E. coli O157:H7

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
has anyone seen the following article or something similar?


3 vaccines, 3 weeks apart

is reducing H7 enough to impact lawsuits from consumers, or is total elimination necessary?  let me see, congress will mandate this and won't allow cost to be reflected in renumeration to the producer, all the while, only requiring that we be busy doing something about a problem we don't understand yet.  will grocery distributers not allow probiotics?  Whole foods already does. I'm not sure we are not providing an environment for H7 to mutate faster.  part of the problem with this organism is our propensity to help it grow in the food chain after slaughter by ignoring expiration dates, making spinach shakes with expired spinach, making a shake out of it, and feeding them to babies.  some researchers say that the population most resistant to e coli infections are people around cattle.  perhaps we should be innculating the public with cattle poopy hands with enough frequency rather than trying to kill the bug.  but, just like aflotoxin in peanuts, where will the deaths occur, so we have to eliminate PBJ from public schools.  I have a coworker whose kid is allergic to that, and she can't eat peanuts at the bar without paying close attention to washing up afterwards.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I still remember when kids ate dirt & didn't get sick. when petting a calf wasn't thought of being a death sentence.
What griped me a the state fair was that they had all these antibacterial dispensers in the barn in case you touched an animal. But when you went into the bathroom there was never any hot water to wash your hands with and half the time never any soap. But oh no, we get the e-coli from the cattle!



Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Man o Man......Don't get me started on this topic!  If you want a little light bedtime reading, go do a google search on "Hygiene Hypothesis".  Essentially this idea is that children raised on farms and ranches are essentially more immune and are less apt to have allergies, asthsma, etc., etc.

Really, how many cattle people have ever been stricken by 0157:H7?  How many of us have had a snack while pushing calves down the alley all morning?  Didn't run all the way back to the house to wash your hands?  GOTCHA!


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2007
cowz said:
Man o Man......Don't get me started on this topic!   If you want a little light bedtime reading, go do a google search on "Hygiene Hypothesis".   Essentially this idea is that children raised on farms and ranches are essentially more immune and are less apt to have allergies, asthsma, etc., etc.

Really, how many cattle people have ever been stricken by 0157:H7?   How many of us have had a snack while pushing calves down the alley all morning?   Didn't run all the way back to the house to wash your hands?   GOTCHA!

[size=10pt]AMEN!!!![/size] (cow)