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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Sammmy said:
Ildeno being an exception as I recall at Ohlde's when the bull was 16 years old or so he would still charge at you when you walked up to his pen and rattle the panels

Thanks for the photo.

he liked the fly scab layer scratched and would walk over to the side of the corral to get it scratched.  yes, he threw someone out of the pen.  even when he was 16, he was still a good looking bull.  ohldle made one double bred ildeno bull i never saw that i think there is still semen on somewhere.

who wouldn't want to work with 4 or 5 breeds with basically no restraint on access to quality and make one as well. 


Well-known member
May 15, 2009
Yes on Ildeno looking good as an aged bull - interesting bull in that he had that nice pattern but was not really that large of a chi bull - what would you say 56 to 57"?  I bet that Tim still has a lot of semen on him in storage as he said that one day he might make a comeback.  A quarter blood Ildeno might be nice on some of the midget clubby cows to clean up some of the genetic junk. ;)


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
My dad got one of those bulls back in the mid 70s from the guy in Stephenville.  I still think they are beautiful cattle.  He was not crazy we named him Sunny.  He was pretty docile and and on our angus cattle we raised several nice calves and one a grand at county for my Sis.  Wish I had a scanner to put the pics on here.  Now he was a bugger but really nice calf.  Tall but thick made.  I think just a tad of Chi makes for a good calf. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Sammmy said:
Yes on Ildeno looking good as an aged bull - interesting bull in that he had that nice pattern but was not really that large of a chi bull - what would you say 56 to 57"?  I bet that Tim still has a lot of semen on him in storage as he said that one day he might make a comeback.  A quarter blood Ildeno might be nice on some of the midget clubby cows to clean up some of the genetic junk. ;)

hmm, now that you mention it, i have a heifer i would use him on after she has a couple and i see if she calves as easy as her mother.

i'm 6'2" and i could look over easy rump pretty easy, but i'd say he's around a little over 60.