Drought conspericy theroy

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Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
So today while I was having lunch I was channel surfing and came across a program on the History channel called That's Impossible, it was about using IRI radio frequency to control the weather. There was a program run by the Russian called "Russian Woodpecker" that started in 1976 and run until 1989. The Russian developed a radio antenna array the transmitted a large IRI radio frequency and they claim that was what caused the California drought from 1987 to 1992. And that now the US government has a program called HAARP that is basically able to do the same things but they have advanced it way beyond what the Russian's ever had. The US has three of these radio antenna arrays 2 in Alaska and one in central america. Below are a couple of links that will provide some information about the 2 programs, of course they aren't going to claim any responsibility for any type of weather alteration but is it possible that radio waves or IRI frequencies could alter weather patterns and be causing the drought we have experienced the last several years?

I know that we can conjure up all kinds of ideas about what is going on in our world but when there is enough evidence that scientist claim that it could happen it makes you start to wonder if there is any truth to it. 




Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
The links are simply for people to see what the thread is based on, it may not be the best information. There are lots of other sights for you to read as well.