For us oldster's- What were you like in high school?

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Just was discussing this topic today. The hubby & I have talked about it before. There was a segment on 60 Minutes how the former Geeks will run the world.

What were you like in high school? Cool or uncool? A jock or a geek? A total nerd or the prom queen?

Me, I was a wall flower that was also a nerd. Too me back then cows were my life. Humm.. has time changed that? I was shy, awkward, & just not at all cool. Never dated & was a toal wash-out w/ the boys. I was into books & FFA. Nickname was Queen Little T*ts.  :eek:
Too be honest, hated high school & haven't been back

What was your dark secret?

Red (clapping)


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
High School was rough.  4-H was my salvation.  I rode the bus 2 1/2 hours a day until I was old enough to drive.  Half of the kids were "bused" out from the city.  Hard mix with real urban kids and dumb country kids.  We just stuck together.  Our "clicks" were: 
1.  The "goat ropers"-this is what the city kids called any one who rodeoed, lived on a farm or ranch or drove a pickup truck.
2. Jocks
3. Nerds - kids that hid in library all the time.
4. "Heads" - We called anyone who smoked anything or had long hair or liked the dark side.

Now that I look back, all the girls, cowy, nerdy, athletic or whatever........we all wore TIGHT jeans and spent many hours trying to make our big hair look like Farrah Fawcett.  (You kids on here.....better google old Farrah!)

I dreamed of getting out of there and could not wait until I got to go to college and seldom looked back.  Those college years were the best!

The crack up for me is that donuts even out the karma points in life.  We had a blonde bombshell in our know the one.....head cheerleader, mean to all the other girls.....had a date every night.....    She managed a bakery for the last 25 years....has got to weigh 300#!


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
I wish I'd have known you both in HS.  I could have written both posts...   

Cowz... too funny about the donuts... 

College was great..    There is a difference between the 'forced friends' of small town HS and the actual real life friends because you want to be friends in the bigger wider world of college.    I'm so bad, I've only been to one HS reunion and in my mind, I called BS about it.. never went back.  There was so much fake stuff still going on all those years later.   


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
donuts had validation through others.

i was like the kid from the book my side of the mountain or something.  science/nature dogooder nerd with a dark side of munititions, mutilation, rockets, dope in my junior year (most everyone else started in 7th or 8th).  didn't date.  some of the donut girls i felt sorry for as i could see they weren't happy.  got lost for a couple years after that.  then went to college.  best 4 years of my life other than right now being married with daughter and cows.  always wanted a ranch as inlaws have them, but it wasn't to be.  haven't been to a reunion.


Well-known member
May 6, 2007
I'm going to break the mold here but I loved my high school experience. Like most of us (I assume) I went to a small school, with 30 in my class. At a school that small everybody had to be involved in everything or there would be nothing to do. It was also small enough that everyone got along well. I was on the football and track team. The football team was state runner up my senior year and if you haven't ever seen a 8-man football game I highly recommend it. I was also active in FFA, BPA and FHA. I was the FHA state president my senior year and it was a total blast. Nothing beats going to meetings where there are 100 girls for every guy especially when you are 17. I was gone from school more my senior year then I was there. I got to travel to Phoenix, Orlando, D.C., St Louis, San Diego and numerous other places. In San Diego I met my future wife on a school trip so that has to be my highlight. At prom the juniors give predictions on what they thought the seniors will be doing in ten years and mine was that I would raising club lambs with my FFA adviser(he is now the state adviser for Kansas, way to go Mr. Schweer). They were close since I am still involved in showing livestock, except I am raising shorthorn cattle with my folks. My FFA adviser's son in law was the judging coach at DC3 and the rest as they say is history.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar

Good Topic Red!  I hope there are a bunch of replies.

I was always short and heavy as a young kid.  Not really fat, just too heavy.  My only sport was Baseball in a city which didn't have a Baseball program beyond 14 & under little league.  Football rules in ADA, OK.  I quit football in the 8th grade because practice interfered with my career, which at that time was a paper route.  I had to make enough money to buy a Honda 65 when I turned 14.  I had my first official date in the 8th grade.  It was really embarrassing to have my Mother drive us.

