How was your week?

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2007
Parsons Kansas
Gr8 ideas guys and gals!  Keep 'em coming!

Red, finally it didn't rain today!  Upper 80s  and humid!  Worked outside all day, had one last rain shower yesterday and only a 40% chance of rain.  We've had over 10 inches of rain in the last week, it was so bad today was supposed to be weigh in but Wednesday night we had a yearling colic and it was so bad I couldn't even back up to the trailer, even in 4wd without spinning the wheels so we had to call the vet out.  So Friday night the pig superintendent was coming to all the houses to weigh in because we're not weighing our pigs this year for the county fair due to the circle virus. So we agreed to tag them at 6:00 pm my place.  Now keep in mind, those pigs are in 8 inches of mud with 6 inches of water literally standing on top of it.  For the first few days they were literally in "hog heaven" but then it became even too much for them.  Needless to say, after last night, I feel that i can take on any greasy pig contest in the nation.  Our pigs are in a 32' x 36' pen and I had to catch the wild buggers, wrestle them on the mud, and tag 'em!  And to think I grew up in the city!  ;D

Then thursday night we came home and no brahma's.  Well, they were there, just standing grazing so ever nicely...

... IN OUR OAT FIELD!!!! :mad:  My husband was none the too happy!

Then, Friday night we have a nice little litter of barn kitties who are just absolutely cutey patooty!  So my son and mine's favorite evening pasttime is to sit on the 5 gallon buckets or in the hay pile and play with the baby kitties.  So at 10:00, we're kicked back playing with them (they're 5 weeks old now and fun!) and we hear something coming around the hay pile from eating out of the bowls. 

IT'S A SKUNK!!!!!! ::) EEEEK!  I said, my son and i's eyes were as big as silver dollars!  I almost wet my pants!  He came just tootling up to us, smelled us and walked out of the barn!  I almost had a heart attack!

Then the feed store had ordered our 4-H chicks and when I went to pick them up it was double what it was supposed to be.  Instead of 15 chickens, I ended up with 34 of one breed for my great nieces and nephew not to mention the 20 silkies that I had ordered along with the 60+ in my chicken house already!!!!!  My husband almost died!  Thank goodness when we moved to this farm, it had an AWESOME chicken house already built on it! 

So how has everybody else's week been???

Oh, I forgot to mention, the rain and lightening got our dish network ANNNNND our internet dish.  Not fun!



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I moved Brahmergirl's post because I thought this was a good yopic in it's own!
I'll work on mine later today! I get hubby for the whole day!!!!  (clapping)



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Our week started off rough... 6.5-7.0 inches of rain and flood.  We have been trying to get Danielle ready for her first show.  Rough week with that.  Her heifer went into flaming heat, scared her more than ever...but we all agreed we had to get out and try showing sometime and no better time than the present

We showed yesterday.  My husband and I were hoping for her to show her heifer without crying, and to have fun.  Well...her heifer behaved beautifully, she didn't cry, and she did have fun!  BUT it got better!  She got reserve Maine Anjou heifer and Reserve overall Missouri heifer!  I want to tell you we were so proud of her!  While video taping her I had tears rolling down my cheeks I was just so proud.  When they slapped her reserve maine I about fell over.  We were starting to tear her down when they came out looking for her for Missouri female.  I had no idea they did it!  I was so excited for her and shocked that I forgot my video camera back at the tack box! 

I really want to tank you all for your suggestions on helping her!  Granted, I bribed her with Nachos and cheese it all worked!

So, to answer Brahma girls question...My week started off like garbage  but yesterday made it the best Mother's Day weekend I've ever had.  She even started to look for more shows to go to!  So my week ROCKED! (clapping)


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Glad it turned out so well!   Now she will be hooked!!!

We have gone from 8 inches of snow to 70 degees.  I was laughing out load when I looked at the porch of our shop.  We were out branding calves in our t shirts , but we havent put away our snow shovels, sleds and snow boards.

High School baseball is over.  :)  Livestock Judging season has 4 more meets! ;D  School is in session for 9 more days. ::)  We have not made it to any jackpots. :'(  We hope to make it to 2 before it gets too hot! :eek:

Life is good!!! 

Count me ready for summer!!!!!  (dog)   (cow)


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Danielle, I am so proud of you!!!!!  (clapping) (clapping)
Way to go girl!!!!

Killer & I were thinking about you yesterday.



Well-known member
Feb 17, 2007
Well, it's been a week of adjustment around here.  Mike's sister's funeral was last weekend.  She died suddenly from a brain aneurysm on May 1st.  The boys have begun 3 a day rinsings of their heifers to try to get some hair growth again.  We've finally gotten the last of the cow/calf pairs worked this week and moved around.  We set up 16 cows for embryo recips on the 24th on Tuesday, I think.  They're sorted out into one pasture by themselves just grazing and taking life easy.  In another pasture we have cows we've already bred and are ready to put a bull out there soon.  I think we're going to run an Ali son out there.  We have one more cow to calve.  The rest will be September or after.  We pulled all the bulls last year so there's no late June, July, or August calves.  It gets too hot for those calves and it's too hard on momma to be calving them anyway at that time of year.  We'll keep AIing through June, I think.  Mike's hoping to AI or put embryos into 100 head this year.  Chris went out and helped do some field work yesterday getting the fields ready for corn and beans.  He was oh so happy to get to help out this year.  We're looking to chop some Rye grass for silage the week before Memorial Day.  I think that'll be the start of hay season for my dad too.  Boys are trying to figure out how they can work their schedules to help both grandpas out this year.  Wednesday we went to see Mike's sister's kids.  She had 8 kids aged 4 to 22.  The 10 year old boy had a ball game we went to and we worked on graduation announcements/invitations for the 18 year old girl.  Had a great former 4-Her come take care of stuff around here for us.  I cannot begin to tell you what a blessing that young man was to us.  He not only fed and watered, but heat detected, checked for sick calves and even rinsed the show heifers before turning them out.  I'm thankful our obys have good examples to follow like this young guy.

