County Show = Popularity Contest

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
At our county fair, the kids are responsible for their buyers. The kids with buyers get better money, most their buyers are either family members, friends of family or associates. Our county fair is made up of over 10 cities over 15 FFA groups and could not guess how many 4H clubs.
Some of the communities have support groups that bid on animals from their area, but if a family does not participate their kids do not get assistance. If I were you I would spend less time feeling like a victim and put my efforts toward finding a way to promote my kid and their project.
You will find if you decide to go up against the fair board and make waves, your child and their project may not even get a bid.
You would be better served getting a list of buyers, having you child send them a bio and a monthly progress report on their project, with some pictures of the animal. Get them acquainted with your child that way when they enter the sale ring the buyers will make a connection and are more likely to bid.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
First take a deep breath.
Second realize that the "show" cattle deal doesn't stop at the ring. Lots of children in our county look at buyers list from year before and sit down and WRITE a letter on nice paper and ASK for bidders. Those kids that go the extra mile like those in life that take the time to put letters of reference with their job resume get noticed. The first go around is eye opening especially if you are a struggling parent that is trying to do it all. I have zero kids but have spent thousands on nieces, nephews and other peoples children to make sure that if there is a kid who wants to show they have an animal and the resources. I loose money every year but so many children have walked away from the project learning how much you have to put in to it. This year I have three children that are not my nieces or nephews but friends children that I have provided projects and resources. I don't think they care if they make a dollar, they have all told me they are happy to have a project and be able to show. In our county they make the steer show a big deal. Its held at night under the "lights" and it is standing room only. For that kid that works his/ her butt off all year its is truly a show.
My suggestion to you is find out how your sale works. And start selling your kid. Promoting your kid. IF you want to make a buck then promote your child's project.
Our sale is a premium sale. So the kids all have buy backs the day before the sale from the stock yard and then the buyers bid premium above the buy back. I have seen some kids do extremely well because they spent the extra time to market themselves. Life is more competitive than its ever been and you have to put forth the efforts to get your kid noticed. I am sure in this county there is a grocery store or feed mill you patronize you could spend the time to write a note the week prior to the sale.


Active member
Jan 11, 2014
Kansas City, KS
I'm not ungrateful and am very thankful for the $$ my son did get.  I'm not saying at ALL I want to pull him out of the program.  He's a Tx Tech bound kid and love Ag.  I'd never pull him from the program.  But as his mother/parent, it is absolutely my responsibility to do my best to make sure he gets a fair shake and is treated fairly.  I won't sit back and let him be deceived into thinking if he works his butt off, goes through the motions, and is a good kid, he will stand a chance to compete right there with and earn close to what the big popular names will.  What I'm saying here is that the popular names are deceiving parents and kids into getting their kids involved in a county show that is basically geared towards a few key family names.  The  experience is priceless, yes, but tell me this.  Is it fair that a class reserve calf goes to the sale and makes less $ than the dead last calf of the whole show?  And when that happens, its pretty tough to explain the "fairness" to a 12 yr old who's been hearing just the opposite from ffa and 4h people.  And to boot, he has to go to school with that kid who owns that last place steer which brought 2x what his did, which was the 2nd entry from a well known family.  Why would I or anyone else continue putting a kid through that? Im saying we choose to NOT participate at the county level and completely discourage anyone else from participating until the mess is cleaned up.  Yes I'm very familiar with how these shows are run and rules set.  My ex was the  treasurer of the board in the county we moved from.  And yes, I now live in SW Tx. 


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
Well, here I go again. I have read this topic time and time again and tried not to reply but finally I must.
Like it or not unless you win a major you will not make any money on a steer project if you try to do it right. By that I mean spending the time at the barn IT TAKES TO MAKE A CHAMPION. Even then you have no guarantee of winning. If you figure you kids time at min. wage plus all other expenses money wise you lose money even if you raise your own calves like we did. The GREAT thing about these projects is what it teaches our kids. Responsibility, handling money, making decisions, keeping records, etc. plus all the friends you meet.

