hate to tell ya this dusty, but your wrong. Rathbun is used for recreation, but it was "sold" to the Iowa public and congress as a flood control lake. THAT is fact. You obviously haven't been to the boat docks or seen the plans for the multi million dollar golf course, event center, hotel, resturant, and lodge that is due to be built within a year??? I have. THAT is a fact. I can show you maps of the water shed area and where ag practices vs. forest/pasture and where the sedement is the most (hint: NOT ag land!!). THAT is fact. BEFORE all the rain, rathbun lake was bank full. THAT is fact. BEFORE all the rain, the Des Moines river was NOT bank full. THAT is fact. BEFORE Memorial Day, rathbun lake was bank full. THAT is fact. When it started raining, the lake, which was designed to store all the water, had no holding capacity. THAT is fact. So in order to keep flooding from going north, they opened the gates and flooded the south. THAT is fact.
I can tell you what the Corps tell us (off the record of course) and that is "We have to keep the vacationers, tourist, and society happy and they want a full lake." They (Corps) could give a rats butt about agriculture or the little towns that it effects. The problem is, THIS flood effected MAJOR towns and now the Corps are pointing fingers saying "Look at the weather, blah, blah, blah. It isn't our fault, blah, blah, blah. ETC, ETC"......
Modern ag practices have actually DECREASED flooding and erosion. Trust me, I see the studies, percentages, all the time.
We have progressed greatly since the dust bowl age....but, since ag takes the blame for everything else, hell, why don't we blame high oil prices, the shuttle blowing up, the decrease of coral beds in the ocean, and don't forget the disease epidimics in south america. Yep, blame it on agriculture....I'm sure it is OUR fault. Right dusty?