How did you meet your someone special?

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Since the high school thread went so well, I was asked to begin a new one. How did you meet that special person in your life? Your significant other? Pictures are welcomed if you dare!

My stroy began in a feedlot! I was the district salesmanager for Vigrotone Ag Products. I had a new customer that had never ordered so I decided to make a farm call. Little did I know that he was a good looking guy! A good looking single guy! He was very shy but I keep talking to him. He said they didn't have any cattle at the time but he was going to the sale barn to purchase some. i told him that part of my job was to offer to go along if needed.  ;) Nothing developed because he was really shy! One night, I was w/ some friends & we were going out for pizza. I told them I had met this really nice guy & I would like him to join us. I called him & he showed up & had pizza w/ us. After that I made some more farm visits. We finally went to buy the cattle. He asked me later how many other people I did that for. I told him he was the only one & it really wasn't part of my job!
We started dating seriously. A couple of months later he asked me for advice about a house he was wanting to build. I asked him why my opinion mattered. He told me because he wanted me & my daughter to be a part of it. Later he gave me the engaement ring. He proposed right in front of the feedlot. The cattle looked on!
We built the house & I proud to say that he moved in the night we got married. He later legaly adopted my daughter. Almost 18 years later I am still married to the most wonderful, cutest guy ever! Still have the cattle although the feedlot has changed!



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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
It was outside of mile high stadium. I got John Elways autograph. Is that what you meant red? ;D

dutch pride

Well-known member
Sep 17, 2007
SW Michigan
I met my wonderful wife at work. Just to show how God can make something good out of something bad, I had been working with my Dad on a cattle and swine feeding operation. Dad got himself in financial trouble ans ended up declaring bankruptcy and the farm shut down. I needed work so I applied at a local temp service and ended up at the same place my wife was. Well I am shy also and she is very talkative so we talked some at work. I was to shy to ask for a date and she was too oldfashioned . Our first "date" was a set up between she and another coworker. We were supposed to meet at a local restaurant for supper after work one Sat. Well when I got there, Mary was there and she said that her other friend called her and her car broke down so could we meet at another place about 20 minutes away. Of course I offered to drive. Come to find out the the broke down car was just a ruse to get some time for Mary and I to spend together. Couple weeks later Mary asked me if I could go with her to take a bike to her Friend at colledge, being the nice guy I am I said OK and we spent another 3 hours driving, talking and getting to know one another. Even missed a turn and went 30 ,miles before I realized it. Well we were married about 8 months later and that was 20 yrs ago. My wife is 10 yrs younger than I am and I always get some comments when I point out that when I was taking drivers education, she was in kindergarten. lol


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Our story spans a little bit more than months. My hubby and I were just talking about this when he admitted the first time he remembers seeing me was in the Yards at Denver and he recalls what I was wearing. He then went on to tell me everything that my cute short blond co-worker was wearing. Oops, he bought me supper that night. I apologized for taking her spot.
We then meet in the summer at the ranch we both ended up working at. I was just there for a few weeks and he happened to stop by. We didn't talk much as I am shy but he talked to the other guy where he pointed out that I was a little young for him. He did remember what I was wearing then correctly.
I then went back home but came back to work for a year on a exchange program. He too ended up working there and we started dating. I then moved in with him and Opp got pregnant. Then one snowy day he came home early and said that it was too wet to work and should we run to Boulder and get married. Very romantic. We did.
When I was born he was in high school, there are 16 years between us.


Well-known member
May 31, 2007
Nacogdoches, TX
I met my loved one in college class 1987, Teaching High School Business, she was preppy I was a slouchy jock.  We both had eyes for each other but never dated in school.  In 1989 a mutual friend reacquainted us on February 11 at a honky-tonk.  We had our first date Feb. 12 and I asked her to marry me on May 21, 1989.  On October 21, 1989 we wed and are still together!  It is amazing how an old country boy can better himself with the two simple words, I Do.  She is still very much the lady, but it has been tough on her surrounded by a husband  , two sons and a pasture full of animals.  Thank God ladies love country boys!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
dori36 said:
Hahahaha - I have been married but can't say as I've met the "someone special" yet!!  (lol) (lol) (lol)

That is the best comment so far! I will say ditto!!!!!


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
Please let me preface my story: I had just started my Senior year of college, and had just bought a house.  I had my life all planned; New Car, House, Degree, then Career, and a Boat, get married when I'm thirty.  I had set a goal my freshman year to date 100 different girls by the time I graduated.  Right now, I was ahead of schedule at 91.

A few weeks into the 1st Semester, my best freind stopped by my house one evening with the girl he had just begun dating.  They came in, he introduced us, and immediately said he was going to the bathroom.  I told her to have a seat, and after about 5 uncomfortable minutes of small talk, she asked me, "Is this fish supposed to be on the floor?"  I had an aquarium, with one particular fish which oftem decided to jump out.  I walked over to her, picked up the fish, and threw it in the tank.  After a few flops, it took off swimming like a fish.  IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!  I was hooked.

