How much paylean is too much

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
Ok, I wasn't going to answer this question or give my two cents, but it has been sitting here with no answers for long enough.  Truthfully I don't know how much is to much, because I have never irreversibly damaged one by feeding it to much and we have fed PLENTY of it.  It really, really, really depends on the pig.  Did I say really?  You have to be feeding no less that 6lbs of feed per day when you are feeding the paylean and I believe it helps if they have an abundant amount of cover on them before you start.  We NEVER feed paylean for more than 30 days.  We have fed many different kinds of paylean from powder to pellets to granules.  I prefer the non bulky stuff powder, or granules.  We fed a hog this year that got about four times more than what was recommended and it never even phased him.  We have fed some way less than that and it stiffend them up almost immediately.  There ya have it that is just my opinion and that is just what we do!  Best of luck.  When in doubt use caution.