Democratic Takeover?

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Are you happy with the Democratic takeover?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 19.4%
  • No

    Votes: 25 80.6%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2008
Kearney, Nebraska
Freddy said:
Palin has had a lot of press trying to hammer on her because I THINK there scared of her ....She impressed me how she cleaned up the fraud and crooks in alaska
an made that state very productive ,,,,You got to remember running for president is no tea pparty thats why all the politicians stick to gether in their little gang ....

I would agree on your viewpoint on Palin. She knows she is going to get a ton of negative press, so she has been very proactive in regards to her role with the Tea Party and her reality shows. While those things don't necessarily interest me, and in some cases turn me off, she has to do something to negate all the arrows flying her way. My biggest beef with her was that she didn't finish out her term. It may have been a difficult for her and the state leaders with all of the attention her way, but you need to finish what you started.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
they lost the house majority since that 2.5 year the republican house is split like a piece a red oak....we will see how realistic the republicans can be with the new t force calling the shots in the house now....debt ceiling looming/...funding our war obligations/...some big important monetary decisions to be made....all hung up on protecting the ablity of taxing the rich....will the t baggers have enough pull in the house to pull it off...can they refuse to raise the debt limit for the firsst time in hhistory..can they vote to not fund the wars/....will they vote to defund obamacare??....the ball is in the houses hands now.....llook forward to watchin thhis one play out....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
Bachmann wins the Republican nomination unless SHE decides to dive out of the race.  The team she has put together is an A++ team (unlike Newt's) and they are very serious and seem to be good at raising money and keeping her on message.  She wins Iowa, gets 3rd or better in New Hampshire and then wins big in South Carolina and that will carry her to Florida where she will win.  After that if Romney wants to stay in, he will still lose because of the delegate count, no mormon is going to run the table down south, Bachmann can and that takes enough delegates away from Romney that he has to do very well in the remaining states to win the prize.

Heavy Weight

Apr 10, 2011
How bout we just do away with parties, and then actually elect the best man/woman for the job. While we're at it why not cut the presidential term to one 6 year block so we don't have to put up with all this tiptoeing around the tough issues for 4 years just so they can get re elected.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
they lost the house majority since that 2.5 year the republican house is split like a piece a red oak....we will see how realistic the republicans can be with the new t force calling the shots in the house now....debt ceiling looming/...funding our war obligations/...some big important monetary decisions to be made....all hung up on protecting the ablity of taxing the rich....will the t baggers have enough pull in the house to pull it off...can they refuse to raise the debt limit for the firsst time in hhistory..can they vote to not fund the wars/....will they vote to defund obamacare??....the ball is in the houses hands now.....llook forward to watchin thhis one play out....jbarl

broadening the tax base, eliminating subsidies, simplifying the tax code so that everyone pays and the one's that NEED help can get it.  but of course the unions won't let go of their subsidies, forced contributions, unfair ballots and a whole host of issues that far outweigh the "tax breaks" corporations get.  as far as the "rich", it's amazing, what level of taxation should the following make?

1,000,000 and above?

currently, those who make around 46,000 pay no federal income tax.  why should they be exempt from federal income tax?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
they lost the house majority since that 2.5 year the republican house is split like a piece a red oak....we will see how realistic the republicans can be with the new t force calling the shots in the house now....debt ceiling looming/...funding our war obligations/...some big important monetary decisions to be made....all hung up on protecting the ablity of taxing the rich....will the t baggers have enough pull in the house to pull it off...can they refuse to raise the debt limit for the firsst time in hhistory..can they vote to not fund the wars/....will they vote to defund obamacare??....the ball is in the houses hands now.....llook forward to watchin thhis one play out....jbarl

and the one's that NEED help can get it.  but of course the unions won't let go of their subsidies, forced contributions, unfair ballots and a whole host of issues that far outweigh the "tax breaks" corporations get.  as far as the "rich", it's amazing, what level of taxation should the following make?
currently, those who make around 46,000 pay no federal income tax.  why should they be exempt from federal income tax?

unions are losing there subsidisys now as we speak....state by state....same with the education profession/police and fire/....paying more for the same benifits...
forced contributiions...thats a farce...everyone knows going into a union job that there are dues to pay.....union workers are not all democrates...if they have a real problem with there dues....they should quit.....or refuse the job because of it....those who arent in unions dont have a say in it any way.....
that would be like a business owner ...i have the oppertunity to join the "chamber of commerce".....they have a rather hefty  dues that go directly to the republican cause....should i be able to demand to be a  a member of the chamber of commerce, and politely ask to not pay my dues because of where there  political money  goes??.....theyed tell me to take a hike, and forget about the benifits of the chamber of commerce has to offer pay both turn out to be personal choices...plain and simple....
how many union members on here now would give up there job over there dues>??>>
>or how many of you members have  accepted the results  of dues and  feel you are better off verses the alturnative??...

as long as there is such hugh increases should start to show more aggressive rates for the million and up mark....hhow much??....out of my hands...thats what our elected officals are doing as we speak....does your state represenitives agree with your personal theories on the economy/debt llimit solutions?>...alot of republicinas i know dont agree with the tax rate disparity eiether....but they are at the mercy of there congressman and senators........jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
forced contributiions...thats a farce..

of course it's a farce.  why should the taxpayer continually bailout unions retirement while the non-union retirement gets taken away, see auto (really union) bailout.

the taxpayer pays his "forced" retirement while the unions force the taxpayer to pay theirs as well and SQUACK to holy hell that they should have to pay anything.

that's why i'm for no subsidies for anyone, rich poor, lazy, industrious.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
forced contributiions...thats a farce..

of course it's a farce.  why should the taxpayer continually bailout unions retirement while the non-union retirement gets taken away, see auto (really union) bailout.

the taxpayer pays his "forced" retirement while the unions force the taxpayer to pay theirs as well and SQUACK to holy hell that they should have to pay anything.

that's why i'm for no subsidies for anyone, rich poor, lazy, industrious.
seems the auto industry has paid back its bailout money...
governement unions pay into there insurance and pension as well.....some say not enough...thats changing....what they are squawking about is the fact that they have by passed the collective bargining rights of the members....again, not all union workers are democrates.....alot of republicans are union workers as well,....we will see how the political cards play out here in the near future...this wisconsin deal has alot of sour mouthed republicans as well in its ranks now.,too
cutting all subsidies, would include  home mortage interest, too ....correct?  all of these ideas are on the close attention to what "class" of amercians end up giving the most..... subsidies for jobs is a winner....subsidies for big oil and overseas corporations arent good for anyone but  big oil and off shore corporations.....jbarl