My friend finally finished his business, and they left.  They went out together a few more times, and then it quit.  He still talked about her, but hadn't asked her out.  I finally asked him if he was going to ask her out again, because if he wasn't, I was.  He told me to go ahead.

Our first date was Oct. 17, 1973.  She was #94 of my quest.  There weren't any more.  We were engaged Jan 19th, and married July 20, 1974.  We plan a special trip each year for our Anniversay.  Here we are in Kona, Hawaii 2006 after snorkling with the Sea Turtles.



Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
I should have posted this picture.  Summer 2007, Cape Bretten, Nova Scotia out Whale watching.



Well-known member
May 6, 2007
I met my wife in San Diego when we were both out there for a school trip. I was a senior and had a girlfriend at the time so we were just friends. At the end of my senior year I was single again but was moving to the other corner of the state to go to college. So even though we talked alot nothing serious ever came of it. We lost touch while I was away at junior college. In that time I got married, had a kid, moved back close to home and got divorced. Shortly after my divorce I ran into her again on campus at KSU and we started dating however we broke it off shortly after that due to all of the emotional garbage that goes along with a divorce (her words not mine). Over the next few years we dated on and off sometimes going a year without talking. One day on my way back home from the farm I looked and noticed that I had missed a call from her. It was amazing that she still had the right number for me since I changed it so many times in a short span. Anyway I called her back and she apologized for calling me and said she must have dialed my number by mistake. We met for dinner the next night and have been together ever since.


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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Blue Rapids, Kansas
There are some wonderful comments here, and I'm sorry that Dory and Strawboss don't have any.

I too am 11 years my wife's senior, and we both have very strong outgoing personalities. We had both been invited to work for a sanctioned trail ride as outriders. The first day was nasty weather, mostly all business and few words for us, even maybe a little gruff. I was really impressed by the way she handled a horse, and people. I lived close enough to go home for the night, but she stayed in her trailer. Next morning was a beautiful day. And as I pulled in to the site I had to drive by her trailer. She was standing by her truck putting up her ponytail, and on impulse, I stopped, threw open my door, took about 10 quick steps towards her, grabbed her ponytail, pulled her head back, gave her a big kiss, looked her in the eye and said. "Now that's out of the way", turned around and walked away.----The rest of the day we forgot about our jobs! That was Apr. 24-04, we were married Sept. 24-04, then the biggest blessing in my life was born Oct. 4-05.

I believe there is a common link between God and successful marriages. I also, as a man, believe it is our responsibility to keep Christ first. Ephesians chapter 5.



Well-known member
May 31, 2007
Nacogdoches, TX
Elbee, if you meant Sawboss  and not "Strawboss" I have posted about my experience.  By the way I admire a man of action with little words, cuts through all of the games.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i met my wife at an interview for a job in the lunchroom.  we kinda looked at each other, but didnt' say anything, but knew something was up.  i gave flowers (there were tons of roses at my place) to all the girls at work to hide my intentions, then started writing poetry.  then asked her out, she said before we went out, she had some business to attend to.  it turned out that business was saying see ya to her current boyfriend, her boss.  we had spaghetti for dinner at my rented abode.  we dated for 6 months or so, and then went on a ski trip or something.  the ol fling found out, got mad, said he was going to kill me, that he had already purchased a ring before she broke the news.  i got fired for being "disruptive" at work.  my termination notice was the wrong person and my supposed contributions. turned out ok as the next job turned out great.  we eventually moved in together, then married and had a girl a few years later.  i'm 4 years older, but about 20 or 30 younger in the head.  i don't write poetry anymore, to the consternation of my wife.  i'm semioutgoing, my wife isn't.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
OK, then for those not involved, how about a story about one that got away?

Red  (clapping)


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
I met my husband when I was 15 and he was 22.  We played mud volleyball and euchere for years.  Never dated, never thought of dating him...heck he was like my big brother back then.  I went off to college, then to work in Kentucky managing a Hereford farm.  Came home to find my then  boyfriend was cheating with one of my best friends.  I was so upset.  A bunch of people were going to a steak feed and I had no date so I called up "Funky".  New him all those years and couldn't remember his real name lol.  He won 2 50-50 drawings and called me the next day making some kinda joke that he never made $ on a date before.  The rest is history.  First date in Oct. engaged in May married in Nov.

We now have 2 beautiful children and a growing cattle operation.  Like any couple we have are good days and our bad but I sure do love him....even though I cann't call him Funky anymore lol.  (lol he's anything but funky lol)


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Springfield, Ohio
Met my hubby at a GELBVIEH field day.  I was there as a breeder, he was there as a worker for the Cattlemen's Assoc.  Nothing happend there, then  I saw him again at the State Fair, still nothing.  Then a few months later a mutual friend and I called him up to see if he wanted to hang out with us.  He was confused at first which one of us liked him.  But he must have figured it out, cause he called me a week later and asked me out on a date.  That was in 2000 and we got married in 2004.


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
DH & I have known each other since 4th or 5th grade, but he was an icky boy back then.  Kinda went out in HS.  Dated his roommate in college.    Couple years after I was out of college started going out again, got married and still together a lot of years later.   