The Summer between the 9th grade, and high school I grew 4 1/2 inches and lost 25 pounds.  All of a sudden I was tall and
slim (5'10", 155lbs).  At this time I'm working every day after school and weekends making money for the 1968 Plymouth GTX (440 Mag) I bought when I turned 16.  Wow! That car was a chick magnet.  We have 6 school systems in the area.  Only mine was urban.  The "country girls" were in town dragging Main Street every Friday and Saturday night.  I was still a little too thin, and I couldn't have my hair as long as I would have liked because of my job, but I always had a girl or two with me.  To this day, I still can't fully explain the benefit of having a car that will blow the doors off everthing in the County.  Guys aren't the only ones who like to go FAST!    

I was not the scholarly type, but managed to have good grades by just paying attention in class.  Homework was not for me...........there were girls to chase.  I was not the in the "most popular" group of only about 10 of our 187 member class, but was aslo not left on the sidelines.  I guess my buddies and I were in the next notch down the line.  None of us were jocks, but we all had great cars.

I really wanted to be a Hippie, but just couldn't work the peace, love and dope concept into my schedule.  I did however gain a passion for  "psychedelic music", which I've never lost.  We are a College town, which gave us lots more sporting events, concerts, dances, and THE SORORITIES.  I spent a lot of my high school nights in the Zeta Tau and Chi Omega lounges.

College was even better than High School.  I still didn't study, but really honed my social skills.
AHHHH..........the good old days.......................................


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
The only thing I liked about high school was showing.  I was the smart kid (graduated third in my class despite missing about 5 weeks of school my senior year showing) and managed to earn enough scholarships through 4-H to pay for college.  I played small town Texas football, but was just decent.  Between calves, ball, and keeping my grades up, I never went "out" on weekends.  I was liked by classmates, but for the most part was just an afterthought and never part of the in crowd.

I don't bother with high school reunions.  I still see the folks I care about.

My first "true" date in college wound up becoming my wife (my wife had only been on one or two others).  We tease each other about us being so desperate to take the first thing that came along.  I guess I just got it right the first time.

One of the few times I did goof off (after shows had ended my senior year  result in my distinction(along with two buddies) being the only people to ever get caught playing mailbox baseball.  A trip to the county jail one Saturday night as a senior was a big deterrent to whatever evils we might have thought about later in college. 


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
And just when I thought my day couldn't get much better -- I read this fantastic subject. Where do I start.

Born and raised in the small town environment of SE Minnesota, on a 40 cow Reg Jersey dairy no less, I was the true NERD, the country dumby who would turn RED at the sound of a girl, let along one getting within 10 feet of me. Wow that was a tuff time -- like AAOK, I was not overly tall at 12 -- was 20 pounds heavier than I am today even, and was a geek -- I must have been - no one ever talked to me.

We spent our summers and weekends together as a family -- our pashion then was being in the saddle clubs-- we'd ride for days thru the heavy woods of that country -- chopping out trails for the club. Wonderfull time too in the woods of Minnesota, they are long gone now to the urban sprawl of Roshester and all the 5 acres "Ranches" -- ick.

Turning 13 -- made my money that year riding a bycycle up and down the farm roads trapping pocket gophers - traps-stakes-covers for the holes and all. At 25 cents bounty each from the country and a match from the landowners, I was able to save enough to buy my first car -- a doozy -- 1955 Dodge 4 door wreck for 50$. Remember working for the neighbors baling hay for a BUCK an hour all summer long!  Traded the 55 off for a classic -- 1964 Chec Impala SS -- 409 -- have the pic on my screen saver still today!!! Can we say "WOW BABY" and not get laughed at?? Chic magnet -- in a town where I was one of 11 seniors -- it was HOT.

My High School years were better than grades school for sure -- gas was 27 cents a gallon in 1971, and for two dollars you could burn up a set of wide rear tires in one night! Yes, I did get a few visits from the local Barny Phife?? , but he coulnd't catch me unless I let him, top end was over 150 -- and it didn't take long to get there compared to his 64 Ford Fairlane with the Cherry on top!! heheheeh --

Never had a real date until I was 17.5 -- was working for a dairy guy over in the next litle town - Mazeppa Mn - and one day as we came in for lunch his baby sitter was there -- does any one care to envision the look of a 17 year old hick kid standing stock still looking at what was the most gorgeous thing he'd ever seen, all the time drooling all over himself being about the color of a ripe tomato??? I was told later that it was something to see -- but I really can't remember -- I was in love !! hehehe

I mumbled somethng -- hope it wasn't too stupid -- as she was helping serve lunch. It took me 45 minutes to eat a sandwich. We actually got together -- went out several times until school started -- then I wasn't cool enough any more -- and she dumped me! Tuff day believe me. So I hope that makes all the other nerds feel better -- it happened to me too.

