Gucci or Predator?

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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2007
Salina, Kansas
There might not be much difference in these bulls but which one would work better on a Money Man x Angus for females. She's 50% Maine and 50% Angus.

Gucci would make a High Percentage Maine and Predator would result in a Mainetainer.


Well-known member
Jul 31, 2011
I haven't seen to many Gucci's, but I have seen quite a few predators.  Predator adds bone and hair.  It all depends on what you want if you want a purebred then breed to Gucci.  I am breeding my strictly business to Predator for her second calf, I wouldn't use Predator for a first calver though he just adds to much bone for me to be comfortable. 


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2008
Toms Brook, VA
WB ShowCattle said:
i preffer predator gucci just leaves them to plain imo
I don't know much about Predator but from experience the Gucci calves I have had are quite stylish. I have been so happy with them  I kept one for my new herd bull. I have 2 steers for sale in the classifieds that were out of heifers. Not the greatest pictures, but might help with your decision. Mine were 75-80# except my bull was about 85# and was a week late, but we still consider that a good size for our cows. Not real huge boned or real powerful compared to the more clubbier calves we had, but they are smooth and hairy and will catch your eye for other reasons. They're the kind that look better the older they get and all have had extremely good dispositions. We have one heifer due March 6th to him so I'm really looking forward to seeing that one and will be breeding some heifers to him again for next spring season :)