 18, 2013
After watching a couple county fairs the last few weeks, I would have to say I'm seeing the same. 1,400+ pound steers winning, some obviously aged heifers winning classes, and the big girls winning overall. Quite a few of the heifers had just returned from their respective Jr nationals and the opinions all seemed to be that you better have plenty of gas in the tank and the first liar doesn't stand a chance.