With that being said, I know how green 8911 feels. At our county fair if you sell in the sale your steer then goes to the packer. We don't have to solicit buyers however many of us do any way. My oldest son's first year he had champion steer as well as being champ. jr. supreme champion, which consists of rate of gain, showmanship, record book and test. He sold the cheapest steer in the sale. For many years the boy's had grand and or reserve steer and always brought less than most of the kids. Did it upset me? YES. When I am spending $500 a week on feed from the local feed store for a month or two weaning and selling show calves and then buying feed from him the rest of the year feeding the boy's calves I expect him to at least BID on them. When I spend 5 to 8 thousand a month on fuel from the local fuel supplier I expect him to at least BID. They didn't they lost my business. I have been around this business since 1972 and I realize it isn't fair. Does it make me mad? YES, but I don't know if it will ever change. What can you do to make yourself feel better? KEEP KICKIN' THEIR BUTTS IN THE SHOW RING! (clapping) 

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
green8911 said:
I'm not ungrateful and am very thankful for the $$ my son did get.  I'm not saying at ALL I want to pull him out of the program.  He's a Tx Tech bound kid and love Ag.  I'd never pull him from the program.  But as his mother/parent, it is absolutely my responsibility to do my best to make sure he gets a fair shake and is treated fairly.  I won't sit back and let him be deceived into thinking if he works his butt off, goes through the motions, and is a good kid, he will stand a chance to compete right there with and earn close to what the big popular names will.  What I'm saying here is that the popular names are deceiving parents and kids into getting their kids involved in a county show that is basically geared towards a few key family names.  The  experience is priceless, yes, but tell me this. Is it fair that a class reserve calf goes to the sale and makes less $ than the dead last calf of the whole show?  And when that happens, its pretty tough to explain the "fairness" to a 12 yr old who's been hearing just the opposite from ffa and 4h people.  And to boot, he has to go to school with that kid who owns that last place steer which brought 2x what his did, which was the 2nd entry from a well known family.  Why would I or anyone else continue putting a kid through that? Im saying we choose to NOT participate at the county level and completely discourage anyone else from participating until the mess is cleaned up.  Yes I'm very familiar with how these shows are run and rules set.  My ex was the  treasurer of the board in the county we moved from.  And yes, I now live in SW Tx.

I have worked in medical industry for years now. Is it fair when a person who has 10 years of experience gets promoted when the guy doing the job has 24 years and the promoted person now becomes his boss. Is it fair that Mary Jo gets a job that was never posted but appears magically over night and she is put in it. Is it fair that you show up and go the extra mile but they change territories in the last quarter of the year and the new person who just walked in the door gets presidents club the trip and a huge bonus and it was all your work? This is LIFE. Nothing in life is fair. Hard work does get rewarded but it may not always be in the way its expected.
You and your child should be proud. You did well . What you can explain to your child is that he placed won and his hard work paid off in the show. He is learning what society is all about today. Lots of business deals are personally related. If a person likes one sales person over another they may get the contract not because they necessarily have a superior product but because "they" have the relationship. If its the sale you want to change then get on the sale committee and start there. if its too up hill battle can you join a neighboring county 4-H club and participate in that fair? Where there's a problem there's always a solution.

Gmc cattle

Active member
Dec 9, 2013
Start a chapter booster club for add ons. This is life. It is hard and unfair for the most part. Have you ever thought about the kid that comes to the county show and has to watch cause his family can't afford a calf, feed, and supplies. I bet he he would be tickled to show the last place calf, just to have one. I am giving a local kid a heifer this spring with understanding I get her back at the end of her show career. You should of seen this kids delight. Be thankful you have means to let your child show cattle.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
Be thankful you have a sale at all when I started my first year of 4-H they moved the county fair to a town that has a ban on auctioning live animals inside the city limits. My whole 4-h career the closest 2 sale barns did a walk thru and usually gave a dollar or two over market but that was it. I don't think I ever got more than $1100 for a steer the kids now still don't have an auction 20 years later after the move.