Got thru High School by diving into the FFA programs -- was on the General Livestock judging teams and did very well. A good time for me --- . I worked ahead and got out of school a few months early -- had all my credits so I left. Turned 18 in Nov. 1971, promptly got draffted two weeks later just before they quit drafting and started the all volunteer Army. Viet Nam was at it's peek , and I was invited to go see the sights -- THAT was deffinately a downer - don't want to explain here.

Made it back though, met my wife in Colo in the Army, took advantage of the first one who'd have me then, and we've raised 4 good boys. Of course you know the rest of the story -- here I am today -- most likely still a nerd, but I do love my cows, my horses, my kids and wife, and lots of good people -- not nesseccarily in that order.

If I knew how, I'd post a picture of the 64 Chev in front of the old dairy barn taken in the spring of 72 right after dad got her out and washed her up. They sent the picture to me in Nam, and I still think today that it was one of the reasons I made it back alive, I needed one more ride in the 409!!! ( 2  750 double pumpers WILL give you a rush!)



Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
Sad but true - I haven't changed much from what I was in high school. Always spoke my mind reguardless of who was there (teachers, principle, coaches, etc.) Went to my 20 year reunion a few years ago and everybody said I was the least changed in the class. High school wasn't bad for me, slid through pretty easy and never opened a book in 4 years. Had been in 4H from the age of nine showing homegrown crossbred calves and at the age of 14 I started clipping and fitting for others. Missed some school going to shows but by the time I was 16 I had been at shows in 14 states. Was really never a Jock or a nerd, sports and books were secondary to the love of cows. After high school I hit the show road pretty hard for a several years and made enough money to put togather a decent purebred herd. Life on the road was alot of fun but it was also hard on relationships as apperent by my marital record. Today I have a 15 year old daughter and what I believe to be a pretty good bunch of cows that I would not trade for anything. I have slowed down some over the last few years and don't hit the show road as hard as I used to... just a little history on how I became the ROAD WARRIOR.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
farmboy said:
how old do i have to be to post here   ;D ;D ;D

Go ahead and share with us how high school life is for you!  Enjoy it before you hit the "real world"!! ;)


Well-known member
May 18, 2007
Courtney Hughes- Bagley, Iowa
my senior year of high school, and i can't wait to go to college!! i just want to get out of the cliques and all of the DRAMA! it's a good thing that i have refuge with my show cattle, because then i get to miss school.  (clapping)


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
Well I'll do mine then. I am a senior this year and have been homeschooled since second grade. All my friends attend the local high school and I used to want to go their till i realized that they were going to be happy going to "redneck tech" and wroking for dot or the paper mill. I decided that this wasn't what I wanted to do for a living. I have worked my but off in hs for good grades and this year I started dual enrollment at the local community college so that I can receive college and hs credits at the same time. Upon graduating I plan to attend either NCSU or KSU to major in Animal Science and then  to pursue a doctorate to be a veterinarian.  I have been real involved with showing cattle and hogs since I started hs and now have become real involved with livestock judging. I also am a volunteer firefighter so I have been able to keep busy with that to. Hopefully I will graduate in May with a perfect 4.0 including the college courses that I took last semester and am starting new semester Mon. I have enjoyed hs alot and have learned even more. My first and current vehicle is not the coolest in the world but it gets almost  25 miles/gallon so that works. I just have to remember that they did not make 2 wheel drive rangers for playing in the mud!


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
Well, it's only been about 7 months since I graduated, but I've learned alot since then, so I'll go ahead and give you guys the run down of my high school experience...

I got through high school really easily..never had to open a book, and it really angered my teachers.  They told me that I should be the valedictorian, but I didnt' care to pursue that. I just got good enough grades to be on the honor roll.  I had friends, I guess I was what you might call "popular", but I never really cared about that either.  

