How big is your operation?

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
I run about 30 head, but have cut 9 so far with another 4 going in march (though we may be adding 2-4 more from the Ohio beef expo so I guess that doesn’t apply)due to my dad having hip replacement. most are Murray grays and the rest are club calf’s. I work off the farm part time, and I also attend collage full time for genetic engineering(so far) and graphic design.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2008
Peterson, MN
Here is our inventory: 9 momma cows, 6 bred heifers, one herd bull for clean up, three show heifers, two sale bull prospects, a horse, two donkeys, a Corgi, an Australian Shepherd and a variable cat inventory.  We have twenty acres, all in pasture or buildings.  In south eastern Minnesota this gives us enough grass on an average year to run ~ 15 cows with rotational grazing.  We buy all our grain and hay.  The herd consist of mostly registered Angus with a couple registered Simm-Angus sneaking in for our son Bodie.  Our daughter Caroline also seems to be sneaking an occasional Charolais into the program.  Every thing is AI'd once and then turned out with the clean up bull.  We start calving in mid January.  I buy cattle for JBS Packerland full time and my wife is a RN at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester.  So I guess we are just a glorified hobby/tax deduction with the plan to help the kids learn about work ethic and family projects.  We do how ever raise most all of the kids show projects and sell a few to other families and a couple of herd bulls a year.  One thing about being limited by acreage as we are,  you have to be ruthless about culling.  If you didn't have a great one by your second calf and I think you had ample opportunity as far as how you were mated, you don't want to be a female at a slaughter cattle buyers house.  With a few tears shed when an old favorite had to go, this has allowed the kids to do a lot of winning with bred and owned cattle.



Well-known member
Mar 30, 2008
I personally only have 10 commercial black/black baldy cows, 5 horned and polled Hereford cows, 2 Horned Hereford bulls, 2 little heifer calves and 2 little bull calves.  I have no ground as it was part of my salary to have these cows when I managed the 1,000 hd commercial/registered Angus outfit.  Now I'm on a 175 hd commercial/registered Angus cow/calf ranch in Colorado at 9,000 ft elevation.  We have 8,000 deeded pasture and hay acres.  No farm ground.  I calve from March 15th until May 1st.  Boss calves from March 1st till whenever they get done......  Gotta fix this issue!!!


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2008
southern Indiana
We live in Southern Indiana on about 10 acres, 3 shorthorns and 3 angus momma cows we AI everything 1/2 fall calves 1/2 spring calves. we work off the farm this is mainly a hobby for the kids and 4-H. We have only been at it about 4 years but it has been a great family hobby and mostly fun. plus we have met some great people at the different shows. 


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2008
South Texas
I work full time on my family's ranch in south Texas along with my uncle and two employees. We have 7000 acres all pasture. We used to raise registered Angus, but dispersed the herd and now have commercial Sim-angus and comm and reg Simbrah cows. In good years we can run 500 momma cows, but haven't had many of those lately so numbers are down. We're in a rebuilding phase right now and would like to replace cowherd with commercial Simbrah momma cows crossed with Angus sires. We AI half the herd and rest are with bulls. Also lease land for hunting.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2007
located in the south eastern flint hills of kansas. we have almost 100 commercial cows blacks ,black baldys ,black mots, then 5 reg angus cows for show cattle, 1 chimaine cow ,1 chimaine heifer, 2 maintainer heifers ones my show heifer the others a replacment heifer, then we have 1 angus show heifer and then 5 bulls and one orphan heifer named annie lol plus some roping steers and horses and goats.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
We bred 228 head this year. Of this about 150 are purebred Shorthorn and approx 70ish are commercial. Commercials are mostly black and Shorthorn X Angus. I am hoping we can get at least 40-50 commercial cows sold in the next couple weeks. The commercial thing is really in the tank here in Canada. Calf prices are beyond stupid, as are cow prices. Guess I will hold my nose and just let them go. last year we sold 72  purebred bred females privately from the herd, so our numbers are down already, but we plan to reduce some more and spend more time working on quality rather than quantity. Getting help on the farm is virtually impossible. I run this place with my wife and my 83 year old father.

I also publish a breed magazine and my wife does website design and produces many sale catalogues, and other breed magazines from home.
We have a land base of 2320 acres as well as some hayland we rent. Over 20 miles of fence to check and maintain. No crop land other than hay and grass.

Our ET program is becoming a bigger part of our operation every year. Right now we have over 20 donors. These 20 cows produce more income than the other 200 females, so AI am wondering why I spend so much time chasing and feeding  the others.

feeder duck

Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
  Between myself,my dad and uncles we run about 45 cow +/-. The shorthorn end of it is about 25 head. That would be two herd bulls (one age 7 and one age 3) One Gomer. Twenty cows with three show heifers. We run on about 40 acres with the shorthorn cow. The remainder of the cows are Simmi/Angus and Angus bred clubbie.One Simmi clean up bull. Two tanks get the job done.
We are actually down on shorthorn cow numbers and rebuilding in a new direction with some of them. Plan on starting a set of Red Angus cows in the very near future. Everything is geared for the show ring. My dad worked in town for 30 plus years and farmed with my grandpa. Dad has since given up farming, but my grandpa continues. I really have no desire to dirt farm. Around here it is way to cut throat. I work in town at corn processing plant as a maintenance mechanic and my wife is an accountant. Dad likes to work part time for an 8000 acre farm operation. It keeps him from going nuts. The cattle I sell pay for my kids cattle. The way this thing is headed one might need to be very rich to play in the show ring, guess that counts me out.


