Holding rations

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Active member
Jun 13, 2008
I know that there may have been other posts asking for this information but I think this might help others as well as myself.  Here goes, our angus steer is weighing 1395 as of this morning.  We have been trying to slow him down for the last month but he seems to be gaining on very little inputs.  So far he still looks good.  Our main show is still three weeks away.  I think he needs to be weighed in around 1340 to 1360.  What are some of your holding rations to keep a steer from gaining.

Second question would be how do you get that much weight off for his weigh in and then recover over the course of three days?

Any help would be appreciated.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
To hold one and keep them fresh looking, we feed a Beet pulp oat mix, 6 pounds twice a day, with 1 pound of Stabilized rice bran and one pound calf manna each feeding, we have used soy pellets in place of the Calf-manna. Grass Hay,

to shrink one and bring him back in 3 days

3 days prior to fair;
Evening: remove water trough, give steer a 5 gallon bucket of water. Full feed and hay

2 days prior :
Morning: Give steer 5 gallons of water with electrolytes (3 scoops) we use Refresh from Sullivan’s. Full feed and hay

Evening: Give steer 3 gallons of water with electrolytes (3 scoops) do not leave it in over night once he drinks remove it. ½ ration of feed and flake of hay

1 Day prior:
Morning: 1 Gallon of water with 6 scoops of electrolytes, Flake of hay

Evening: ½ gallon of water 8 scoops electrolytes (you may need to drench him with this if he won’t drink it). Half flake of hay

Day of: once at the fair he gets nothing until you weigh in.

Immediately after weigh in: 2 gallons of water 8 scoops of electrolytes, 3pounds of beet pulp/oats (wet), hay.

One hour later: 2 gallons of water 4 scoops of electrolytes, 2 pounds beet pulp, 1 pounds grain, 1 pound oats, flake of hay.

One hour later: Offer half bucket of plain water

Evening: Water him; feed him 3pounds beet pulp, 2 pounds grain, 1 pound oats, flake of hay. Give him tube of  Pro-biotics. (Cellarator Turbo Paste)

Day after weigh in: (morning and evening) He should be back to normal as far as eating a drinking goes. Feed him his regular feed ration, full flake of hay and water often.


Active member
Jun 13, 2008
Thanks for the quick and thorough response, VC.  We will give it a try and see what happens.  It looks well thought out and viable.  Appreciate the help.