Heatwave. is it all Legit?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
lots of plants are clones.  we eat them.

it's funny how people long for the "simple" life of the farm but detest the people who actually are farmers.

it's also funny how the same people defend free love and taxpayer funded abortion.

it's funny how they expect no consequence for their actions but want to control everyone else's lives.

it's funny how they want guaranteed salaries and benefits for the public sector, but the private sector should be under constant price pressure.

pulled this quote from another website.

In todays system we subsidize segments of production that require adding huge amounts of miles for food distribution and regulate to death the producers who want to sell to their neighbors. 

funny, it's both the left and right who do that.  that's why food and land is expensive.  the government makes money off inflation as long as they can factor in speculation on assets required to produce what is subsidized, thus squeezing the producer to finance an ever bigger government.

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
I have a Heat Waver heifer that I kept out of a Heat Wave clone, So when she has a calf, it is a Heat Wave calf because it still has his genetics even though I don't agree with that. I will call it what I AI her with out of a HW dam, don't get anymore honest than that.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2009
Show stopper 95 said:
ok im not attempting to call anyone out on here by any means and i do not want to start some kind of war. BUT howmany of you on here actually spend 350 dollars per straw for a legit heatwave steer? when i know of some folks who buy semen for 20 dollars per straw and then advertise and sell the calf as a heatwave, which disgusts me. is there alot of people who do this? simple economics would tell you to do like the fellow who i spoke of earlier. but ethics and fairness would say not to advertise a calf like that because its lying. i am glad i can safely say that we have 50 show steers born per year and we have not false advertised one and dont even use a.i sires because we have a good herd bull. just would like to hear what people have to say on the topic because its a total toss up on how you approach selling cattle

I want to get semen on your bull. if hes that good that you sell 50 show steers for show calf prices. You also have to think of how many people had heatwave semen in there tank before hand I had close to 100 straws when he died so there still are alot of heatwave calf's possible and if they do pass a calf off as a heatwave and that's why the people bought it the deserve it cause they should look at the calf and what it offers not the bull its out of.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
I saw Heatwave 5 the other day. He wanted to eat me. Nedless to say, he keeps those folks on their toes. (dog)
I bred some heatwave cows awhile back. You can keep them too. It was like a rodeo. Had to put a metal pipe behind em to keep them from killin me. Then I never got paid by the fat sob.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I think the fact he was a fat SOB which probably translates to how he takes care of his cows is the issue.  On my experience I wouldnt consider Heatwave offspring to be very high on the crazy richter scale.  Not even in the same league as Full Throttle-Full Flush lines.

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
chambero said:
I think the fact he was a fat SOB which probably translates to how he takes care of his cows is the issue.  On my experience I wouldnt consider Heatwave offspring to be very high on the crazy richter scale.  Not even in the same league as Full Throttle-Full Flush lines.

Your not the first person I have heard talk about Full Throttle cattle having attitudes. That is a surprise to me, I have 2 full grown Full Throttle cows 6 years and 12 years old, some of the best cows I have had and very gentle and great to handle. They will let me do anything to them and are great, including their calves. I have had the 12 year old since see was a heifer calf and the 6 year old I bought last year. They are both huge cows and have been great to work with. I have a HW heifer and she is great to work with. Maybe because I work with them daily, don't know but have been great cows for me and producing great calves, thats why we bought the 6 year old cow last year.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
chambero said:
I think the fact he was a fat SOB which probably translates to how he takes care of his cows is the issue.  On my experience I wouldnt consider Heatwave offspring to be very high on the crazy richter scale.  Not even in the same league as Full Throttle-Full Flush lines.
You would be correct chambero. That dude wont even take the netting off his round bales, he just throws em in there.  I just remember all his cows were possible Th carriers and I bred every one of em to a TH carrier bull. He never tested and didnt care to. He said it was worth the risk  :-\  I do remember some full flush on the bottom side of his pedigrees.


Active member
Feb 3, 2010
South Dakota
It's all in the Marketing.  Just look at the way Lautner's advertise Heatwave.  All the Champions are on one page and it says Sired by Heatwave or Clone's.  They make no distinction so they guys selling them just do the same.  I am not saying its wrong it is just how it is.