I played soccer and baseball, but soccer is our school's best sport. We went undefeated at home my junior and senior year, and we were one game away from State my jr. year, then we got bumped up to the next class up, and got railed in regionals to a team that places at state every year.  Our baseball team won regionals once when I was in HS, but we weren't that great.

I had my first real girlfriend when I was a junior, had a couple of girlfriends, but never took anything too seriously...still don't lol.  I really didn't get too excited about High School romances, but a couple of flings are fun now and again.

The thing that I hated the most about High School is that everything is sooo  fake. Last Nov., when I had my surgery, people I never even talked to before started coming up to me and trying to tell me how much they cared about me...puhleeze, gimme a break.  That's also when I found out who my real friends are.  They came and saw me in the hospital, and some even came the morning of my surgery to see me off.

The best thing about High School was showing and all the places I've been and friends that I made doing it.  We are still showing alot, and are finally going to make the trip to Jr. Natls this year in KC.  I really take alot of pride in how my herd has grown in quality in the last four years.  I have really learned alot about cattle and everything that goes with it.

Now that I'm in college at the U of I, I've found that it's really hard. I don't know if I like it or not yet. I have made some good friends, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me.


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
  From a small town played football,track FFA  don't care for reunions, I had a 64 chev imp- ss only a 283. but it looked real good silver with black interior.Traded it my senior year for 69 cutles w-31 talk about run made good money racing 442's and gto's. Lottery number 42 took phisical 1-a trickey-dick abolished the draft before notis. Loved college best time of my life.    Roni.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
cowz said:
farmboy said:
how old do i have to be to post here   ;D ;D ;D

Go ahead and share with us how high school life is for you!  Enjoy it before you hit the "real world"!! ;)


half way through the year and grades are falling and stuff, been REALLY SICK alot and missed a couple weeks of school fell behind.... Couple c's on the grade card this go around BUT since coming back from christmas break i feel alot better and stuff...

As for fitting in, i guess im the middle man, can have a conversation with "the Preps or richy's" and "the gitter doners" Never really been in trouble, teachers ALWAYS  like me for some reason and thats a good thing i guess. Only time i was EVER in a fight involving school was in 4th grade, i was short, this guy was big, like 6'0 in 4th grade, he took my hat, wouldnt give it to me, i hit him in the chest and he flat laid me out lol  :eek: ;D I said a pretty word after that and got in trouble..
5 years later this guy is one of my best freinds even though he gave me a shiner  :)

im lookin forward to college, not sure what i wanna be yet, definently involved in AG and livestock... Thing about college somebody told me is you get to study what you want, instead of sitting all day listening to crap that dosent interest you..

get my permit this october, and licence in april 09', so i may be burnin up the backroads hazzard style lol  ;D


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar

I can't get over all the negative vibes toward Reunions.  Our class didn't have one until # 10, but since then we have had a reunion every five years.  With a class of 187, the best turnout was the 10 yr. with 88 attending.  Since then, we have averaged around 40-50 of our classmates getting together.  I've stayed in the same place, so I'm always on the planning committee.  Outside our group of 8 - 10, most of those who attend are those who moved away.  I can't imagine why people wouldn't want to get together with the people they lived with every day for 6 - 12 years of their lives.  My wife and I both always have a blast!  She's not even from here, and now knows as many of my old classmates as I.  2010 we will have # 40.  Most of the rest of my class are getting old.  Glad I'm still young 8)


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
You'll be thinkin burnin hazzard style till you see how much insurance is without getin a ticket. Talk about dticker shock, good lordy. O yea and the wonderful thing called gas now theirs some real fun after burning out in mud holes. ;D ;D


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Wow!!! Great topic Red!!!

All I can say is that I was different. Far below nerd status. My graduating class was over 650 students. Yes, inter city craziness.
Hated school. Had a learning disability and still do. Messed with my show calves for about an hour, right before school and always smelled like cow poop. Those city kids really loved me. Never went to a reunion, but would someday like to show up with a cow. Needless to say, my social skills lacked. At 55 years of age, have
just now discovered that I have Asperger's Syndrome. I know, go figure.

Always liked cow people and always will. For some reason I seem to connect with all you guys. Maybe it's our love for cows.