As for getting bids I agree with everyone else go out and drum them up.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2013
Our county does a premium only ribbon auction. Each kid is expected to visit 2 businesses within the county and get a signature saying they informed the business of the auction and would love them to come out and support it. We also hold a buyer appreciation supper before the auction for the buyers that come to the auction. The way it works is the buyer actually buys a ribbon and not the animal. The premium is split 80/20 with the 20 being retained by the county to use for improvements or scholarships. We have seen a goose bring over a $1000.00 dollars and steers bring $250.00 but remember its only the ribbon they get. This helps buyers support the auction because its much less money than buying the animal. Any market animal can be in the auction. It seems to work really. Is it still a popularity contest??? Yes..... But so is life one must not sweat the small stuff.


Active member
Jan 11, 2014
Kansas City, KS
MCC said:
Well, here I go again. I have read this topic time and time again and tried not to reply but finally I must.
Like it or not unless you win a major you will not make any money on a steer project if you try to do it right. By that I mean spending the time at the barn IT TAKES TO MAKE A CHAMPION. Even then you have no guarantee of winning. If you figure you kids time at min. wage plus all other expenses money wise you lose money even if you raise your own calves like we did. The GREAT thing about these projects is what it teaches our kids. Responsibility, handling money, making decisions, keeping records, etc. plus all the friends you meet.

With that being said, I know how green 8911 feels. At our county fair if you sell in the sale your steer then goes to the packer. We don't have to solicit buyers however many of us do any way. My oldest son's first year he had champion steer as well as being champ. jr. supreme champion, which consists of rate of gain, showmanship, record book and test. He sold the cheapest steer in the sale. For many years the boy's had grand and or reserve steer and always brought less than most of the kids. Did it upset me? YES. When I am spending $500 a week on feed from the local feed store for a month or two weaning and selling show calves and then buying feed from him the rest of the year feeding the boy's calves I expect him to at least BID on them. When I spend 5 to 8 thousand a month on fuel from the local fuel supplier I expect him to at least BID. They didn't they lost my business. I have been around this business since 1972 and I realize it isn't fair. Does it make me mad? YES, but I don't know if it will ever change. What can you do to make yourself feel better? KEEP KICKIN' THEIR BUTTS IN THE SHOW RING! (clapping)



Active member
Jan 11, 2014
Kansas City, KS
People on here keep saying "that's life".  Ok.  Yes, I agree and I get that.  I get people get promoted that shouldn't, and sales aren't fair.  I completely get it, AND I completely agree as well.  I'm 45 yrs old and I have seen my share of life and this stuff happen.  BUT, that absolutely, positively does NOT mean I will condone OR support this.  And if I'm a bad person for not only NOT supporting the whole county fair popularity beauty contest, not supporting those businesses as MCC stated above, and helping to keep kids that don't have the popular last names in the area from being deceived into going to the county show, then ya know, I guess Im 110% ok with being called a "bad person".  There are quite a few jackpot shows put on by very reputable people the same weekend as our county show and that's exactly where we'll be next year along with all the steers from our county from other kids I can load onto our trailer.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
So say the role was reversed and you got a great price at auction.

It sounds like you wouldnt have had the same concerns.



Active member
Dec 17, 2013
When I was 16 I didn't do very showing well at our co. fair.  I remember  sitting on a show box telling my best friend I needed to change something so my calves would do better in the show. I didn't blame any one else but I realized I was responsible for my projects and my actions. This happened a long time ago. It was a moment of increased maturity by a 16 yr. old  young man. These life lessons are the reason your child needs to keep showing. It took me two months to figure it out, but I needed to change my feed rations. The next yr. things went better. I have two ideas for you. Do your friends enjoy fresh top quality beef?. Find out what market top is at the local sale barn and find a butcher  shop with a good reputation and check their processing prices. Ask you friends if they would like a half a quarter or whole beef. Ask them  if they are willing to pay a premium for good fresh beef. You may have to find three or four people. My other suggestion is anyone you do business with tell them  the date  and time of the auction next year  (the power co. your local gas station ,your doctor) recruit a buyers. Projects are not all about ribbons  and money. They are about learning, having fun and making friends


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Projects are about exposure to business and the opportunity to decide if you want to work for someone or have them work for you.


