Illegal Immigration!

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
Arion, Iowa
i say we build a one mile wide one mile deep moat and fill it full of pirhannas alligators and sharks


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
All by design and will continue until the American public wake up to all of the other corruption.  


Sean Hannity
Rush Limbaugh
Bill O'Reilly
Michael Savage

But so are any liberal talk show hosts or news personalities.  All of them lie to us.  Turn off the TV!  I have no TV service anymore.  Just internet.  Rent DVD's or just buy them.  TV Programming is just that, PROGRAMMING.  This is how our country is controlled.  YOU ARE BEING LIED TO DAILY IF YOU WANT TV.


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
Chris Mattews
Al Frankin
Bob Hebert
Barney Frank
Norah O'Donnell (went to high school with her)
Any others I missed?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas what do we need? Maybe just one goverment tv station that only transmitts the truth?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
most of us waited 8 years while cheny/bush were in office  ( especially the 6 yrs they had majority)    to see the gop machine in action on immigration ( illegal)...nothing..nada...??    now the "timing" seems a little off for them ( elections and all this fall) so once again they sit on the side lines looking at each other wondereing where the coach is ? ?>.....
im anxious to see all the suggestions....and then try to match them with a real politican who plans on implementing those ( or any ) ideas...i think you'll'' find out your all on your own  ( again) far a gop support team goes...what gop politican has the best idea??>...jbarl


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
What you are saying is set up acorn on the border. Have them manage it.......let in the people who will vote for Democrats in.....turn back the others.  ;D

carl s.

Well-known member
Sep 12, 2009
Eliminate the government's attempts to mess with the free market.

1 - Stop giving government money to non-citizens

2 - Let enough non-citizens in to fill the demand for workers


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
From what I have heard 70% of of the people are in favor of Arizona's stance. It's a matter of survival for them. Than you have your 30% of the politcal correct crowd......the whiny little welp crowd...kumbiay crowd.......the theorist crowd with no world experience.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
aj said:
Than you have your 30% of the politcal correct crowd......the whiny little welp crowd...kumbiay crowd.......the theorist crowd with no world experience.

they literally are sterile.  that's why they need illegals to vote for their policy.  they include both D & R.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
BIGTEX said:
Chris Mattews
Al Frankin
Bob Hebert
Barney Frank
Norah O'Donnell (went to high school with her)
Any others I missed?

yes, they all lie....all of them....they are paid by big multinational corporations that also own interests in the Military Industrial complex.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
aj said:
Than you have your 30% of the politcal correct crowd......the whiny little welp crowd...kumbiay crowd.......the theorist crowd with no world experience.

they literally are sterile.  that's why they need illegals to vote for their policy.  they include both D & R.

hows about the tea baggeres and the independents.?...record numbers of voters have dropped any affiliactiona and went independent and bagger......and we have watched in awe as the tea party has swept the county with its wisdom....quarentee for every 10 thousand.. the baggers can rally....the browns can rally 100 thousand....the sleeping giant has awakened..."do you know where your political party is now"
there is only one gop menber that can pull off a miracle here and save the brown vote and get the gop cheerleaders to accept a compromise in the antiquated satnce on immigration....and that is zeb bush...where is ole zeb?? that " the player to be announced later" for the 2012 election?.what does zeb have to offer from the elite right throne??>..where is zeb??.....he .seems like the only chance they have in 12  to me... banor...whats he think?....hows about palin?..both real popular leaders now...and of coarse its a simple choice between hayward and mccain.....that will be the final punchdrunk fest of all...maybe a    hayward/mcain  poll for the arizonia election here to  see which right opinion is really popular and what side of the 70/30% fence your really on??.....that pretty well summerizes the two options that the right has now on immigration......( thought we might as well start using politicans names and opinions rather than tv anchor men and talk radio hosts.....getting close to awhole page now.) bout you big tex?? sstarted this thing....are yoiu closer to a mccain or a haward solution?.....jbarl


