Heat/Breeding Question

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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2007
Northern Missouri
I'm having a little trouble getting my heifer settled this year. We pulled CIDR's on Monday May 27th. She and another cow seemed to be in heat that Wednesday so we bred them. The other cow hasn't come back in since. But my heifer was standing in heat the day after we bred her, so she got bred again on Friday the 31st. Last week would have been 3 weeks(21 days) since being bred, she had a little mucous one day and might have been a little swollen, but she is with two steers during the night and they never showed any interest in her and vice versa. Last night, after being 29 days bred she had more mucous, and even more this morning. She is still with the steers and they still showed no interest in her. Then, this afternoon about 1 o'clock she was swollen and bawling. I let her in with the steers and she went right to them and wanted to ride them around, they still showed no interest. I let her out with some cows and she went right to them and started riding them. Only a couple times did I see them attempt to ride her but she always kept moving.
My question, does she need to be bred now?
Its been such an odd number of days I'm just not sure what to do.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Sounds to me like she may have not settled and is coming back in today. If you see her standing this evening, try breeding her in the morning. Just my opinion


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2007
Northern Missouri
Thats what we finally decided. She has started standing this evening so hoping to get her successfully bred in the morning!