Active member
Jan 11, 2014
Kansas City, KS
Not true.  As I stated, I'm an educator.  I see the results and effects of peer pressure, both negative and positive every day.  EVERY DAY.  When BS like this happens, there are kids, really, really good kids, that have worked their tails off and just happen to not have a popular last name, they sit there bewildered as to why their animal that placed higher than some brought less than any, they hear it all year at school.  While in "life", everything is not fair, we as adults, parents, and educators have the responsibility of teaching these upcoming generations what IS right and what IS NOT right.  You condone and support it with these kids, these same kids will grow up doing the same.  As far as the businesses who also support it, I understand they look for the familiar kids.  I get that.  But tell me.  If that's what you do, then why not just walk up during the show and cut the family a check?  Seriously.  Why parade the kid in front of his peers?  Explain to me exactly what the show is about then?  Silly me, but I though "sale price" coincided with "judging placement"..............  What a concept!  Work hard, do the right thing, treat people fair, and take care of your animal, and you will place good and thus get a good return.  Is that an out of ordinary, crazy expectation? 


Active member
Jan 11, 2014
Kansas City, KS
Hodgie76 said:
When I was 16 I didn't do very showing well at our co. fair.  I remember  sitting on a show box telling my best friend I needed to change something so my calves would do better in the show. I didn't blame any one else but I realized I was responsible for my projects and my actions. This happened a long time ago. It was a moment of increased maturity by a 16 yr. old  young man. These life lessons are the reason your child needs to keep showing. It took me two months to figure it out, but I needed to change my feed rations. The next yr. things went better. I have two ideas for you. Do your friends enjoy fresh top quality beef?. Find out what market top is at the local sale barn and find a butcher  shop with a good reputation and check their processing prices. Ask you friends if they would like a half a quarter or whole beef. Ask them  if they are willing to pay a premium for good fresh beef. You may have to find three or four people. My other suggestion is anyone you do business with tell them  the date  and time of the auction next year  (the power co. your local gas station ,your doctor) recruit a buyers. Projects are not all about ribbons  and money. They are about learning, having fun and making friends

Oh, we will definitely keep showing.  Definitely.  Just not at the county show.  Absolutely won't support that any more.  And I'll recruit as many kids away from it as I can to bring with me to the jackpots that are held the same weekend as the county show. 


Active member
Jan 11, 2014
Kansas City, KS
Jeff_Schroeder said:
How much time have you spent volunteering with the show?

You should probably go back and read the beginning posts.  I'm a single mom.  Work 2 jobs.  Get home at 7 every night of the week just in time for a quick bite and to tell my kids goodnight.  I don't have the time resources to "volunteer".  Because of that, I trust my 4h and jr ffa rep to do the right thing whenever and wherever these board meetings are held and act on my behalf.  As I said before, my ex-husband was the treasurer of the county show committee in the county we lived in while married.  Yes, I know very well how these shows are set up.  And like it or not, Id venture to say that 90% of parents are in my situation with the lack of time and money.  And because I know how these committees are run, I'd be willing to bet that if you look at those committees, the names of the people who chair them are the same as those who are bidding up the lower class animals, or not far off the family tree. 


Active member
Jan 11, 2014
Kansas City, KS
Jeff_Schroeder said:
edit:forget it. You're dead set on burning the house down.

Burning the house down?  No, not at all.  More like making a statement by taking out as many kids as I can that are being deceived.  Let those big county names bid against their own family.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Why should they bid up your animal?

Maybe you they dont like you.

Keep us posted on your recruiting. 

"Burning Down The House"

Watch out you might get what you're after
Cool babies strange but not a stranger
I'm an ordinary guy
Burning down the house

Hold tight wait till the party's over
Hold tight We're in for nasty weather
There has got to be a way
Burning down the house

Here's your ticket pack your bag: time for jumpin' overboard
The transportation is here
Close enough but not too far, Maybe you know where you are
Fightin' fire with fire

All wet hey you might need a raincoat
Shakedown dreams walking in broad daylight
Three hun-dred six-ty five de-grees
Burning down the house

It was once upon a place sometimes I listen to myself
Gonna come in first place
People on their way to work baby what did you except
Gonna burst into flame

My house S'out of the ordinary
That's might Don't want to hurt nobody
Some things sure can sweep me off my feet
Burning down the house

No visible means of support and you have not seen nuthin' yet
Everything's stuck together
I don't know what you expect starring into the TV set
Fighting fire with fire