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
McCain sold out to AIPAC a long time ago.  The Tea Baggers have been completely infiltrated by Republicans now.  It was started by WE ARE CHANGE members who have now dropped out of it.  They are running off the original TEA BAGGERS at the rallies.  Literally running them off.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
hows about the tea baggeres .    can i come over your house so you can show me how to teabag?

and the independents.?...record numbers of voters have dropped any affiliactiona and went independent and bagger......and we have watched in awe as the tea party has swept the county with its wisdom....quarentee for every 10 thousand.. the baggers can rally....the browns can rally 100 thousand....the sleeping giant has awakened..."do you know where your political party is now"

the browns have been organizing for a while, at least since the 50's.  once again, your apples and oranges comparison fails.  the tea partiers are just getting going, and the more the general public finds out that both the D & R are screwing them at every oppourtinity, the sleeping giant will be awake.

there is only one gop menber that can pull off a miracle here and save the brown vote .  your messiah mentality is your weakness.  everything you look at is through it's prism.  let the lord in and your worship of man will fade.

and get the gop cheerleaders to accept a compromise in the antiquated satnce on immigration and how will the democrats compromise,  oh i forgot, they don't.

....and that is zeb bush...where is ole zeb?? that " the player to be announced later" for the 2012 election?.what does zeb have to offer from the elite right throne??  you mean like obama for the elite left throne, a puppet?>..

the two options that the right has now on immigration.......jbarl  and the left?  more illegal aliens.  your hatred of the rule of law perspective is leading towards war.    why won't you pay for any policy you advocate and  especially pay taxes on your cash based receipts?

hypocrisy is your first name.

to me, it appears the republicans and democrats are the real teabaggers.  barney frank and the toe tappers. (new washington dc band).

the teapartiers, on the other hand, care about the rule of law and are indifferent to party.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
hows about the tea baggeres .    can i come over your house so you can show me how to teabag?

and the independents.?...record numbers of voters have dropped any affiliactiona and went independent and bagger......and we have watched in awe as the tea party has swept the county with its wisdom....quarentee for every 10 thousand.. the baggers can rally....the browns can rally 100 thousand....the sleeping giant has awakened..."do you know where your political party is now"

the browns have been organizing for a while, at least since the 50's.  once again, your apples and oranges comparison fails.  the tea partiers are just getting going, and the more the general public finds out that both the D & R are screwing them at every oppourtinity, the sleeping giant will be awake.

there is only one gop menber that can pull off a miracle here and save the brown vote .  your messiah mentality is your weakness.  everything you look at is through it's prism.   let the lord in and your worship of man will fade.

and get the gop cheerleaders to accept a compromise in the antiquated satnce on immigration and how will the democrats compromise,  oh i forgot, they don't.

....and that is zeb bush...where is ole zeb?? that " the player to be announced later" for the 2012 election?.what does zeb have to offer from the elite right throne??  you mean like obama for the elite left throne, a puppet?>..

the two options that the right has now on immigration.......jbarl  and the left?  more illegal aliens.  your hatred of the rule of law perspective is leading towards war.    why won't you pay for any policy you advocate and  especially pay taxes on your cash based receipts?

hypocrisy is your first name.

to me, it appears the republicans and democrats are the real teabaggers.  barney frank and the toe tappers. (new washington dc band).

the teapartiers, on the other hand, care about the rule of law and are indifferent to party.
is that a  hayward or a mccain solution ....?...oh thats right...yoiu dont have affiliations with standard politicals......only the obscure and unobtanable pipedreams....i new i should have added "or other" to the choices......jbarl


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2010
BIGTEX said:
Illeagal Immigration! Don't hold back!

Are you serious. How are country people ever gonna get rid of the stereotype that says were dumb when you make this post, and not once but twice  you spell illegal wrong. ITS ILLEGAL NOT ILLEAGAL SMART GUY

Its informal writing on here, so i don't care about grammer issues. The general public that stumbles on this site will go through here and think how dumb we are with posts like this


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
knabe said:
funny how you selectively advocate enforcing the law.  spoken like a true elite.

hasnt it been ignored long enough? ...
topic of the day needs an opinion of the day......wish you had one.......

when you selectively enforce the law, you have none (an opinion or order).  how's that under the table business working for you?