Hoping this week might just be a bit calmer.  We're going to niece's graduation next Sunday.  Other than that we should be able to get a lot of basic stuff taken care of around here.  Oh yeah, we get to get back on the show circuit next Saturday!!!!  (clapping)



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
We are planting corn here in gods country. Have cows turned out on green grass in may in the first time in basically seven years. The old timers saying is that a bad winter blizzard breaks the drought. Hopefully it is broken. About 20% of farming ranching operations didn't make it through the 7 year drought. I think the drought is over. (dog) (dog) (dog) (dog) ;D


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
We finished up corn yesterday & about a 1/3 done w/ beans. Hubby said he has traveled over 3000 acres in the sprayer already this spring.
Steers got out at the farm this week. Glad a couple of guys were around because they were down visiting the neighbors.
My blue heeler was not a good dog this week. He got 2 cats at different times this week. Think the one got away but the other is behind the hay bales. Still alive but if it hangs around here it won't be.
We breed our heifer this week. Both snyc themselves to be in heat the same day. Makes it nice.
We actually could use a good rain now. We've missed a couple & are a little dry. Have been seeing a lot of dirt devils in the fields.
Had a good day w/ hubby. didn't do anything special but it's always nice when he takes the day off!



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Dry is the word here. No rain since the first weekend in March. Been irrigating day an night. Corn is looking good under the pivots and pretty tuff elsewhere. Tobacco and melons look good b/c they have been water about three times a week. Will have melons ready in less than a month. The High School Baseball team swept their first series and expect to contend for the state title. Graduation is coming up with all the hoopla with it. I'll have to sit on the field (School Board) in a suit in 90 plus degree heat but , it's worth it to see those kids reach that stage of thier lives.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
We got done putting all the crop in the field this week.  We've also been calving and all that fun stuff.  I've been rinsing twice a day.  I graduate this coming Friday so that's exciting.  The baseball team has regionals this week and I hope we can win them. We've been really close the last couple years.  The softball team will probably dominate regionals because those ladies can play some ball.  I hope we get some more rain this week to give the soybeans a good jump start.  Most of all....I'm glad that I'm going to be done with High School and get to move on to college...exciting times, mixed with a little sadness...just how life goes I guess  :)


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Anybody want an 8 year old Blue Heeler? Found the cat. Had to crawl behind the hay bales to get it out so it wouldn't stink up the place. Do Corgis go after cats or is it the other way around?
Blasted dog! He knows he's in trouble because he won't come out to the barn w/ me. (dog)

Also forgot, last week i was trying to dig up a bush's roots. Was using a shvel to get under the roots. Shovel slipped & I fell backwards into our brick house. Hit my head, scraped up the side of my face & have a knot behind my ear. Now you know why I have the Klutz of the Year Award around here! :)))



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Tipton, IA
tough week last week.  started off Saturday by losing my best calf (Sunseeker heifer at 45 days old), then my partner called on Monday with a dead cow (Chronic Liver Disease), on Wednesday a good friend called to tell me about his high producing cow on the way to a pasture sale, broke her last rib on the transer between trailers, the rib then sliced an 18 inch gash in her side and the rib then punctured a softball size hole in her lung.  She died on Friday during surgury to repair the injury.  Week did end up better with breeding 25 virgin heifers with no problems and good responses to the CIDR protocol.  Looking forward to this week as a bunch of buddies and I head out to look at Calves on the pastrue sales and take our annual "clubbly tour".  Sure wish gas wasn't 3.15/gallon.  Good luck to all this week.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Tipton, IA
calf that died was a slow starter, took 4 days of babysitting to get her to nurse on her own off the start.  Then turned around and looked really good, would get punky for a day then bounce back and be fine again, that happened for a while,  I assume it was something to do with the start she had.  Unassited birth, and was up right away, but a big calf and she had a case of "dumb"  therefore we didn't get colostrum in her as fast as we should have.  I hopee that was it, the rest of the calves look really good.  AS they say, " if you have livestock you are bound to have dead-stock."


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Starting off this week by tying up 4 of my heifers. First time for 2 of them. Really did good!



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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Beautiful smile, great heifer and gotta love those PINK boots!!!!  Im glad it went great! (clapping)


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Can you tell I'm a pround mom????  I am so glad and told her it was time to try....even if she wouldn't have had such a great show I would have still been the proudest mom in the crowd!!


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Just wonderful! Especially since we all know the story behind the smile!

Red (clapping)