DA, this is a worthy challenge. you will be suprised that if you call someone like you want to be, they will honestly tell you what you need. i am betting that very few embryologists actually own their own donors and Ai sires that generates as much income as the embryology side. you would probably generate more consistent revenue by choosing one or the other, as your animals would probably take a back seat to your customer's. you are doing the right thing in investigating a career before you commit to a program. in california, the average number of times people change their major is 5 times. at a university where you have to declare before you can be accepted such as Cal Poly, the average is slightly over 3. definately interview people who actually do what you want, do market research on what area you have in mind to service, compare the competition, how can you stand out, gain knowledge, contacts, experience. what type of revenue are you happy with. livestock is a tough business. of all the people i went to college with, i know very few who are still in it. in CA, most of this type of work is done in dairies, not beef.