After years (decades??) of stalling I am (once again) seriously considering that it may be time to invest in a hay feeder of some sort - the lack of knowing exactly what I want is part of the problem ....I'd like to hear people's opinions on various hay systems, any and all, why you like them and why you don't. I am feeding round bales 500 to 1500 pounds, an nuts about removing every molecule of net wrap (which is always a delight when they are frozen under 2 inches of ice), and use the 3-point to move my bales (I think given the area where the hay is stored as well as other considerations a front end spear would not be in my best interest and could be dangerous to myself and others ;D). Also think about if you think your system would work for a scrawny weak person....who may be as old as old JIT but there are only certain body parts that feel that old on occasion!