Well-known member
May 16, 2008
chambero said:
My wife's family runs a little over 200 hd of momma cows (commercial Angus and crossbred [Maine & Simi]) plus about 60 hd of yearling heifers each year.   Most of the cattle and land are owned by my 70+ year old in-laws and my wife and boys and I constitute most of his "help".  I have a "real" job that I show up at on Monday morning to recover from chasing cows all weekend.   We'll AI about 1/2 of the mature cows and all of the yearling heifers each year.

We show our own calves right now and sell some calves for show to each year plus quite a few replacement females.

No farming at all other than some wheat pasture we graze and then bale for hay.

I'm like chambero. My in-laws have 21 acres, 5 head total all AI'ed and they are big baby's.


Steer Boy 101

Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
1 donor 70 AI mommas AI everyhting once if it dosent stick it goes or if it has milk it gets a egg. we have 200 acers we try to spile between pasture and hay. yeah its crammed

Cowboy Up

Well-known member
Oct 7, 2008
We have around 100 cows. That was always dad's dream was to have 100 cows. We also farm 5,000+ acres of row crop corn and beans. The cattle are mainly Angus, but some Angus/Gelbvieh Cross as well. We use all Registered Angus Bulls, and AI all our replacement heifers each year. This year we also AI'd some of our older cows. This year we purchased a few Maine Anjou show heifers to get us started in the club calf breeding. We also purchased a 1/2 Maine bull to use on our angus cows.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2008
We have about 30 acres and rent a few more, buy all our hay , (have a huge barn) We raise Fullblood Lowlines and have about 30 momma cows (Fullbloods), 6 recips, 2 bulls ( Fullblood), do a lot of embryo work, collect and sell semen (Bluey). Nancy now works on the farm, getting  calves ready for shows and sales as well as doing everything else, I work part time (mainly because of the economy) off the farm in construction.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2008
NW Kansas
We have about 50 head of cows, 40 registered Braunvieh and the remainder are Charolais, used for recips. We AI about 10 head and put in about 10 embryos each year, and last year was our first year doing that, but it went great so we will continue. Everything else goes with one of our 2 herd bulls. My husband has an off farm job or should I say 2nd full time time doing IT work, partly at home and sometimes at his company 4 hours away. I help my 70 year old parents with their 200 Charolais cows and do all their cattle record keeping, cattle work and calf tagging. I am also on the Braunvieh Association Board of Directors. We live in NW Kansas and own 250 acres and rent another 160.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2008
I have a herd of 15 spoiled Angus cows.  I AI everything.  For income I work as a software engineer at a crop insurance company and my wife is a nurse at a cancer clinic.  It's enough to us busy!


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
My Dad and I farm 1350 acres of Cotton, Tobacco, Peanuts, Watermelons, Cantaloupes, and Corn. I'm at least a 4 th generation Farmer. My wife works in the School System and I'm on the School Board, other than that our sole source of income is from Agriculture. My cattle herd consists of 12 Shorthorns, 6 Angus, 1 Simmy/Angus, 2 Char X, 2 recips, 1 Commercial, 13 calves ( right now), 1 1/4 Bulls, 1 semen tank, and a dirty pickup truck. PLUS the best crop I've ever raised .... 2 sons and a daughter. My dad recently bought a small Red Angus/Simmy herd consisting of 14 cows, 13 calves, and an Angus bull.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Add 1 more Shorthorn and 1 SH/Angus. I can't ever remember all of them without my record book !!!


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
Before I went to college we milked 300+ head, 1400 acres of corn and beans ,250 acres of tobacco and 50hd of Chi influence cattle along with 400 acres of hay and pasture.  My sophomore year at school both of my uncles had heart attacks so that just left my dad at home and me driving a lot, the dicesion was made by them to quit so I found a partner for about 30 of my best cows.  That partnership now includes 250 head of mostly Chiangus cows with the token Chimaine and Chiford here and there.  No real farming just hay and pasture. We sell most of the calves private treaty along with consingments to the KY Beef Expo, TN Agribition and a few friends production sales.  I live 2hrs from the cows so I only see them about twice a month other than the prospects that stay at my brothers.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
Down to about 70 cows and bred heifiers and 4 herd bulls,all of them being Reg. Red Angus. About 400 acres of hay and pasture. Do not work away from home but do break horses, work show cattle and other "odd" jobs to make a little extra cash. RW