Fat supplements rice bran vs cooked barley

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Nov 11, 2014
It’s been years since I showed and now my kids are showing there first steers. We have 100 days till we show and they are on track for there finished weight. One will be 1400 and the other 1300 by show day. They weigh 1150 and 1050 right now.  I been looking to add additional fat so been looking at rice bran, cooked barley, golden flow. I’m not a fan of power fuel. We are feeding a 14% protein feed that is only 2.5% crude fat and 20% crude fiber. We are adding some cotton seed hulls and sure champ with the ration. Im just curious how many feed rice bran or cooked barley to get a good smooth finish on them and how far out do you start adding the additional fat. I sure don’t want to get them over done but I can always slow them down at the end if need be.  Does anyone feed rice bran and barley?


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I really like the layer of cover Stabilized Rice Bran will lay down on a calf, nice and smooth, easy to feed and no cooking. We fed it to put finish on one starting them 3 months out from the fair, we fed it earlier if a calf was behind. We also use it when holding one, grass hay, filler, stabilized rice bran and Calf manna, could keep them fresher looking and still hold them.
I would not be afraid to feed it at all.