Getting started with a cooperater herd.

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2008
I have a student that is looking to get started in the cattle business again. They have 600 acres and he is interested in setting up a calf raising herd and recip herd. Any ideas on who to contact about this or any ideas on getting this started. Thanks


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
carrying capacity of 600 acres and supplements
proximity to ET users and technical skill
guarantee of herd health for ET, ie johnes, proven calving ease of recip, bvd, foothill if out west, etc. 
isolation recommendations of offspring before entering flusher herd.
heat detection
fencing for the pesky visitor bulls

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
FIrst off, if they are not 100% dedicated to details and 100% dedicated to hard work, then tell them to forget the recep idea.  But if they are, tell them to start small with the recep herd. Make it a successful 20 head recep herd instead of a 50 head flop. Pay attention to detail and NEVER settle for whatever you get. Always look for how to do something, ANYTHING better. Get 60% conception? Strive for 70%.  Get 70% conception? Strive for 75%.  My uncle has this down to a science. And, therefore, he names his price and inevidentablly turns down about 100 embryos a year, and puts in 300+!!! Folks don't ask what the price is, they just ask if there are cows available! (Even I have to reserve about a year in advance!!)
He has a reputation and it has grown over the course of 10 or so years. He started with just 25 or so!! If you want other details, just let me know!
Good Luck!  And tell them "Welcome back to the cattle world!"


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I agree with everything showheifer has said.... if this student is dedicated, willing to continue to learn, improve and excell, he/she will be able to make this a very good business and a very good and enjoyable occupation. If they are planning to just put some embryos in and hope for the best, well, they better rethink what they are planning to do.

it seems to me there is lots of room for exceptional co-operator herds in this business. Being " average" will not cut it any more. ... they will have to prove themselves to be above average in all areas. If they do this, customers will be lined up wanting their services. If they don't do this, this venture will be a major struggle. 

If they are dedicated, sincere, and motivated, this person may be exactly who I have been looking for............