Inspirational youth

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
While taking pictures at OYE (Oklahoma Youth Expo) I quickly snapped a picture of a young girl exiting the sheep show ring. She was in a wheelchair b/c she had no arms or legs. She brought tears to my eyes b/c I was pouting that my perfectly healthy daughter decided to have a dance party all night long and I missed my beloved sleep.

My question to you is- why are there not more stories about the kids that do great things when faced with trials and tribulations? Why does the news cover so much negative stuff and we don't use someone like her to prove to PETA and HSUS that we do great things with our love of animals? Why are we not pushing for the hard working kids to get more face time in the media? I shared her picture with people on twitter hoping we could get some good press out of it. When I last checked on the Ranch House Designs FB page, where it is in the OYE album, that picture had been shared over 1,000 times!

Just my rant on this dreary Oklahoma Friday.

If you want to see it, "like" Ranch House on FB and take a look. She is amazing and I don't even know her. She got me out of my pouting slump in an instant.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
Chapin, Illinois
I was moved two years ago when I saw two profoundly handicapped youngsters show their steers at the Greene County Fair in Illinois.
They were so proud to earn their ribbons and the crowd rewarded them with a loud applause.

Have also heard of a blind person who showed their calf by themselves in the ring.  State fair level I believe!

Kids can do so much if given the chance!